Chapter Twelve

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I am simply bliss

Ein looked down at me, quickly wrapping his strong arms around me, As he did so i thought how much I like to be little spoon should have been a sign to Aphmau.

Oh shit- Aphmau!

I shot up away from him and clenched my jaw, "Ein, We need to go." he looked at me with extreme confusion
"What?"  I stared back at him and slammed my hand on the armrest "We need to go and get my kid."

He looked at me, his expression went soft as he smiled ,"Let's go, A." As he flipped the key in the ignition, my mouth seemed to dry out.

That nickname was at the very least, startling, considering my nightmare.
The truck seemed to bounce and hum as we drove across town to my former home.

Maybe this time i'd get my shit back from Aph.

Maybe this time I'll get to see my daughter.

My heart pounded with worry as a pack of firetrucks wizzed passed us.

Ein looked over at me and lovingly rubbed his hand against mine, it felt great, but i couldnt stop the rhythmic slam against my ribcage. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to regulate my breathing as Ein sped up the vehicle.

"I'm so so sorry, A." he whispered as his brakes squealed.

it sounded like a million dishes smacking the floor at once.

I could nearly hear my heart beat as i felt the car flip, nearly 3 times.

My vision blurred as i watched small footed legs sprint to the car.


I recognized that high pitched voice.

But I have no clue where from.

The humming of the truck was replaced with a dog whistle like screech.

And once again, a black void fell over my eyes, almost as if the curtains of a theatre were dropped over them.

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