Touch The Sky

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This is about fem!Merlin and Prince Arthur. Merlin is not Arthur's servant, just a commoner from Ealdor. SEASON 4!

Thank you!

3rd POV

The Prince woke up as Sir Leon woke up. Sir Gwaine still slept like a tiny pig- Leon rolled his eyes to Gwaine. Gwaine was loud as he slept- and Arthur couldn't stand it. The prince got up from the bed, which wasn't as smooth as his bed back in Camelot, but it was better than sleeping on the ground. Leon looked prince as he got up from the 'bed'.

''Just getting breakfast ready for us,'' Arthur pointed, ''I can't listen to Gwaine anymore. Shall you prepare our horses soon? We will leave in five.'' Leon said yes. He stayed in the room with Gwaine for a while. That drunk head needed to be woken with a bucket and cold water, and Arthur was sure about it. Gwaine had ruined his beauty sleep.

Arthur walked downstairs. As he came closer to the end of the stairs, he heard music. Drums. He ignored them for a while. He needed to ignore them. His head hurt. They had been drunk last night- and it had been a bad choice. The Crown Prince of Camelot walked to the counter, where the older woman, called as Jenny, turned to face the prince.

''What shall I get to you, Sire?''

Arthur gave her three gold coins as he spoke, ''Three of us will eat here.''

Jeny looked at the prince's money, ''I possibly can't take your-''

''Jenny, please, just take them.'' Jenny did after Arthur had commanded her to. The music at the background had became louder. Arthur leaned against the desk while he listened to the music. It was very rhythmic and going. Joyful. Arthur had heard this kind of music before, in the Northern Albion. Men usually danced with swords as the music kept going. Arthur had seen many men trying to copy the original Northern people, but they usually failed. The northern dance was hard.

Arthur heard a woman sing. The voice was clear, feminine. Kind too. Something Arthur had not heard for a long time. As the prince turned around, he saw that there were other people too, and it was just early morning. The room was full of people. And at the tiny stage, there were six men and one woman.

''When the cold wind is a'calling
And the sky is clear and bright
Misty mountains sing and beckon
Lead me out into the light''

Two of those men played the drums. The two of them sang behind the woman and two played instruments Arthur had never seen. It reminded Arthur of a harp, but the man was holding it in his lap, and it was played with both of the man's hands.  The woman had long black hair, which reached her waist. She wore black trousers under the green dress, or should it had been called a cape. Arthur wasn't sure, but he was damn sure, this commoner was beautiful.

''I will ride, I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky
.'' The woman reached literally up to the sky. She was taking the stage into her command, and she had the attention of the people. Some of them sang with her. Some people danced. She was a good performance.

''Where dark roots hide secrets
And mountains are fierce and bold
Deep waters hold reflections
Of times lost long ago.
'' Arthur saw how widely this woman smiled. Her hands were elegant. Her face was fearless, full of joy. She looked happy. Arthur almost felt like she knew what she sang about. This woman felt like a traveler to Arthur. And Arthur already admired this woman somehow.

''I will read every story
Take hold of my own dream
Be as strong as the seas are stormy
And proud as an eagle's scream
.'' The woman's gaze met Arthur's- but only for one tiny moment. Arthur looked down as he met a woman's look. He felt like he was blushing, so he needed to hide his face for a moment.

And the woman had seen Arthur blush. She smiled more widely, as she realized who he was. The Prince of Camelot was listening to her song- and Merlyn couldn't be any prouder of it.

Gwaine and Leon had come into the downstairs. They both carried bags, Arthur's too. Three knights of Camelot stared at the woman, whose name they didn't know. Gwaine leaned, in a way when all the women would run to him, against the table. Arthur shook as he saw what Gwaine did. Leon just turned at Jenny, ''Pardon me, ma'am, but what is this lady's name?''

Jenny was looking at the maiden too, ''She is Merlyn Emrys. Awesome maiden, isn't she?''

''I will ride, I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky
.'' Everyone in the room danced and sang with Merlyn now. Expect the knights. Arthur just stared at the woman. Gwaine had already gathered some women around him- typical. Leon was packing our breakfast while listening to the song, which was ending. The prince just couldn't get his eyes off Merlyn. This woman wasn't like Camelotians.

The music had ended. Some of the players stayed there at the stage. Merlyn walked towards the knights, but she met Jenny.

''Thank you, Jenny. I will keep going.'' Merlyn gave a sack of coins to Jenny. Jenny only took about five coins from the full sack, ''Chase the wind, will ya?''

''And touch the sky!'' Merlyn answered as she took the sack to herself. Arthur met her gaze again, as she turned around towards the door. Arthur was frozen of those beautiful blue eyes.

''God, have mercy.'' Arthur heard himself whispering. Leon smiled at Arthur, as Gwaine just laughed.

''Maybe you should touch the sky, too.''

''And were we supposed to leave in five?''

''Shut up, will ya?'' Arthur asked- which made both of the knights' laugh. Gwaine made the first move, as he kissed the ladies goodbye. Gwaine ran towards the door where this woman called Merlyn had gone few seconds ago, ''Hold on, maid, will ya? Your prince suitor is a bit shy and he won't talk to you before you do! So can you chase the wind with him?''

Arthur rolled his eyes before going outside with Leon.

''Do you dare to chase the wind, Pendragon?'' The black-haired woman asked, from up above, from her brown big mare's back.

I dare to do anything with you, Arthur thought. And Merlyn knew it too.

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