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"Albus? What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" Steve asked once he saw who it was. Albus sighed tiredly, shaking his head.

"It's not. Everyone's getting rather impatient back at the school, awaiting the six of them." Albus responded, watching as Edward quickly dropped one of the six children everyone was waiting for and watching as she ran towards her father, Tony.

"Daddy!" The girl cried, wrapping her arms around the man's waist. "Daddy, who's that?"

Tony rested a hand on his child's head, not taking his eyes off the man who had tried to take his child. "You are to never go near her again. Understood?" Steve asked, standing next to his teammate and one of his nieces with a pure looke of anger on his face.

"You know I cannot obey that." Albus responded, attempting to take a step closer to Renesmee only to have two guantlets and a shield in his face.

"Try it, I dare you." Rhodey bit back as he stood in front of the young child, blocking her from the old man's view. "You touch her, I'll kill you. Is that understood, you doggery old man?" Albus sighed but nodded, knowing it was time to give up. There was no point going on.

"Fine. Steve, you know what I needed to do. Minerva's not going to be happy that you stopped me." Albus spoke, looking Steve directly in the eyes.

"I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be so happy with what you attempted to do here tonight, Albus. Why don't you run on back to her? Get your ass whooped while you're at it, yeah?" Albus sighed again before disapparating.

"Daddy, can we go home? I don't want to be here anymore." Renesmee asked as she looked up at her father who nodded. They couldn't stay here for a whole month, not when their kids weren't safe.

"Our kids aren't safe here, we're taking them home." Tony said, looking directly at Carlisle.

"Now?" Edward asked, anger evident on his features.

"Yes." Steve responded.

"No! You can't! We have the right to see Renesmee, more than you do!" Bella argued, stepping forward.

"Bella," Pepper started, only to be cut off by her sister-in-law.

"No! I'm not letting you leave, not now!"

"Bella, let them go. They're doing what's best for their daughter." Jasper spoke up after being quite for so long.

"Why should I? She's not theirs anyway, she's mine and Edward's! She deserves to stay here, she is going to stay here! And that. Is. That!"

"Bella, we can't fight them on this. She's Pepper and Tony's, she's not ours. She goes where they go, not where we want her to go. We gave that up when we gave her up. We're lucky we even get to see her as much as we do."

"And this will be the last time you'll see her, Rosalice, Peter, Harley, Morgan or Georgie. Our family isn't safe with any of you. Mom, Dad, Japser, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, I love you all but I don't want to risk the lives of my children. I just can't, especially not when I just got three of them back."

"We understand, you want your children safe. As we want you safe, but looking at who you surround yourself with, that isn't quite possible, is it?"

"No, unfortuantly not." Pepper agreed, watching as her husband and oldest daughter hugged each other tightly. They had to leave, they just had to.

Book Three; Final Three Plus OneWhere stories live. Discover now