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I burst into the dining pavilion with a storm of rage. Suddenly the noise seized and all eyes fell on me,I cower beneath the gazes and regretted doing this feeling embarrassed at looks I got from Dionysus and Chiron.

No! Remember why your here I told myself and took three steps forward ignoring the campers that sat around me and continued to stare straight at the confused and slightly startled Centaur at head table.

I gripped the box tightly finding the courage i needed and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear,''What happened to Percy Jackson and the others!''

Everyone started murmuring and staring at me like i was crazy except for Chiron who tried to hide a terrified look on his face. Mr D saw this and quickly spoke before he gave himself away. Mr D glared at me with confusion and irritation like I was the stupidest thing alive,"Who in the name of Nico is Percy Jackson?''

Somewhere in the underworld
The god of the underworld sat on his throne and cursed in Greek when he heard Dionysus say his name,"Why must they always use my name as a curse!",he suddenly realised just how much his father had hated it too and pushed the thought back deep into his memory. 

Camp half blood
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!"I yelled at them. Mr D laughed a little,"I really have know idea what your talking about--"

I threw the box down on the stone floor and it's contents spilled. Gasps of disbelief and confused murmuring was heard "ring any bells?''I asked waiting for him to deny it instead I got a defeated sigh from Chiron.

Chiron rose his hands in front him in surrender and what he said next amazed and horrified everyone,"Silence! Campers calm down and I'll tell you a story"his voice calmer and a strange aura now radiated from him.

"Once there was a great hero",Chiron's voice was slow and calm, filling everyone with fear and anxiety. He'd never spoke like this before. He eyed every demigod before continuing

"Some called him the greatest. He was the saviour of Olympus everyone either loved him or hated him. He had the respect of all the gods and his enemies feared him. He was an unstoppable warrior,a weapon of the gods but like all heroes he met a tragic untimely end. His true enemy soon overcome him,plundering him,shattering his very soul...it was his fatal flaw, loyalty and loyal he was to the very end,loyal to his friends,his family,his love...
His name was Perseus Jackson, son of a faded god, Poseidon, fallen god of the seas and brother of Lord Zeus"there was dead silence as everyone's mind was racing even the children of Athena could barely process so much so quick,"I believe it began shortly after a great war with the Primordials..."

Flashback: 5years ago
The entire Olympus rippled with excitement. Today was the day seven warriors achieved godhood and the whole planet wanted to witness it.

Inside the throne room sat the twelve Olympian gods with seven heroes kneeling before them.

Percy's POV
"....and so for you're bravery and victory in the wars that had claimed so many...",Zeus stood before his throne clothed in a pure white robe with lightning blue Greek symbols written all over bit I was too excited to decipher what it said,he glanced over at the other gods before continuing,"...we the gods--and goddesses of Olympus have decided to honor you as thanks for fighting to save Olympus from yet another enemy.

Jason Grace! My son,rise and step forward", Jason rose and took two steps towards Zeus's throne and bowed,"you have shown courage in face of hardship and proven yourself a true hero. You my son, is worthy of godhood. Do you accept?''

Olympus Has Fallen [On Hold]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ