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The cavern was dark and depressing but far from silent. My shackles were all but broken now. My time in the underworld was ending and my will and power quickly returning.

Even now, chained deep inside the cavernous gloom of Tartarus, slivers of my essence could reach the world above and I couldn't help laughing to see that it was in chaos.

This must be how Kronos felt, I though. Knowing Olympus quaked at his inevitable return but could do nothing to stop it, knowing they feared him.

I could relate with the mad Titan's love of fear. It felt good knowing your enemies were afraid of you, knowing everyone was.

Fear ensured victory and servitude where willing loyalties failed, and I plan on reigning for a very, very long time.

I can see them now, my enemies, planning, hoping. I can hear them praying to gods who can't even save themselves. I can feel their fears, their hatred. I could live off those fears.

"It breaks my heart to see you go," the all-too-familiar voice of my torturer said.

I stared at the Primordial—or at least where he should be. I still could see nothing, but my strength was returning and I could feel his aura greatest there.

"Breaking hearts is kind of my thing," I answered lamely, my voice raspy and weak but at least audible. "Preferably with a knife. Or a sword."

I should probably kill him too, I thought, knowing well he could still read my mind. As soon as I've dealt with the Olympians, it's his turn. I'll make it slow and painful, relishing each scream I rip from his throat.

It's thoughts like these that have kept me from going too crazy in this black pit of despair.

"Your brother is searching for you," Tartarus said as if I didn't already know this. "I promised him I won't interfere with his quest, but not every monster in the pit is as kind as I am. It'd be a shame if he were to die down here…"

Yes, the oath. The Olympians's lives will be traded for ours. Our prisons will be theirs. A fitting punishment it was, but I'll still kill them after a few months of torture. They'd made the mistake of keeping their enemies here, and look how well that turned out! It'd be much better to just fade them all. Staring with Zeus, of course.

"Just go away Tartarus," I said tugging on my chains so its noice could fill the cavern. "Leave me to my misery."

The Primordial laughed, a cold and bitter sound that was more echo than laughter. "You'll fail, you know that right?" He said. "You're not the first to oppose the gods. The Titans tried, the Giants too… both were defeated, twice. Do you truly think so highly of yourselves? You'll fail. You'll all fail and you'll end up right back here, if they don't fade your asses first."

"Always the downer," I chided. "No wonder you don't have any friends."

I could almost see him now, though just a large shape in the dark, and I could tell he was angry. "I have lived longer than almost any other being in this world. Even now when so many eras have past and gods, Titans and Primordials have faded. Still, I live."

His gaze was unwavering. Little more than a pair of black orbs amid the dark but enough to send unwanted chills down my spine.

"This isn't the first war to be waged against Olympus," he said. "Many have tried and failed before you, and your war won't be the last. Remember that, Perseus, as your ichor stains the throne room of the gods, and your followers are cut down by Zeus's wrath. Ponder on this as you go to fight your lost cause."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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