His wife!

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I couldn't bear the silence for long anymore, it was eating me alive.

I took Bruce's hand and began to walk, as I passed by Clark, he grabbed me by my arm that was carrying the luggage. My luggage felt in the ground and a unintentional hiss made its way out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry, Flever, I didn't mean to hurt you." He sounded scared.

As if I was someone important to this Levito, he doesn't even know who I am; what have I gotten myself into I don't know.

"Why are you in the streets at this hour?" He asked me sounding a little suspicious, what lie do I tell this time?

"Well, that's none of tour business, uncle." It was harsh I know, even the word uncle made it sound sarcastic and don't ignore the venom, now he's glaring at me.

He turned to the man that took Bruce before, and whispered somthing at him.
The tall man looked at me and nodded his head to Clark, he too told Clark somthing but I couldn't make it out what it was. I retook the luggage that was in the ground and grabbed Bruce's hand.

"Does he knows that you're here?"
What do I say now, sorry but I don't even know him and won't it be strange to ask permission to someone you don't know? That was logical, brain...

"No! Now would you please let us leave so we won't be under this kind of pressure anymore?" Finally I asked him.

He turned to that tall man again and they're fucking whispering and I have no idea what they're saying, I hate it when I'm present and people have to act as if I'm not visible, relatable enough.

He now turned to me smirking, well... welcome darkness my old friend.

"I would be a terrible uncle if I don't take care of my niece properly, won't I?" I'm confused right now.

"I'll help you while you clearly need a place to stay now." He sounded like he wasn't asking me for any kind of permission.

I know I may sound pathetic and ungrateful but... knowing him, those intentions he had with me I won't stay anywhere near him; let alone that the man that I mentioned will bring troubles for me. I'm not an idiot, he is acting so differently now after I said his name, it seems like he has an affair or something with him and sees me as a key. But... I'm afraid too, I'm with my little brother and have no place to go. This world is so cruel.

If I use my cards right then maybe, maybe we'll be able to begin a new life, a far away one.

"No, thank you; we'll be good by ourselves." I wanted to make clear that we won't go with him.

"Make the car ready, we're going." He said to the tall man without even glancing at me, as if I haven't said that we won't go with him.

He came towards me and took the luggage from my hands, he started to walk the way the tall man went.

"Come on guys, you don't want to see me mad now, do you?" I glanced at Bruce, he was looking at me with those greenish shiny eyes, it looks like he's pleading me to follow Clark. His nose is red and just by looking at him you can tell that he's been crying.

I kept staring at Bruce eyes, I don't know why a particular person is coming in my mind... just by thinking about his eyes make me feel safe as if I'm on an invisible cage and none who has bad intentions with me can be near. I felt a hand pulling me, i looked at Bruce confused and here I was dozing of... again.

Praying to god that the decisions I'm making, for what I think is good, won't affect my miserable life as much as I'm thinking it would.

I followed Bruce's lead until I saw Clark near a black Jeep... smirking.

What's wrong with all the men I cross path with, everyone of them just smirks. God I want to swipe that smirk from that disgusting face. Dear lord give me strength.


Clark POV

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the girl I once use to have a fetish on.
As beautiful as ever, now she's in front of me. Such a little world.

Even I knew it was wrong to think inappropriate things for my best friend's daughter but I just couldn't help my instincts.

I was taken back aback when I heard her say that she's Levito's wife, that's why he was mad at the meeting. Now I'm putting the pieces together.

I'm not a saint so no good comes from me, clearly. I'll use her for the next deal, if he don't agree I'll threaten him. Who thought he has a wife, and a fucking kid. Guess who had to find out.

"I'm going to take them home." I said to Sem, my right handed man.

I saw him looking at Flever and said...

"I think what you're thinking is going to work out great." If i haven't known him before I would say that he's crazy but I know him since I don't remember and he's a fuck sick with words.

Now I know what I'm going to do and this will take me 5 steps ahead.

I began my little interrogation and then told Sem to make the car ready. I took the luggage from her hand and started to go towards the car that's waiting for us.

I was so pleased when I saw them both coming towards me, like a sheep making its way toward the wolfs, even though they know well that no good will be coming for them.

We were in the car, a bearable silence.

"Where are we going, sir?" Sem asked, well I've already planned everything.

"To the villa, Sem." I said casually, couldn't stop myself from smirking.

After what seemed like 3 hours and a half the villa come to my sight.

The gates where open because Sem informed the bodyguards that we're coming.



We were infront of the front door. An old lady dressed neatly opened the door. Clark pushed me from behind and was blocking the door, like I had a chance to run away anyway.

We made our way to what seems like the living room. I was schocked with what I saw.

The living room was full with men's, some of them were handsome.

"Wow, I never thought you as the surprising type Clark." A blondie talked to Clark with a playful grin in his face.

"Is she worth it?" Now this is pissing me off seriously, talking vulgarly about me as if I'm not here.

Dirty comments and a lot of smirks were flashing infront of me. I really don't what to know what they're talking about. Men's are like dogs this is my final thought about them.

"Guys!" Clark raised his voice, shaking me out of my thoughts. It seems like the comments came to a really unbearable point that even a man himself is disgusted... maybe.

All the eyes were on us, especially on me. Silence invade the room.

....click click, the only sound was the clock ticking.

"She's LEVITO'S Wife!" Wait, again...

Here I am again💜💜💜

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