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Upon arriving back at the Avengers Compound in Upstate, New York, the young girl many have nicknamed as the 'Young Princess of the Avengers Upstate Compound' immediately headed towards the room she shared with her two younger siblings, Georgie and Morgan. This worried Tony, seeing as Renesmee was always so talkative. Was it something he did? Was it something Bella and/or Edward said to her? Or was she just going through the motions after getting her three older siblings back? What was it?

"Daddy? What's wrong with Nessie?" The youngest child of the Stark family, Morgan, asked as she watched her older sister walk of dejectedly. She suddenly felt guilty, now realising how much all of this must have affected her.

Tony sighed, guideing his children towards the main room as Pepper went to make sure Renesmee was alright and nto attempting to do anything that would harm her or anyone around her. "I'm not sure, Morgana, but how about we go see everyone, yeah? I'm sure some people would love to see Peter, Harley and Rosalice again, yeah?" This caused the small family to cheer, running off towards the room. Well, Morgan and Georgie were dragging Peter, Harley and Rosalice whilst the formers were running practically full speed.

Back in the Stark Kids bedroom, Pepper and Renesmee were sat on the child's bed as the latter just sobbed. "Why is it always me?" The young girl sobbed, making Pepper's heart break. "Why did they pick me?"

"I don't know, hun, I don't know," was all the mother could say to her daughter, hugging her child close to her chest while rubbing her back comfortingly. "I don't know why they had to pick you, hun, I wish I did, but I don't." There was nothing the woman could do to bring comfort to the hurting girl, this the woman knew. However, it didn't mean she had to like it (which she didn't).

The two stayed like that, the mother hugging the daughter, for an hour before Pepper broke the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two. "How about we get cleaned up and go see what everyone else is doing, yeah?" The strawberry-blonde asked the chocolate-brown.

Renesmee shook her head, she didn't want to see anyone. She only wanted her mother, who was always there for her. Peter, Harley, Rosalice, Bucky, they weren't there for her; Morgan and Georgie were far too young; Wanda and Pietro wouldn't get it, at all; her father wouldn't always be there for her like her mother would; her godfather, Bruce, would be there but he didn't really want to get to know her as much as her uncle Rhodey did; her aunts weren't all that help with these type of things and her uncles weren't really there for her. All Renesmee had now, because of her father, was her mother.

Before, Renesmee had her grandmother and grandfather, her Aunt Rosalice and Aunt Alice, her Uncle Emmett and Uncle Jasper, her mother and her cousins Lillianna and Ellianna. Now? She only had her mother since her father had banned her grandparets, her aunts, her uncles and her cousins from seeing her and her siblings ever again. That's what hurt her. Tony, the man who rescued the girl from HYDRA and herself seven years ago, knew how close Renesmee was to Lillianna and Ellianna, yet he still went ahead and banned them from seeing each other. Why? Did Tony not trust her? Did he just want to hog her all for himself? Or did he not trust his nieces with his daughter? If so, he was ridiculous.

They were all children! Why couldn't he just let her be happy? Clearly, the man didn't understand the term 'happiness' very well. The only happiness he ever got? was from seeing others fail to try and be as good as him; he finds enjoyment in ridiculing others, he finds enjoyment in seeing all his children fail at being as good as him, he finds enjoyment in belittling others, he finds enjoyment in the people around him suffering whilst he's on top like he's the king of the castle. Well, news flash, Tony, you're not the king of any castle. Everyone is equal in these buildings, but that doesn't sit right with him, does it? No, it doesn't. And so he has to make sure everyone else suffers so his position as 'king' doesn't feel/isn't threatened. It's ridiculous.

"Come on, Ness. You need to leave this room. We've been here for an hour already." Pepper coaxed in hope of Renesmee agreeing. Realising there was no point in trying to get the girl to go see anyone who was in the same room as her adoptive father, Pepper gently moved some of the hair out of her face. "Look, I get you don't want to see Tony, but you don't need to talk to him. Okay?" Sighing in defeat, the half human-half vampire child nodded her head, sitting up. "Good. Let's get changed, then, hun." Once the mother and daughter duo were changed, they set off for the Common Room where everybody was gathered.

Silence immediately fell upon the entry of the duo, everyone looking anywhere but at the child who was clutching her mother's hand tightly in pure fear and anxiety. "I-I don't want to be here, Mom." The frieghtened child whispered as she noticed no one would make eye contact with her, not een Morgan or Georgie which hurt her greatly.

"It's fine, hun." Pepper comforted. Renesmee shook her head, ripping her hand out of her mother's and bolted for the door that lead outside. "Renesmee!" That caused everyone's attention to snap up upon hearing the cry of the mother. Tony watched with worry as his hurting daughter ran towards the lake before calling for his suit. "Tony, don't. She doesn't want to see you."

"And why on earth would she not want to see her own father?" Tony asked, disbelief, hurt and pure anger on his face and evident in his voice.

"Tony, you banned her from seeing the people she loved more than life itself. Her aunts Alice and Rosalice, her grandparents, her uncles Jasper and Emmett and her cousins Ellianna and Lillianna. Don't you get it?" Annoyance started to seap through the woman's words, cutting Tony deep as he realised what he had done. Whatever trust Renesmee had for him was gone, just like any love the freightened child had for him was gone. It would take a few years to gain Renesmee's trust back, but he was willing to do whatever it took to try. Whatever it took, he would gain the girl's trust back. Whatever it took.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneWhere stories live. Discover now