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Steve watched from the corner of the room as the man of the hour started to pace. What was wrong with this man? Where was the cocky man Steve was so used to seeing? Deciding to confront the man about his abnormal behaviour, Steve was the one to reak the sullen silence. "Tony? Everything alright?" The Captain asked.

Tony's attention snapped towards the man, pausing in his pacing for a couple of heartbeats. "I'm not, Cap, I'm not," the man replied as he continued his pacing, hands running through his hair chocolate brown, turning gray, hair anxiously. "I had a strange dream last night. Renesmee was there, so was Pep and Morguna."

"Tones, sit down. You're gonna ware a hole in the floor if you continue to pace like that!" Rhodey, Tony's best friend and one of the many uncles the Children of the Compound - as many decided to call the children that lived in the compound - had, ordered. Tony, sighing, sat down in one of the adjacent arm chairs and started to nervously tap his foot before he got up and started to pace by the fireplace again. Rhodey was about to snap at his best friend again when the door opened to reveal Tony's oldest daughter, Renesmee, with his wife, Pepper, behind him.

"Daddy!" The young girl called, hazel brown eyes shining. Tony's anxious expression seemed to evaporate as he smiled cheerfully towards his oldest daughter, who wasn't quite old. Pepper smiled, leaning on the doorframe, as Tony picked their child up and held her tightly to him. e glanced back to her and smiled at his attention back to his daughter.

"What have you and mommy been doing this morning, gorgeous?" Tony asked, smiling as he sat in the arm chair, holding Esme on his lap so that her back was to his chest. Esme giggled as she shifted slightly so that her back was against the arm of the chair. "Well?"

"Aunty Tashie taught me how to fire Uncle Clinty's bow! Uncle Clinty said I'm a natural, even though the arrow went nowhere near the target." Esme replied, smiling as her father rested his chin on her head, humming as if to say 'really?'. Esme nodded, yawning slightly and curling up on her father's lap.

"She's getting more and more tired recently," Pepper spoke up after she made sure the brown haired girl was asleep. "I'm worried, Tony. Why is she getting so tired all of a sudden? What are we not doing?"

Tony sighed, bouncing Renesmee on his lap so that she felt a little more comfortable as she slept. He was silent for a minute, hesitant of responding. What were they not doing right? Surely it wasn't because of them, right? Tony sighed again, bringing up yet another blank. "I don't know, hun, I don't know. I guess we can simply play this out in the hope that we can figure it out. If not, I'll have to take her to a friend of mine."

"And who is this friend, Stark?" Steve asked after being silent for so long. Tony shared a glance with both Pepper and Rhodey, who both looked at him as if to say 'it's your call to make, not mine', before looking back at Steve.

"Meet me here tomorrow at ten-fifteen and I'll show you." Steve's teammate replied before stnding up, lifting a sleeping Renesmee Imani-Antonia Aku-Stark on his hip. As he walked towards where Pepper was waiting for him and their child, with their youngest son and daughter, Morgan and Georgie, stood at her sides, he turned back towards his Captain. "Just be warned, Cap, it's in Forks, Phoenix." With that, the five Starks left to go put their children to bed.

The last thing Steve heard of the man was what he said to his wife. "We need to contact the Cullens."

Questions started to invade Steve's mind at the given last name. "Who were the Cullens?" The pariotic ex-World War 2 soldier questioned aloud before shaking the thought out of his head and heading towards his own quarters, where his girlfriend was waiting for him.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneWhere stories live. Discover now