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They had finally arrived in Forks, Washington, after a six hour and 25 minute flight. Everyone was quite jetlagged and just wanted to sleep, the three kids doing so. Pepper had decided to, this time, sit in the very back with Rhodey whilst Georgie, Renesmee and Morgan sat in the middle and Steve and Tony sat up front again.

"Almost there now." Tony called out after they had been on the road for a good half hour, the trio of kids having woken up by now. Renesmee looked out the window and smiled at the familiar forest they passed by, the forest that surrounded the small town of Forks in the state of Washington. Looking through the dense outer trees, the half human-half vampire child could have sworn she saw the glistening silver pelt of her shifter aunt, Leah. "You excited, kids?"

"Yeah!" The three children cheered, excited to see their family that they hardly got to see for the first time in what felt like an eternity. To think they barely got to see them and yet they were all so close, it showed a new level of family, really.

Pulling up to the beautiful house, Renesmee's eyes widened when she saw her Uncle Eddy stood on the steps with her uncles Jasper and Emmett and her grandpa, Carlisle. Pepper got out first and quickly unbuckled her three children. Three out of the four adults took a child each. Rhodey took Georgie, Pepper took Renesmee and Tony took Morgan. Steve just tagged along behind the family.

Squirming in her mother's arms, Renesmee's face lit up when she saw her uncle Eddy. "Uncle Eddy!" She called as her mother set her own the ground so she could run over and give her uncle a hug. He smiled, hugging her back immediately. "I've missed you, Uncle Eddy."

"I've missed you too, Small Child," Edward replied, chuckling when the child's slightly pink tinted cheeks went a couple shades darker. "Your mo- Your aunt Bella is inside with Grandma, Aunt Rosie and Aunt Alice. Wanna come in and see them, sweetheart?" Renesmee immediately nodded, taking his outstretched hand and leading her inside of the house to where her three aunts and grandmother were. "Girls, I got a surprise for you~!" Edward called out in a sing song voice before picking Rene up and placing her down at the top of the stairs.

"Aunty Bella! Aunty Alice! Aunty Rosie! Grandma Esme!" The excited child called before she ran over to the girls in the Cullen Coven. Bella's face lit up when she saw the child and was the first to hug her. Smiling softly, Edward leaned against the door as the two hugged.

"Edward, join them. I want to get a picture of the three of you together." Esme, the male vampire's adopted mother, spoke gently in her melodic voice to which Edward nodded and walked over to his wife and daug-niece. He had to keep reminding himself that Renesmee wasn't his and Bella's anymore, she was Tony's and Pepper's. She wasn't their daughter, she was their niece. Shaking the thought from his head, he picked Rene up and held her so that she had one arm around Bella's shoulders and one around his own.

After Esme had taken the picture theo thers finally entered the room, Carlisle going over to his mate and putting his arms around her waist loosely. "How are you feeling, Nessa?" The oldest vampire in the Coven questioned as he watched her sit down at the piano stool with her biological father, Edward. Renesmee simply smiled gently at him before refocusing on the notes Edward was showing her.

"Try it this way, sweetheart," Edward encouraged as he gently placed his cold hands on top of his child's lukewarm ones and guiding them across the keyboard. Rene giggled slightly, feeling safe with her uncle.

"Great job!" Bella congratulated as she rested on her elbows on the piano, Pepper and Tony watching on with guilt evident in their hearts. This family couldn't spend much time together and it was their fault. But, didn't Bella and Edward want them to take Renesmee? Or were they expecting the couple to refuse so that they could keep their child? Glancing at each other, the two continued to watch the little family in guilt. They had stolen the one thing that the couple needed in their lives. They would never forgive themselves for this. In truth, they never had.


"Mommy! Daddy!" Rene called as she made eye contact with Tony and Pepper. You could practically see Bella and Edward deflate at the names being used on their sister and brother-in-law.

"What is it, Munchkin?" Tony asked from where he was talking to Carlisle on the sofa. "What did Uncle Eddy give you today, hm?" Placing the child on his lap, he chuckled softly when he saw the remains of sugar around her lips.

"He gave me sugar!"

"I can see that. How much?" The father asked, gently wiping the sugar off his daughter's mouth with the pad of his thumb. Renesmee looked down slightly with feigned guilt causing Tony to chuckle again. "How much did he give you, Ness?"

"A bit..."

"And how much is a bit, in your own words?" He had an inkling that it was a bit more than they normally gave her, but he wasn't complaining. Edward should really think before he gives his nieces and nephew sugar. It's not him he has to worry about, it's his adopted sister, Pepper.

"Umm.... He gave me.... Three bars of chocolate! Ooh, and some Jolly Ranchers! And two packets of Fruit Pastels and three packets of Jelly Tots!" The girl rambled, just as her mother walked in. Her face, since Edward was at the piano, even made Carlisle gulp with worry for his adopted son. When you give a child sugar, you better hope that it's not Pepper Potts-Stark's kids you gave that sugar to otherwise you are a dead man and/or woman.

"Edward....." Pepper trailed off, turning to her borther who gulped. She walked over to him, leant down so she could easily speak into his ear and said one thing that everyone, vampire or not, could hear because of the dead silence. "Run." And boy did that man run.

Never mess with the Potts-Stark children, ever! That is, unless, you have a death wish and are willing to die at the hands of the CEO of Stark Industries then sure! Go right ahead! Be my guest! If not? Then run for the high hills and hope she never finds you. And man, do I wish you the best of luck. She is ruthless.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneWhere stories live. Discover now