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Clarisse's POV

Piper sighed as she closed her eyes. Her shoulders relaxed and the area of warmth she created got even more beautiful, the grass got greener, the flowers looked more colorful, even the air smelt cleaner. It felt like the magic of the golden fleece. Her body glowed a warm pink, then brighter as she started to achieve her divine form.

Then the warm glow stopped and her body started shaking. At first I thought it was the cold but that wasn't it, she was scared of something, maybe she was lost in a memory. "Jason…" her voice sounded faint and scared and I knew what was happening.

"Piper?… Piper listen to me. Don't give in to it. Think about something else, Piper!" I tried to shake her awake and even used my power but nothing happened.

"Don't you dare touch him!" She screamed, her voice shattering the dome of warmth she'd made. Immediately the blizzard rushed in. Cold wind and snow formed around us as the patch of grass and flowers withered. The winds were stronger now as I had to use all my strength to keep standing. Piper, however was unfazed by this. She still stood were she was, snow and wind curved around her dim glowing form as her hair swung behind her. Her eyes were closed but a terrified expression covered her face but not for long as I could feel her anger and hatred come off in tendrils of pure energy. Her fists clenched and her aura grew massively as she screamed again, "I said don't fucking touch him!"

Pure energy erupted from her so strong the snow melted and the winds were scattered, I felt myself lifted high up then thrown down in a puddle of water by the disoriented wind.

My chest hurt like Styx and I was sure I'd broken a rib or two. The blizzard had cleared immensely but my vision was still dazed and my ears rang. Forcing myself to my feet I scurried over to Piper but I stopped suddenly as I saw  her divine form.

She stood encased in a brilliant array of color. Her hair was braided with golden thread so she looked like an ancient Greek goddess. Her armor had change from bronze to Stygian iron with a golden cape and a symbol of a dove was engraved in her breastplate, the symbol looked like Aphrodite's but it was a dazzling silver so it looked like it was flapping its wing as golden ichor seemed to shimmered off it. The armor looked like something between Greek and medivel and futuristic. Piper's eyes were open now and she was staring straight at me. Her eyes shifting and as if a thousand thoughts raced through them. I don't know why but somehow I felt intimidated by her, she looked almost nothing like a love goddess. Her armor and aura screamed dangerous war goddess but her face was exactly what a love goddess was to look like.

"Help–" she tried to say but her eyes fell shut and she started falling. I got over my surprise as I ran to catch her, as I did she shrank to her normal form and muttered something I couldn't make out.

Percy's POV

Rain battered the cliff in its fury as lightning reached down to strike the earth and fire caused havock, burning wild and uncontrolled. Annabeth was in the centre of the chaos, fighting like a monster. Her infinite daggers of celestial bronze disintegrating monster after monster.

Fighting my way through the storm I made it to her side. We were unstoppable, fighting back to back and destroying every monster that came close. Soon all the monsters were gone, retreating as they knew they could not win.

"You okay?" I asked turning to her. Annabeth smiled, she was covered in monster dust and her forehead was cut but already healing.

"As long as your here with me," she said drawing me closer for kiss as I hugged her close to me. A sharp swish rang through the air followed by a soft thud. I heard a light gasp and Annabeth felt heavier in my arms. Her grey eyes filled with confusion and terror as she fell.

Olympus Has Fallen [On Hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora