The Crown

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Merlin had dressed Arthur ready for the meeting. Arthur was supposed to meet Lady Mithian and her father in a minute. Merlin hurried while running across the room. He needed to make Arthur look fine for the meeting of the future-queen of Camelot. 

Merlin hated the idea. He was in love with Arthur. Deeply. This wasn't just a crush as he wanted it to be. Merlin had loved Arthur for years now. Probably since Arthur had saved his life from dying to the Mortaeus flower. Merlin didn't know the exact moment he had started to feel powerfully towards the Pendragon. And he didn't want to know. 

And Arthur played like he didn't know a thing. He did know many things. He had seen how Merlin acted. Sometimes Arthur found Merlin staring at him. And the king didn't mind. Merlin did not usually turn his look away before Arthur did, but sometimes he did. Merlin laughed to Arthur's jokes. Merlin had risked his life over Arthur's many times. Countless times. Arthur was not sure how many times Merlin had risked his life for him. Arthur found Merlin touch him. Just without any need to do so. Merlin sometimes hit Arthur like knights did to each others. Merlin's body language was also easy to read. He was always turning his body towards Arthur in the bigger group. 

The king didn't talk about it. The king stood quietly in the middle of the room, as Merlin was putting the cloak on the king's shoulders. 

Merlin was left to room alone. Arthur had given an order to clean his room, polish his armor and sharpen his sword. Merlin had things to do. And less time that he thought. 

Merlin held Arthur's sword as the king came back into the chambers, sad and angry look on his face.

''Take it,'' Arthur said loudly as he pushed the door closed. Merlin stood up from the bench. 

''Excuse me?'' Merlin asked with the tone of amusement. Arthur got confused. He hadn't heard Merlin like that for a long time, but now. 

''The throne, the crown. I don't care,'' Arthur answered, ''How can I do this to my people?!'' 

Merlin put the sword down. He turned to look at Arthur, who kept walking across the room. Merlin got a bit scared, but he knew how Arthur felt. The felt a weight on his shoulders pushed Arthur towards the bottom of the pit. Arthur had to do this for his kingdom. And he knew it. Marrying princess Mithian would bring a lot safety to the kingdom of Camelot and another-vice. And we all knew it. 

''Sire, you must do what is right,'' Merlin told to Arthur. That made the king stop walking. The blonde looked at Merlin with his blue eyes widely open, ''Do I?''

Merlin froze. Arthur's tone was tempting. Playing. Arthur had got into the mood.

The king took steps towards his manservant. Merlin just stared at Arthur's eyes as the king came closer to him. The king stopped, only few inches away from him. 

Merlin felt the weight on his head. He breathed loudly out, as he realized what he had on his head. 

And the crown fell to his eyes. The golden and heavy crown was a bit too big for Merlin.

''Maybe you'll need a smaller crown,'' Arthur whispered, ''But it suits you in a way or another.'' 

Arthur kissed Merlin's forehead before walking away. 

What on earth was all that supposed to mean? Merlin thought as he took the crown to his slim hands. 

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