Scared to death

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We were riding for two hours I guess. Bruce's been very friendly with Lucas and that's not helping. I know something not really good is waiting for me, I can feel it by the chills his warnings gave me. I even could tell that he has no good intentions and I'm scared. You know hoping nowadays have become so stupid, like even if you think about hoping you're definitely an idiot.

Hoping leads to hurting. It's like a window that leads to the pain world.
You think that with hoping you'll go somewhere but it only leads to places you never hoped to be so trust me when I say, no hoping.

I felt Bruce's hand in my knee, he was making a direction with his eyes as if telling me to look forward.

I turned my head to the direction he was telling me and here he was, with the 'fuming eyes' buring holes in my face.

"You where talking to me?" I tried to sound as if I heard what he said but didn't pay that much attention.

"I never knew she's deaf too." He was taking with himself I guess. That pissed me off because he was watching at me and giving me a look, like trying to figure me out.

"I'm not deaf!" I stated. Well really pleased with myself I kept his eye contact. Something I know I shouldn't be doing.

"Well I don't want to call you other names that you so deserve to be called but not in your brother's presence." Wow, he said it with one breath. It's like he's short tempered, ...bursting this way. God thank you I got to witness how a person can become so irritated within seconds. And i complained for my 'family'.

"You wouldn't dare." I made up my mind. I'm gonna try my limits. I'm sure my life is coming to a end soo why not enjoy it. My bother is being take care of after today. All I can say is god see you soon.

"You're in no position to dare me." He sounded threatening, and those goosebumps, god bless his voice atleast when he threat only his voice is what catches my attention. Get yourself together women.

"You too." I can Rest In Peace now.

"We will see about it. We'll see." He kind of whispered but clearly only for me to hear so no shit Sherlock.

I wanted to ask him if we have any longer because i wasn't feeling well. Car trips make me feel weird in my stomach so I never am going to get used to them.

As if noticing my uncomfortableness he spoke.

"We arrive in 20 minutes." Well it's less than all that road we made so I'm relieved clearly.

I just made eye contact with him through the mirror and my face catches my attention. I was pale, I had bags under my eyes. They were so obvious because my black hair color and the bags I had under my eyes made a contrast. I looked like a zombie. Halloween self-made victim.

I just wanted to be free, who am I kidding to I just sold myself to a dangerous man that I don't even know. Just for a little safety I felt when i said I was his wife. How stupid of me.

We came to a stop and I was shocked with what I saw. It wasn't what I was expecting and it really caught me off guard. A normal green colored house, like a box. It screamed peace and I liked it but it was totally the different vibe that I got from him.

I opened the door to get out of the car but his voice stopped me.

"You stay here, Bruce come with me!" He just told me to let Bruce walk away from me, hahhh.

"What?" I had to act stupid just to stay sane, totally stupid.

"And you said you're not deaf? Therapy, rings that a bell?" Well i forgot about his irony but it stings. I don't want to let Bruce to go but it's just the peaceful vibe that Bruce gives when he's near him. As if they know each other for a long time and  they trust each other.

"I don't trust you!" Well I was serious when I said i had to act stupid, you can clearly say.

"Do I look like I care if you trust me or not?" I was expecting that but not this way. Anyway...

It looks like I'm doing this on purpose because I knew that what was gonna happen to me later is nothing but good soo.... Am I that obvious?

"Bruce come here!" Well when talking to Bruce his voice changes, it's like it softened a little. Atleast he's cool with someone.

"No!" I catches Bruce's hand before he went to him. He was out of the car so quickly as if he was waiting for Lucas to call him. Shock...

"You wanna play games?" The low voice and the threat in this little sentence gave me chills. Well two can play this game, even though I know i cannot be counted because a dead person is not one to count. So I better be just myself.

"Look please try to understand me. He's my little brother the only reason why I had made it till today. I can't just let him in someone's I don't even know hands. Please." I was vulnerable but all I said it's true. All the words just came from the bottom of my heart. I never talked like this for Bruce because I never had the need to.

It seems calm until he spoke.

"If I had other intentions with him, I've already done that but I'm trynna help him, ok? If someone heard you they'll all think that you're just an ungrateful little brat!" I declare that this man right here is a no manners one, it's the totally opposite from the one i meet at the store. People do change in different circumstances.

"I'm far from that." I whispered, now defeated with everything i kissed Bruce's head and inhealed his scent, Lucas was watching me intensely I could feel his eyes but now I'm just as dead as a living human could be.

He went with Bruce inside that green house, of course after telling me to stay here and threatening me.

After 20 minutes thinking about my life I came to a conclusion that fate was agains me. Definitely...

I turned my head to the side of the house and saw him coming out.

He was walking like a model, god when was the walk from the car to the house this long. He looks good though.

He opened the door and seated himself taking his time to be comfortable never glancing at me.

For a minute I thought that finally the deaths grace had made me invisible, but no. Not possible.

"Hhhhhhmmmm" he huffed. Awkward it's all I could think about.

"Well, all that smart mouthing will be punished right?" I couldn't take my eyes from his, he had this devilish look in his eyes that scared me. Now I'm totally alone, no one is there from me even god had forgotten his own child so I can't expect from other human being somthing i don't find from my creator.

"Where do I start?" That look again. I'm shaking from fear. Well the day I feared the most seems to be near.

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