Remember Me

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Sunlight streamed through the window in delicate golden rays. In the distance the ocean roared as waves crashed against the shore and the gentle breeze carried the sweet sent of ripe grapes all by the way to my room. Yawning I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes then looked at the clock,"8:30! Why hadn't the alarm go off? Oh my gods I'm so busted."

Running to the bathroom I quickly got ready and went outside. They'll find out sooner or later so it's better I just come clean now. I slowly ascended the steps of the big house.

The door to Chiron's office was half open,inside he sat in human form with his back to the door. In front him folders were scattered across his huge oak desk. They were the files of teenagers. They all camp half-blood T-shirt,demigods maybe, but I've never seen them at camp before.

I knocked on the door, "um....Chiron...?"

"Miss Piper!",he aid without looking around,"come in I've been meaning to talk to you". He closed the folders he were examining then turning his wheelchair to look at me he motioned to a coach for me to sit.

"Where were you this morning?",he asked as soon as I sat.

"Um....yeah,that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about"I said. He leant forward obviously interested,"I've been having nightmares".

"Nightmares?",he echoed,"about what?"

"That's the problem, I can't remember. They keep me up at nights sometimes. I'm...I'm afraid to close my eyes because the I'll fall asleep and-",i pressed my eyes shut in frustration and ran a hand through my hair trying to remember but it all seemed so hazy."I try staying awake but the longer I go without sleeping....''

''The longer you will when you finally do'',behind his glasses his dark beady eyes shone with ancient wisdom and understanding. He wheeled his chair slowly towards me and taking my hand in his he smiled warmly, ''it's alright ,Piper. We'll get through this together. I'll never let anything happen to you, I promise''

I promise..I promise..The words echoed in my head over and over hammering on my brain so much I thought it would just explode. I started crying for no reason, a wave of sadness washed over and I felted like I had just lost someone I truly loved. My vision became blurred by the tears and my heart ached as if it had been shattered into a thousand pieces. I couldn't hear anything anymore except my dumb subbing and my racing heart. There was a flash of light that seemed to burn through me and burn away all the darkness and emptiness I never knew was there.

I wasn't on the couch with Chiron anymore. I sat in a huge field of grass laden flowers it looked like a rainbow had settled on the plain. The sun sat low in distance, it's crimson rays made the flowers and grass glisten like magic while it poured through the leaves of the tree above me casting shadows all around us. "So is this romantic enough for you?" Half startled by the sudden voice I found myself staring into a pair of electric blue eyes. I realised I sat in the arms of a boy with golden hair and a dazzling smile. "Sorry",he apologized smiling which revealed rows of perfect whit teeth,"didn't mean to startle you''. I tried to get up,to get out of this stranger's arms but I couldn't. I sat there staring at him. I could see his piercing eyes and warm smiled but I still couldn't see his face perfectly because of the sun that was perched behind him yet still everything seemed so right,so...perfect. I felt his warm hand rest against my cheek softly and immediately my heart leaped with longing and I sunk in a heap at the sound of his voice. Oh,that voice."Don't worry",he said softly entwining his fingers in my hair then turned my head so we stared into each other's eyes,even though I couldn't see his face perfectly I knew he had a serious look on his face, he placed his other hand on my left cheek and spoke softly yet dead serious,''I will never let anything happen to you. I love you,Piper"

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