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After the whole Edward and sugar fiasco, the family and guest decided to spend some time outside. It was a cloudy day so the vampires didn't have to worry about shining like diamonds in the sun which was good. Everyone was watching the three kids play around with Emmett and Jasper. "She's grown up into a fine little lady," Esme commented after a while. "Both Morgan and Nessa have."

"And Georgie's grown into a fine young lad, as well." Carlisle added, smiling at his adopted daughter and son-in-law. Pepper and Tony smiled at each other before looking back out at their three children, messing around with two of their many uncles.

"Are you gonna go through with you and Bella's idea, Capsicle?" Tony asked, looking towards his teammate. Steve gave a breathless chuckle at the nickname before looking at the treetops, soft smile on his face.

"Bella and I are going to the orphanage next month." Steve looked back towards the man he now considered a brother, realising in that moment how young the man looked next to his wife. "So yeah, we are."

"Oooh~ We'll have more grandchildren, honey!" Esme squealed, causing everyone to laugh. Tony, Pepper, Steve and Rhodey all smiled at each other, before a scream cut off the happiness the family shared.

"Leave my sister alone!" The unmistakeable voice of Renesmee Imani-Antonia Aku-Potts-Stark shouted, holding her little brother close to her side. In that moment Steve took notice how much older Renesmee looked, as if she had aged a couple years. "We did nothing to you, Winter!"

"I'm not letting her go," a gruf voice spoke from behind a mask as three other people came out of the forest. "And you'll pay for abandoning us, all three of you will."

"I left to keep my siblings safe."

"Really? You kept them, what? Safe? Protected? Who did you leave behind, though? You left behind your uncle, your two brothers, your twin sister. You picked your younger siblings over your older siblings." A female voice retorted.

"I did it to protect them, as my brothers and sister would have done for the three of us! I stepped up to the plate, to the responsibilities, they left!"

"Really? They left you responsibilities? Like what?" The gruf voice from before, identified as Winter, questioned.

"Easy." The child looked towards the figure with the spider symbol on his chest. "You left me with the responsibility of being Queens new vigilante since their old vigilante had left the scene so suddenly, as if he were ungrateful!" She then turned towards the figure with the wolf head symbol on his chest. "You left me with the responsibility of being the smart child, being the perfect child and setting the example for our brother and sister." She turned once more twards the female figure with the hurricane symbol on her chest. "And you left me with the responsibility of teaching our sister what you taught me. Never to give up but that's all I ever wanted to do since I got back, since Wanda and Pietro saved the three of us from Lucifer."

"So what? We don't care. We left the three of you, good. But it's the other way around! You left us! We never left you, you left us to Lucifer's rath! How could you?" The two boys screamed, tears evident in their trembling voices.

"I never meant to! You think I wanted to leave you? You think I wanted to leave my best friends, my borthers, my sister, my family?" Renesmee screamed back. By now Winter had let go of Morgan and she had run over to where her twin and older sister were, tear streaks evident on her face. In a much quitter voice, Renesmee spoke again. "You really think I wanted to leave my family?"

"We don't know what to think anymore," the girl replied, taking off her mask to reveal a girl, about Renesmee's age, with light blonde hair. "We want to believe you didn't want to leave us, Ness, we do. But..."

"You don't know what's fabricated and what's not." Esme replied, tears in her eyes. Hazel met blue and the older one pulled the younger into a tight hug, allowing the brown haired girl to just sob into her chest. The two boys, after sharing a glance, also took off their masks to reveal a boy with doe eyes and a boy with blue eyes. These three children were Rosalice Stark, Peter Stark and Harley Stark. Which only meant... Taking off the mask covering his face, the owner of the gruf voice was revealed. The sight only made Renesmee ob harder. Right in front of her was her beloved uncle who she thought to be dead; Bucky Barnes.

Peter and Harley quickly pulled their two sisters into a hug, comforting each other. Glancing over to his younger brother and sister, Peter smiled softly and held out his hand for the two to take. They did and the boy pulled the two in for a hug, keeping the youngest in the middle with their Renesmee. After noticing his nieces and nephews reactions and tears, Bucky knelt on the ground next to them before hugging the six children close to him.

"We're here now. We're here and we're safe, I promise." The man promised before they were cut off by four voices calling out to them.

"Bucky? Peter? Harley? Rosalice?"

Peter, Harley, Rosalice and Bucky all sighed. They had a lot of explaining to do.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora