A first...

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Well today I was nervous, scared, even my face looks a shade of blue. This was the longest road trip I could remember. His presence screamed dominance. Making me feel like a jelly. Now that Bruce's Is in safe hands I have nothing to do with my life so soon enough I'll think a way to end it.

I felt his hand in my knee, I panicked. The warming that his hand was spreading through my whole body it's new and scary. Everything that is new it's scary. I felt my self warm. I saw him with a shocked expression in my face. He kept his head to the road direction, as if he isn't touching my leg. I started to move and hoping that he'll take his hand off of me. His grip only tightened. Well I tried to take his hand off by grabbing and pushing it.

He turned his head to my direction and not to my surprise his famous smirk was lighting his devilsome face. As if I didn't just push his hand away he put it again in my knee but this time a little higher.

I panicked even more, probably began to shake. I moved and his grip only tightened. He turned to me again and that smirk...

"Virgin much, aren't we?" Well I never knew someon could know if you're a virgin or not just by touching your knee but probably my weird reaction told this sex expert everything. He now was caressing my leg. I didn't like on bit this warminess that was present in every place his hand was caressing. It felt so good, I was feeling hot and it was bothering me.

"Stop with th...ahhh" I slightly moaned as he lightly touched my panties. I never felt this rush of pleasure.

"What, I can't hear you?" He was playing dirty games and I wasn't even paying attention.

You know being 20 years old and never getting this kind of attention from the opposite gender gets to your hormones. So I blame my hormones.

"Stop!" I got a hold of myself finally. If I'm gonna give him the satisfaction with the first try than I don't know what'll be left.

"If we didn't have to rush home, god dearest should had blessed your black and blue body, you're such a tease." Well I kind of felt hot at the way that he was talking all dirty, wait since when you're the dirty talker type Flev. This man really makes a new you.

After letting out a loud dropping panties groan, he run a hand down his things. I saw his movements and realized a 'mini mountain' down there. It looks like it was going to explode. Was me who did that?

"Are you okay?" His pained look gave me chills, maybe knowing that finally it's me who did this to him.

"Don't talk to me if you're not gonna do something!" He kind of snapped at me. Okey.

You ever got that feeling when you first saw a person that you feel safe but at the same time scared to death. Well that's exactly how I feel with this man. I kind of feel that he's not gonna harm me, or it's just my too positive mind.

I zoned out since he wanted the much needed silence, I don't blame him thought but it's just that when I'm silent my mind takes me elsewhere...

"Talk, fuck!" What? I saw at the front mirror, saw him again and then saw at the road direction. Trying to find the person he told that.

"FUCK, I'm gonna rip you open right here if you don't talk." Well he turned to me while saying those words.

"Me?" Not playing the dumbfounded girl but I was confused.

"Keep going!" With the snapping again, okey just keep it calm Flev.

"What do I say?" For real, you just said that... let's hope that he doesn't see you as an idiot now.

"Tell me about yourself, quick!" I will but why with all the rush.

"Well, what do you want to know. You can already tell that I'm not much of a skillful person with talking." Better this way I guess.

"FUCKING HELL, I know how skillful you could be. " it really is getting in my nerves all the frustration that is coming from him. The tension is thin in the air. You could even see it with your fucking eyes.

"Really, with what in particular?" He don't know me better than I know myself. I won't let him play tricks with me.

He turned his head to my direction that fast that it could hurt, and he gave me that "what the fuck" look. I just saw him with my doe eyes.

"Did you just asked me that?" It's like a retorical question, I think is something that has to do with his 'mini mountain' that is hidden down there. With the look i'm giving him it seems to get more tensed.

"Actually I did, can you make yourself clear enough for me to understand?" Am I that difficult, don't I make myself clear enough while speaking?

"Wifey, wifey...if I didn't make myself clear enough I don't know who might. My earlier conclusion seems to be true enough." Well the smirk is back again and he's shifting in his car seat.

He was caressing his leg until his hand touched his groin and he moaned. Hot, choking situation. I was clutching my legs together cause something was throbbing.

"Stop" I tried to reason him. For god's sake we're in a damn car and he's riding.

"Ohmmmm....mmm" he kept touching his groin and I tried to look anywhere but not at him. It's just that the way he half closed his eyes and threw his head back. The hair that were covering his forehead going back. I couldn't no more.

Is this what they call it... masturbation? Well I always thought that touching yourself was dirty and disgusting until today. Seeing his movement were making my knees like jelly even though I was seated. I felt so disturbed.

His moaning and groaning filled the car and i just couldn't, i was going to explode anytime soon.

I put my hand on top of his in action to try and stop his movement but with a quick hand movement he grabbed my hand and put it right on top of his thing. And grabbed it, his hand on top of mine directing mine.

It was a big thing, my hand wasn't enough to palm it all. As soon as i grabbed it without his hand forcing me, I felt something wetting his pants.

I looked down and saw his wet jeans, it looks like he just urinated. I saw him shocked while realizing that i touched him first and then being conscious I grabbed his thing.

He smirked and me and licked his lip.

"That's a first." He said with a husky voice. I think something warm was dripping from my 'treasure' and I thing he felt it too.

"What do you... m..ea...n?" My cheeks were flushed red and I was so embarrassed.

"No need to be shy wife, I meant that I never felt that turned on just by a voice. So I suggest you to be more reserved if you don't want to go further. " I was today years old when I found out that I like dirty talking, I was clenching my legs again. The throbbing never leaving me at peace.

He noticed and smirked.

"Looks who's next!" He states and I gave him an innocent seductive look, if that's even possible.


The car came to a stop and here we are.



I want you to know that I write for fun, when I feel like writing I do it immediately no pressure at all. I want that this book will be welcomed by you all and being my first book to get the deserved welcoming attention, maybe the errors and the sentences may be irritating but please take in consideration that my first language is not English and right know is complicated because I'm into a new language.
I felt so bad for this chapter, don't judge me please😂.
Love you allll❤️💜❤️💜

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