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Childish giggles filled the soundless void, ricocheting off the walls and bouncing around the room. Who was giggling? Who had that childlike innocence still? Who was it, that could giggle and give people a feeling of hope and wonder? Who-

"Daddy! Watch!" A childlike voice called out into the void, the source nowhere to be seen.

"Renesmee?" Another voice echoed into the void, the void so dark that the person couldn't even see their hands if they put them right in front of their face. "Nessie, Monster, where are you?" The voice called yet again but to no avail.

"Daddy! Watch me!" The voice, one of a child's, called again, this time in a different position. Where was she? What did she want me to watch?

"Renesmee? Renesmee, where are you?" The voice called out again.

"Tony, watch our daughter! Don't be rude!" Another voice, this time sounding more like an adult's, scolded lightly. That voice, the person, Tony, knew who it was immediately. It was his wife, Pepper, and the mother of his child-.... Children. So..

It wasn't Renesmee, was it? It was Morgan, wasn't it? Was Renesmee still missing? Was all of that just a simple dream? Was adopting Renesmee, Peter and Harley simply that; a dream? What was true and what was fabricated lies? Why did everything seem so.... fake? Fabricated? Surreal? What was this place?

"Tony," Pepper's voice scolded again, snapping him out of his thoughts. His eyes travelled around, trying to find the figure of his wife and small figure of his youngest daughter but, to no avail, he couldn't find them.

"I'm watching, I'm watching," Tony replied, training his eyes to where he saw a flash of green. Green? Who had green eyes, or green clothing? Was Pepper wearing green? Was Morgan? Was Georgie? Was one of the Avengers wearing green today? Or was it a mirror? Was he the one who was wearing the enchanting colour green?

"Daddy! Watch me!" The voice, now identified as Morgan's, called again. Tony trained his eyes that way and finally, he saw them. They were at the lake that would surround a building Tony had planned, something better than the Raft. "Daddy, I can swim like the White Dragon!" White Dragon? What was the 'White Dragon'? Who was the 'White Dragon'?

Tony wracked his brain for what the 'White Dragon' meant but came up blank. What was the 'White Dragon'? Who was the 'White Dragon'? That's when it clicked. White Dragon, Renesmee. Renesmee was here, but where? Head swivelling, eyes scanning, Tony couldn't see his daughter's beautiful dragon form. Where was she? Morgan had basically said she was here, but where?

"Tony?" A quiet voice asked from behind him. He swivelled around only to see his daughter, fully grown, standing in front of him with her mouth slightly agape. The shocked man studied what this girl, this woman that was his child, looked like. The hazel eyes were there, the brown hair was there but it was much longer than it used to be, her paleness had lessened and she had become slightly more tanned now; she looked beautiful. No, she looked stunning.

"Nessa?" Tony whispered, mouth agape in shock. Was he dead? Was his wife dead? Was his children dead? What was going on? Wait... Why did she call him Tony? Did he do something to her that hurt her? What is he going to do? Or... what did he do to her and his family?

"W-What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here, Tony." Renesmee told him, looking at him with a look Tony couldn't seem to identify. Was that... disgust? Hatred? Loathing? Hurt? What was that look?

"Why are you looking at me like that, Mon'? And why aren't you calling me 'dad' anymore? You used to all the time when you were a kid!" Tony asked, weirded out by the look his precious Monster was giving him and the fact that she was calling him by his name instead of 'Dad'. Why would his daughter be giving him a look of hatred, of disgust? Why would she not be calling her dad just that, 'Dad'? Why would she be looking at him like that?

"You'll understand when I reach the age of fifteen. I can't tell you more, but I do need you to turn around and walk forwards. Walk towards Mom and Morgan. You'll wake up then, Tony." Renesmee replied, keeping things vague. Tony turned around and took three steps forward before turning around and pulling his child into a hug.

"I'm sorry. For whatever I did to you, your mother, your sister, your brothers... Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me, My Little Monster." Tony whispered before pulling away, kissing the top of her head, turning around and walking towards his wife and daughter. Before he reached the edge of the void, he quickly turned around and called into the darkness "Renesmee!"

Renesmee, from where she had her back facing the happy scene that she would never be able to see again, turned towards him so that she now stood sideways with her face pointed towards her father. "Yes, Tony?"

"Will you?" He asked. At the confused look he got, he knew he had to be more specific than that. Thinking back to it, Tony could now see that it was quite vague. "Will you forgive me for whatever I did to our family?" He watched as Renesmee looked down, looking at something he couldn't see unless she was looking at the void simply thinking.

After what felt like eternity when it was merely a couple minutes, she looked up at her father with a soft smile. "There's nothing to forgive you for just yet, Tony. But the you from where I'm from? I don't know. I don't know if I'll be able to forgive him just yet. It will take time." She replied before walking away from the happy family that the Stark family would never be able to achieve again. "Make all the right choices now, and I might forgive you."

Tony, confused and bewildered, slowly backed up into the happy scene that he knew would last forever. Or... he hoped it would last forever. Would it? Would the Stark family be happy forever? He didn't know anymore. He'd just have to make the right choices, and maybe then they would be able to be happy. He'd just have to make the right choices, whatever that meant.


Once Tony had stepped out of the void, his eyes snapped open to reveal his bedroom. When did he get to his room? Looking around, Tony noticed Pepper was sleeping next to him, her strawberry blonde hair sprayed around her head like a golden halo, making her look like an angel sent down from the heavens above. Tony smiled, it was just a dream. But what Older Renesmee had said still bugged him.

'Make all the right choices now, and I might forgive you.'

What did she mean? What did he do? What was he going to do? Why would he do anything to destroy the happiness that he and his extended family would finally achieve after seven hard, long years? Why would he do that? Shaking the thought from his head, the bewildered man looked at his alarm clock.

3.45am it read in big, bold red numbers that seemed to try and intimidate him whenever he looked at the clock on his bedside table. It was only quarter to four in the morning? Jeez, Tony was not cut out for this.

Running a hand down his face tiredly, the father of six decided to go and check on his three children that were currently here and not somewhere with their number one enemy; HYDRA. Hopefully, that would calm his jumbled nerves. Hopefully. If not, Tony didn't know what he was supposed to do. He didn't drink anymore so that was out of the question, he didn't want to go down to his lab since he had promised Renesmee after she had returned that she wouldn't spend days in the lab like he used to anymore. So the last thing he could do? Make sure three of his children were alright whilst fretting about the other threes safety.

Looking out of the window, Tony could have sworn he saw three silhouettes - two boys and a girl - stood on the rooftop level with his and his wife's window. Rubbing his eye quickly and looking back, the silhouettes were no more. Must have been my mind playing a trick on me, Tony thought to himself as he headed towards his son's and two daughters' shared bedroom. This has to calm his nerves, right? It has to. Hopefully, it would do the trick. Hopefully.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora