Chapter Nine

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A/N: sorry for the huge posting breaks.. highschool is wack.

Colors filled the air around me as my eyes developed within the atmosphere, beeping slammed against my fingertips. I could feel the beeping each noise would make my fingers dance along the cotton, pure white sheets. The problem was, I was not able to control my body at the moment. I looked straight up to the foam board ceiling to be met with a huge centipede like shadow figure dancing among the fluorescent lights. I wanted to scream, move, kill it, but I couldn't.

It was as if my mind was awake but my body was asleep.

I had heard of this before..

what was the name...

fuck it, wake up wake up wake up wake up!!!

I attempted to scream but all I could do was hyperventilate as the creature locked it's disgusting eyes with mine. 

it moved slowly, leaving behind a smeared inky trail.

eventually it made the letter "A"

then I woke up.

My body was covered in a hot, sticky sweat.

I quickly sat up, greeted with rhythmic knocking.

"Come in." I mumbled.

Nurse Nana walked in and instantly appeared to be drowned in concern.

"Sir- Are you okay?!" 

I nodded, my chapped lips pressed tightly together.

She grasped my bicep and whispered

"Are you sure?"

I turned to her and plastered a smile on my face.

"I'm alright, Just had a bad dream is all."

her entire body seemed to relax.

"Okay.. well, as long as you keep up with feeling good, you will be discharged tomorrow morning."

my smile became genuine


then I was left to my thoughts.


what the hell does that mean?

'Guess I'm having lucid dreams now. 

How lovely.

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