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A month and Renesmee still didn't trust Tony. Everyone else had gained her trust since they had all lost it when HYDRA took her for the second time, but Tony hadn't. Not even close. It affected everyone so much, but none of them realized how much it did.

Pepper and Renesmee were the closest, especially when Peter and Harley were involved; Peter, Harley and Renesmee were the closest out of all of the kids at the Avengers Upstate Compound; Morgan, Georgie and Renesmee weren't as close as they used to be but were still pretty close; Wanda and Renesmee were close, closer than they were before; Pietro and Renesmee were extremely close; Isabelle and Renesmee were quite close, not as close as Renesmee and Pepper were, but still close; Natasha and Renesmee were very close, when you got those two with Peter and Harley then you have the ultimate family; everyone else was close with Renesmee but not as close as they used to be for some odd reason. No one could figure out why, not even Renesmee.

Speaking of the Avengers, they were currently in the main room where Peter, Harley and Renesmee were playing Mario Kart whilst talking about the things Peter and Harley had done at school that day. Pepper didn't want Renesmee to go back to school, especially since all of her kids would have to retake their high school years. Tony and Pepper were allowing Peter and Harley go to school since they had agreed to pretened to be struggling so they would be able to stay back a couple years with their siblings.

"Ha! Take that, Spidey!" Renesmee exclaimed, the glint of happiness in her eyes like it had so long ago before being taken away from her. Peter fake growled at his sister, who had hit him with a blue shell. Harley laughed, throwing an arm around his younger brother and giving his younger sister a high-five in congratulations.

"I feel utterly betrayed," Peter said after the trio had finished their fifth game of Mario Kart. The two simply shrugged with identical smirks adorning their faces. Peter sighed with his head bowed before smiling back at his siblings. The happiness only lasted a couple heartbeats, however, before their happy faces fell and guarded looks adorened their faces upon Tony's arrival. This small change threw everyone off, shocking them all. How could they still not trust Tony? Surely they trust him, right?

"Hello, kids," Tony greeted, not looking up from his tablet. When the man got no response, he immediately looked up to see the guarded looks on three of his kids faces. "What's with the looks? Didn't we teach you better than to give that look towards your elders?" Tony turned to Pepper who was braiding Morgan's hair, "Did we teach them not to do that?"

"We would, but can't say we exactly respect-" "-worship-" "-trail after" "you, Stark." The three muttered, everyone, including Tony, hearing these remarks. Tony's eyes burned with a warm fire, not a cold anger luckily. Trust me, they've gotten that response once in the past month. Every other time was warm anger.

"What was that? What do you mean worship? Trail after? Respect? I'm your elder, you should respect me as your father." Tony spoke, slow and clear. The man always did this when he was angry or annoyed.

"Well," Renesmee started, "any father is better than you, clearly. You aren't exactly Father-Of-The-Year material, now, are you?"

"Oh, and Edward was now, was he?"

"He would have been a better father than you ever were to me. So, yeah, I'd say he was." Renesmee responded, shrugging. That was all it took for Tony to snap, for him to transform, for him to change, for him to simply let loose.


The sound of flesh-on-flesh ricocheted around the completely silent room. Quickly placing her hand on her cheek, the girl coward before the man she had once respected in her much earlier childhood, the man she always wanted to be like when she grew up. Now she wanted nothing to do with him.

The man, on the other hand, simply couldn't believe what he had just done. He couldn't get over the feeling it gave him, either. The sense of joy, of power over someone so defenceless, weak. It made the man feel superior to the girl cowering before him.

"Nessie!" Two boys exclaimed, quickly pulling the sobbing girl away from the angered man. "How could you?" One of the boy's, the one with the brown doe-like eyes that seemed to burn with an unforgiving, cold fire, shouted. "How could you do that to her? She trusted you! We trusted you!"

"Son-" The man tried, the feeling of superiority finally fading away into nothingness and being replaced by immense guilt, only to be cut off by the boy he called 'son'.

"No. You don't get that privilege anymore." The boy snapped, eyes ablaze with cold, unforgiving anger that seemed to pierce Tony through his now stone-cold heart. "What's to say you won't do that to me? To Harely? To Morgan? To Georgie? To Rosalice? To Renesmee, again? Whose to say, that you won't lash out at any of us like you just did? You don't deserve our respect, Stark, or our respect as your fellow heroes, teammates."


"Keep your filthy, lying, betraying little mouth shut, Stark." The other boy, the one with the blue eyes, hissed from where he was comforting his little sister. "You don't deserve to call us the nicknames you once had. You know something, Stark?"

Peter quickly took over, stopping Harley from getting up and punching the man before them. "You were gaining our trust back, even Renesmee's. It might not have seemed like that, but you were. And after what you just did? It's going to take you a hell of a lot longer to gain it back, even the smallest bit." The two brothers glanced at each other before looking towards one of their favourite uncles, Steve. Seeing this glance, the man nodded and walked over to the trio, placing a hand on both boy's shoulders before kneeling next to the sobbing, broken girl and pulling her into his arms.

Steve, along with Harley, stood back up and looked Anthony Edward Stark square in the eyes and said something he wished he never had to hear. "You, Anthony Edward Stark, are just like your father after Steve-""-I-""went under the ice. I hope your f***ing happy, Stark."

With that, the four of them left the room and headed to the infirmary where Bruce was, as he wanted to work on something, with Pepper, Morgan, Georgie, Rosalice and Isabelle following after them. Little did the man with breathtaking anger issues know, he would need to step up into the role of 'godfather' more than ever that year, and the years following this tragic event that would lead into something far more sinister on Tony's end of this issue that tore the family apart. All this because the man banned the girl from seeing her family, the side of the family she was closest to.

What hurt her the most, however, wasn't the fact that her father hit her. In complete honesty, she was expecting him to do that at some point so it wasn't really a surprise to her that he did lash out. No, it was the fact that he broke his promise that he made her seven years ago. She had been warned never to trust a promise from the 'Great Tony Stark' as they were just lies upon lies upon lies. Now she knew why. After everything was said and done, Renesmee would never be able to see the man the same way as she had once been able to, the man she looked up to, the man she respected, the man she shared everything personal with.

The thing that hurt her the most was the fact that Tony had promised her that he would never hit her, that he would never try to hurt her in any way, shape or form, that he would always be there for her, Forever and Always. Clearly, that was a lie.

What else had the man lied about? What else factored into this horrible turn of events? What did Tony Stark have up his sleeve? What else did Tony Stark have to hide? Why did Tony Stark run? Was he even her real father? Who was Anthony Edward Stark to her? This child was about to find out.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang