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And here we go again, the respectful stares I'm getting are pissing me of. Like for real, I always wanted to be respected and things like that from a guy but I wanted that for who I was not for who's my "husband".

"How?" A husky voice blurted out, i never saw his face just could hear him. Strange

"We'll talk about it, Now!" Clark demands all of them and he leads the way.

All following him in what seems like a "forbidden room" leaving me and Bruce with the old lady who opened the door.

"Follow me please." I looked at her and then took Bruce's hand and followed her.

We we're taking the stairs and she leads us to a room. As soon as she opened the door I gasped, saw a super large bed in which Bruce jumped in it as soon as the door opened.

The old lady in which her name was MARTHA walked away leaving us alone.

I wasn't feeling well, I mean I saw the living room full with men and now I'm in a room with my brother... I just don't feel safe.

Night time came with the blink of the eye and I was staring at the window where you could see clearly a sea of stars. It looks as if they were comforting me in a invisible magic way because I felt their comfort. Then I saw on of the stars shining as if it was going to explode anytime soon, but then It went off. Then I realized that we all have than one moment of happiness and joy in our life but when it gets to much, it just gets unbearable... and then we all turn to our boring lives. Is it to much to just enjoy the moment? I have a problem with that, even if I'm living the best life ever all I think is about what is gonna happen next? It's unfixable, if that's even a word.

I need to find a way to escape from all of this, without killing myself. I need to do that because of Bruce, if it wasn't for him I'd be forgotten by now. I hear voices near the door.

"It's true man, Clark said it himself." I so wanted to not care about whatever conversation they were doing, I just couldn't. I just feel that they're talking about me. You ever had this feeling where you just wanted to close your ears and not hear anything but just couldn't because you kind of knew the we're talking for you, curiosity killed the cat anyway.

"And a fucking child. We really should tell him that they're here." Okay. Now it's getting scary.

"Yeah, yeah I'll get the perfect timing." It looks like he's talking on the phone because I never heard what he/she were saying back.

"Don't call until I do first ok!" And with that i heard his footsteps fainting.

I just can't stop overthinking for my fate, like seriously I know I'm in danger and here I'm. In the place I shouldn't be in the first place. With my thoughts killing me I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Miss wake up, please." I felt a hand in my shoulder and I instinctively shivered, tighting my grip around Bruce's shoulders. I heard him winced and opened my eyes.

I saw as relief took over Martha's face, wait when did she got here.

"Can you pleas be ready and come downstairs as soon as possible." She told me looking me with those pleading eyes. Okey.

"Yes." Was all I could answer with, to begin with the sleep is still in my system.

As soon as she left i woke Bruce up "properly" and then went to the bathroom with him in my hips.

We both washed our faces, splashing water as much as we could just so wet each other's clothes. We made ourselves decent and then headed downstairs.

As I opened one of the many doors that where there, I was meet with darkness but I heard sounds.

"Uhhh, ahhh don't stopppp!" Actually screaming sounds, well obviously is the wrong door, as I was about to close the door one voice stopped me.

"You want to join?" Nahh thanks was what I thought and close the door loudly, took Bruce's hand and with hurried steps in search of the kitchen.

I bumped in the wall I never saw. No how can a wall be this damageless. I lifted my eyes and saw that blondie guy from yesterday watching me with a smirk in his face. Well this early and we begin with smirks. God where are you?

"Well, well if this isn't Parker's wife itself." At least I got to learn his name I guess. I was watching him with lost eyes.

"What are you searching for miss...?" Act normally Flev.

"Call me Flever." I told him.

"Okey, what about this strong boy here?" He scrunched to be face to face with Bruce which was gabbing my hip with all his little strength. It looks like he noticed.

"Bruce..., can you please tell us where the kitchen is?" When i said Bruce's name he looked at me with that 'I know there's something wrong' look. And I glared at him blankly.

"Follow me, I was heading there anyway." We followed him in a different corridor, how stupid of me to not notice that I was where all their rooms were.

He opened the door for us and we were greeted by a sea of smirks and grins, by... males.

I kept my hold tight on Bruce's hand and my head was down looking at our intertwined hands.

"Don't be shy my dear come sit next to me!" Clark said to me and instantly i made eye contact with him, I'm staying to the place he offered me but stop already.

I saw all of them looking at me, some had a questioning look, some had smirks.

"Who's she?" And this question was from them who had a questioning look.

"She's LEVITOS WIFE and HIS KID." And the answer came from the ones who had the smirks.

"WHAT? Like WIFE, WIFE???" Why so surprised.

And all of them just nodded their heads.

I made my way towards a chair that was not occupied. I put Bruce in my lap and was making him cereals. As I was feeding him I felt all eyes on me. I tried to not mind them but it was hard, like it's impossible to not look back.

"No more." Were Bruce's words and I stopped feeding him and started to make some cereals for myself too, because that was the only solution not to move and do any other thing to eat.

"Do you want to play Bruce?" That blonde guy which I never got to knew his name asked Bruce, that made him shiver and started to panic.

"No thanks he's good." I answer for him while I stopped eating just to turn Bruce around so he was face to face with me. I hugged him and patted his back that made him relax and rested his head in my shoulder.

"You know,for a kid his age he's not that playful?" A new voice spoke and that made me search his directions just to be meet by his eyes.

"Is he sick?" So rude. I stirred a little and frowned, it seems like he noticed and spoke again.

"Sorry if that came out rude but you know how kids are and he seems to be different." Well let's keep it up now.

"You're saying that being different is called being sick nowadays?" I fired back, I don't know what got to me but I just said it.

"Wow, sassy much are we?" The blonde interrupted our heated stare.

I turned to him.

"Really is he okay, can we do something?" The worry in the blonde caught me off guard really.

"Look... Bruce has ALZHEIMER, okey. Stop being so noisy!" Silence.

"ALZHEIMER...?" The guy who spoke to me before was now frowning.

"It's strange for a kid his age to have that shit." The blonde spoke, he seems pissed of and in the other hand was that guy who was still frowning as if he was trying to put some pieces together. Strange...

Here I'm backkk. Would you want a POV next chapter? Let me know in the comments. Please vote and like this book💜💜

Sorry for any errors.❤️

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