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At ten-fifteen the next morning, the Stark family and Steve Rogers were ready for the long roadtrip to the children's adopted grandparents house in Forks, Phoenix. The family came from Peppe, who had a lot of secrets from the Avengers, SHIELD and the Counsel of SHIELD.

One, she was half Vampire, half human. Lukcily, her adopted family, the Cullens, were all vegetarian vampires so she didn't drink human blood. Then again, she didn't really need as much blood as her family did. Two, she, for some odd reason, could still have children unlike some of her adopted siblings. Three, she did have a 'gift', as the Vampire World called it. Pepper's gift? Pepper's gift was Lie Detection. The mother of six can sense if she is being lied to. She can also tell if someone is lying by movement or facial expression. Being half vampire-half human meant that her two biological children, Morgan and Georgie were quarter vampire and three quarters human. That's why they both have the beauty they inherited that from their Aunt Rosalie.

"Mommy? Are we going to see Aunt Bella and Uncle Eddy? As well as Grandma and Grandpa?" Renesmee asked, snapping the strawberry blonde out of her thoughts. It still broke the young-looking woman's heart to hear her daughter call them 'Uncle Eddy' and 'Aunt Bella'. It just never seemed right to her, it felt wrong.

Smiling despite the discomfort the woman was feeling, she gently took the girl's outstretched hand. "We are, Sweetie, we are." Her mother told her, causing a smile to form on Esme's face. Deciding to take the mini van, Steve and Tony sat upfront whilst Pepper, Esme and Morgan sat in the middle whilst Rhodey and Georgie sat in the back. "You excited? You haven't seen them for a few years, have you, Sweetie?"

"I'm really excited! I haven't seen them in..." Renesmee trailed off, trying to think how long it had been. "I haven't seen them in... eight years!"

"Very good, Munchkin!" Steve praised to which he recieed a giggle from the excited girl and a raised eyebrow from her father. "Praise her and she's happy, it works," the blonde man explained in a soft whisper. Tony nodded before returning his attention to the road before them.

"How long is this roadtrip again, Tones?" Rhodey called from the back of the car where he and Georgie were playing a game of snap.

"Uh, last I checked, forty-six hours by car. So you might want to catch some Zs, Platapus, me and you are switching in eleven and a half hours, meaning you're driving the second leg of the journey. Then we'll switch again and I'll drive the third leg of the journey and then you'll drive the final leg of the journey. Got it?" Tony replied, glancing in the rearview mirror to look at what the Platapus was doing.

"Got it. I keep forgetting how long it is from NYC to Forks, Washington." Rhodey complained.

"Don't we all," Pepper voiced before looking out of her window again. Renesmee and Morgan were playing a game together on the StarkPad Pepper had brought with her so the two were entertained for the forty-six hours they would spend in the car. "When are we stopping, hun?"

"We're stopping in," Tony glanced at the clock on the dashboard, "uh, we're stopping in six hours for some dinner and toilet breaks and to get some coffee, and sweets and stuff. We always forget to get the sweets, don't we?"

"Correction, you do, Tones," Rhodey retorted as he pulled six bags of sweets out of his travel on bag. He passed the chocolate raisans to Renesmee, the chocolate eclairs to Morgan, the mints to Pepper, the fruitpastels to Georgie, the mixed giant chocolate buttons to Tony and the winegums to Steve.

"Thanks, Platapus!" Tony called to the man in the back once he was passed his bag of mixed giant chocolate buttons. "When'd you get these?"

"Don't you remember? I'm always prepared when it comes to food. You should know this by now, Tones."

"Quick question," Steve interrupted, "why aren't we taking the Quinjet? It would only take about six and a half hours. That's forty hours shorter." Tony thought for a moment and nodded.

"You're right, Capsicle. Hey Friday, pull up five free seats on a plane from NYC to Forks, please." The SatNav then showed directions to the John F. Kennedy International Airport. "Thanks, Fri."

"Okay, so this trips going to be a lot shorter, then?" Rhodey asked with a smirk. Tony sighed and simply shook his head before everyone lapsed into peaceful silence. Finally, silence! No Tony talking, no Georgie complaining, no Morgan and Renesmee arguing, no Pepper fretting, no Rhodey being Rhodey and no Steve being a grumpy old man. It was actually peaceful in the car for once. For once.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneWhere stories live. Discover now