Girls Will Play While The Boys Are Away

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Before they knew it was time for Bjorn and Benny to go if they were to get to Slottsholmen on time for Bjorn's meeting. Anna had filled the pool truck with snacks and drinks as it was at least a 3 hour drive. Ordinarily Bjorn would stay the night and return the next day but all joking aside he wanted to come back to Ekero and Anna, this time he also had Benny with him so they could share the driving. They had loaded coats, boots and music and were ready to go. Anna and Frida were stood arm in arm watching and Anna was getting a little anxious "Please be careful you two, please don't have an accident on the motorway" she fretted. "Little one, I'll bring him back to you" Benny said reassuringly as he kissed her cheek "I'm worried for you as well" Anna said firmly "Well thank you, we will take good care Anna, try not to worry" he left her to hug Frida. Bjorn wrapped his arms around her and said reassuringly "We will be back before you know it. Anything you want?" "Maybe the paper please if you get chance" she whispered. "Bjorn please be careful, let me know how you're doing. I do love you" Bjorn grinned, he would never get tired of hearing it "and I love you too, I'll be very careful and I promise you that we will be home as soon as we can" he kissed her and hopped into the back of the truck. He and Benny had discussed this last night and they felt that as Bjorn hadn't left the compound for days and Benny had been the last one in, that Benny driving back out would cause less uproar. The girls watched as Benny drove the truck down the drive and Anna couldn't help a few tears as she turned away to go back indoors. Frida followed her up the steps and felt her pain. It was silly, they would be back soon but she couldn't deny that she was fighting tears back too.
They got back into the kitchen and both took their coats off. Anna had to fetch a tissue and blow her nose. "Right" said Frida bracingly "Cup of tea first then some cooking?" "Yes, I need to fill the freezer back up, then put an order in for delivery" Anna said "Linda said she'd come over today and I need to speak to the security company" Frida nodded peaceably as she made the tea "so we have plenty to keep us occupied then. There's a new film on Netflix that I've been looking forward to watching if you fancy that later?" "That sounds good, I like a good movie. We can have popcorn" Anna agreed happily.
Frida and Anna drank their tea while Anna went through her list of cooking for the day. She went off to find her cookbook that she'd got the cake recipe out of and bought it back to rummage through it. She was looking for the recipe that Bjorn's mother had written down for her a lifetime ago and she felt a massive sense of satisfaction when she did find it. "Beef Goulash!" she said triumphantly "I hope that I have everything it needs" It had been Bjorn's true favourite back in the day and she was pretty sure he wouldn't have had this exact recipe from his Mama for decades, it was even in her writing. Frida giggled and said "Anna, you have more here than most supermarkets. I'm sure you have everything you need" Anna laughed and said "You do have a point, as it happens I do have all of it" she gave Frida the list of what she planned to cook today and Frida's eyebrows shot up "Will we have time to do ALL of that today?" Anna giggled at the expression on Frida's face "darling I would do this alone, it'll be easy. Goulash first so it can cook all day, I doubt the boys will be back much before 2000. You don't have to cook all day with me, I'll be quite happy." "Oh Anna, I'll love helping. I just didn't realise the amount you had planned. You just tell me what to do and when and I'll do it. Don't forget us though, we will need a nice lunch if we will eat late with Bjorn and Benny." "That's very true. What do you fancy?" Anna asked. "Nothing in particular, we can make extra of something here that you have planned" Anna nodded "good idea, we'll decide at the time" Anna finished her tea and went to the kitchen. She put her music on shuffle and started emptying the fridges, cupboards and freezers of what she needed and writing down what she needed to order.
Anna and Frida made the goulash together and left it to cook slowly in the oven then Anna got stuck into her major cooking spree, she methodically worked through her list and made many meals for the week ahead, enough to feed everybody. Frida thoroughly enjoyed it too and between the pair of them it went very quickly and before long they had prepared a mountain of food. Frida took a break ostensibly to go to the loo and text Benny and left Anna elbow deep in flour making pastry for apple pies, she was able to take the opportunity to pack a small bag for Anna and Bjorn. She smiled to herself as she crept around packing a change of clothes for both of them and a matching headscarf for Anna. She rummaged in the bathroom for spare toothbrushes so that suspicion was not raised by taking the ones in use. She put the bag in her room and decided to wait for Linda as she wasn't sure where the "spare" medication was for Anna. She decided to add her spare brush and some extra toiletries, she was sure that Anna wouldn't mind sharing hers and Bjorn could use Benny's shower gel and such. That way neither Anna nor Bjorn would notice that items were missing and she had deliberately dug right to the back of their wardrobe for clothes that she hoped would not be missed between now and tomorrow. She text Linda to tell her exactly what she needed her to pack and where the bag was in her room, she hoped that Linda would be able to sneak up the stairs at some point during her visit. Linda responded in the affirmative and told Frida that she would be over later. Linda was just as excited, it had been so long since her Mama had been away from Ekero except for that one night when Papa had been ill at Vallentuna, she was delighted by the plan to surprise them both. It would give her Mama something to think of and remember while she was going through next week's chemo. She couldn't deny that she was a bit worried about security but as Uncle Benny had pointed out Viggso was SO remote and it was difficult to find unless you knew where it was that the chances of detection were minimal and who would imagine that all four members of ABBA would be there for one cold night in April. She also knew that her Papa would never let anything happen to her, because of all of this she was absolutely delighted to help with the subterfuge and couldn't wait to hear all about it when Mama got home.
By the time Frida got back downstairs Anna had finished 3 apple pies and had put a loaf of bread on to bake. She pulled a small macaroni cheese out of the oven and popped it on the breakfast bar and a tub of halved baby tomatoes with a dressing on them to go with it. Frida got the plates out of the warming oven and Anna got the knives and forks out "Smells great darling, I'm suddenly hungry" Frida laughed. "I am a little bit" Anna admitted "I hope they are doing ok, I haven't heard from them" Anna was anxious. "Darling, they won't stop on the motorway, they won't take a break because they want to get back. They will let us know when they get there, then you can talk to Bjorn" she looked at the clock "I bet we will hear from them within the hour" They were half way through their lunch when Frida was proved right and Anna's phone beeped. She snatched it up and Bjorn had sent her a picture of the sea, she could just see the side of Slottsholmen, she nearly dropped the phone when it then rang "We're here safe and sound Baby" came Bjorn's beloved familiar voice in her ear "did you see the picture? I thought you might like it" "Its lovely thank you, I'm glad you're safe Bjorn" she was distracted for a moment by Frida's phone beeping with a text "Sorry, what did you say?" she asked Bjorn, "I missed that. Frida's phone went off" "That would be Benny" Bjorn chuckled. He's leaning on the wall next to me. I got you a paper I said and the meeting starts in 20 minutes so we will go for a coffee then Benny will join me, he always has valuable input then after that I'll give him a quick tour and we will come home. The snacks were amazing" he chuckled as he admitted that they had eaten them all. It was Anna's turn to laugh then as she said "They were supposed to be enough for both ways you know" "Well you shouldn't have made such delicious bits and pieces then should you?? Those bacon and mushroom muffins were divine!" Bjorn protested laughingly "and the little cakes? and those biscuit things? My god Anna I'm going to need to go to the gym twice a day if you keep feeding me like that baby" They both laughed as they remembered the joke the other week "Think you'll be fine" Anna commented cheekily. Bjorn could hear her stress melt away as he spoke with her and he was glad he'd called her rather than just text. He admitted to himself that her voice had a similar effect on him. He cleared his throat and said "We'll pick up something from the cafe before we go, I'll text you when we're leaving baby. Is that ok?" he asked. Anna's heart melted all over again as she realised how much effort he was putting into supporting her through her neuroses "Bjorn thank you. I know I'm unreasonable but yes please. That would be lovely, have a good meeting" They said their goodbyes and she hung up smiling "that'll be both of us feeling better then" Frida commented laughing.
They finished their lunch with renewed appetite and cleared away then Anna peeled potatoes for mash to go with the goulash. They loaded the dishwasher together and put it on then Anna started the last leg of her cooking and added a moussaka, a chilli and a bolognese, this was easy as all the meals used the same base. Frida began to understand how Anna could cook so much in a short space of time, she had a fabulous system going on of using the same ingredients to make several different dishes. She finishes off by making 2 fruitcakes and 2 boxes full of fruit muffins.
Frida was fascinated by the whole process and helped when she was asked but she was privately relieved when Anna finally called a halt and said they had enough but she could see though that Anna found peace of mind doing it. They cleared away and put the last load in the dishwasher and Frida collapsed onto the sofa. Anna went off to get her laptop so she could sit with Frida while she ordered the groceries she needed to top right back up. That done and a delivery day picked Anna rang the security company and made arrangements for them to come and look at the weak spot in the fencing on Friday. Linda popped in to say a quick hello, stole a fruit bun and quietly did what she needed to do, she had a quick chat with her Mama and Aunty Frida then left them to it. After Linda had left Anna got up to make popcorn in a pan, she was very naughty and put caramel in it as her sweet tooth was calling her, the smell was amazing and was making even her taste buds tingle. She piled it all into two massive bowls, one each and poured both her and Frida a glass of wine. Calling for Frida as she wandered into the living room carrying two bowls of popcorn, Frida went back to get the wine and she didn't just bring the glasses that Anna had poured, she bought another bottle as well. They settled down next to each other and Frida put the film on that she had wanted to watch. Anna was pleased to see it was a blockbuster rom com, she loved most films but she was a sucker for a happy ending and a good love story. La La Land seemed to be just her cup of tea even though she hadn't heard of it. She was somewhat embarrassed when Frida told her that it had been the biggest film of 2016 and had won numerous awards. Frida and Anna were well snuggled together under the blanket and watching the movie when Benny rang to say they were on their way home and Bjorn was driving. He said that they had been on the road for well over half an hour and hadn't text earlier because Bjorn had a run in with Lena on the phone and he was furious. Apparently Lena had contact with the solicitors and was not happy to say the very least, she had been full of vitriol towards Bjorn and had tried to drag little Anna into it but Benny had said Bjorn was totally immovable and had reiterated again that the only contact would be through the solicitors. He had wanted to drive to ease his angst, Anna was beside herself with worry that Bjorn would drive too fast in order to get home and demanded that Benny put her on loudspeaker. Benny did so and she immediately said "Bjorn baby please be calm, I need you in one piece" there was a pause and Bjorn came on the line and said "Anna, I'm fine baby. I'm just angry that she thinks it's ok to try and use our daughters as pawns in her game, she'll get what she's entitled to, nothing more and nothing less" he sighed and said "I knew it was too quiet. I'm satisfied that she has showed her hand. My solicitor says she has no case against me, what I put into place all those years ago is still watertight and legal. The separation is legal, I've filed for divorce and if she does not agree then I will bring her adultery to the attention of the court and prove beyond doubt that we do not require a reconsideration period. My solicitor states that the maintenance I've put in place for her is more than adequate and goes above and beyond what would be expected of me even now." "Bjorn, I know you're angry and we can talk about it all when you come home baby but please, please be careful and focus on your driving. Please come home safe the pair of you" Anna pleaded softly. " You've done what you need to do, leave it all in the hands of your legal team" Her voice calmed his angry mind and he sighed and reassured her "I'll be careful I promise, I won't do anything crazy but we are well on our way home. Tell me what you two have been up to today?" He needed to focus on something else and he wanted to hear her voice, Benny grinned resignedly and plugged his phone in and put it in the holder, boosted the volume and settled back to listen "Frida are you still there?" he asked "looks like we're in for a chat, I love hearing your voice too" He heard Frida giggle and she said "I'm here darling, we are being lazybums. We are sat on the sofa snuggled under the blanket because Anna is cold. We've got a bottle of red, caramel popcorn and a romantic film on the TV" Bjorn smiled "Sounds perfect, save some of that popcorn for us. It sounds delicious, did you make it Anna?" "I did, how was the meeting? Did it go ok?" she asked. Bjorn grumbled a little "It was boring but productive. We got what we wanted and passed the building regulations" "It was good" Benny said "Slottsholmen is beautiful and has real potential to be something special. Little Anna has talent you know" "I don't doubt it at all" was Anna's reply "I'd like to see it one day, even if it's pictures or a video" "You will come Anna, even if we come at midnight and stay till dawn" Bjorn interjected firmly. "Slottsholmen at night is equally beautiful" "Ooh a night time road trip" came Frida's excited voice "Oh boys, we haven't done a night time road trip for decades. I love them. Can I come too?? I haven't seen Slottsholmen ever!" Benny rolled his eyes good naturedly "Now see what you've done" he chuckled at Bjorn "I'm too old to be up all night" he teased. "Oh Benny baby" Frida purred "We can spend all day in bed before we go. Are you turning me down?" her voice had lowered deliberately. Bjorn laughed out loud as Benny's eyes got wide and he cleared his throat uncomfortably blushing furiously. "I think his answer is no he isn't and we'll be doing a night time roadtrip just as soon as we can manage" Bjorn responded laughing all the while. "God, you two are a breath of fresh air" Bjorn shook his head, still laughing at Benny's reaction. Bjorn's heart melted as he heard his Anna laughing and teasing Frida. "We won't be long girls" he told them "Anna please tell me you've cooked something amazing" Benny interrupted "I'm hungry" "We've had a lazy day darling" she said "Frida and I thought we'd just have a takeaway" Bjorn's eyebrows shot up "Ok, want us to get it?"he asked "Are you feeling ok?" "I'm fine baby, we've sorted it don't worry" came the reply. "How long will you be?" "Couple of hours unfortunately" Benny chimed in "and we didn't get chance to get even a drink so we may stop for supplies on the way home but we won't stop for long, we are eager to get back" Anna snuggled further into the sofa and said "It's nice to talk to you both, please be safe. I'll let you drive fast now Bjorn" Frida said bye to Benny and hung up the phone. She was contemplative as she studied Anna. "Little one, are you ready for Lena? This could get rough. The media will have a field day when she sells her story. It will be a storm" Anna's face took on a determined look. "I love him Frida, he has made his choice. I will support him, we've been through worse. I've been through worse. The kids are ready, we've discussed it a lot. He doesn't have to come back to me but he has and I am eternally grateful, she has made his life a misery, she has hurt him, hurt his children and made him bleed. If I had known any of this, I would have gone and got him myself" she had a sip of wine "It is my biggest regret that I didn't fight for him last time, well this time I will fight for him and with him like I should have done 40 years ago" she sighed "It was as much my fault that we split Frida and I want to leave this life with no regrets" Frida smiled gently and pulled Anna tight into her and hugged her "So we face it all together hmm?" "Yep, because they will come for you and Benny too" Frida chuckled and said "Yes, there's no doubt but like you I will get through it. The storm will die down eventually and we will be yesterday's news" Anna nodded. "So our path is set, there is no question. We will both fight for them like we should have done at the very start. I would walk through the gates of hell for Bjorn, I'd even get on a plane for him" They both laughed at that."It's going to be bad though isn't it Anna?" This time it was Frida looking for reassurance, Anna hugged her tighter and said "Yes, for a while but it's no worse than before. It will die down just like it did for me with Gert and Tomas and Bjorn. We know that so we just hold onto the rollercoaster and each other" Frida hugged her gratefully and said "thank you, you're right little one. We'll ride the storm until something else more interesting comes along for them" They watched the film to the end and both cried a bit. They sniffled and snuffled and got up out of the sofa leaving plenty of caramel popcorn behind, Anna looked at the clock and said "they should be home within the hour so she put the potatoes on low to cook and the vegetables "Anna, let's go sing for a while no one is here. I want to. Just a few" "Frida I'll sound dreadful darling" Anna protested "So will I but let's just sing for a while" Anna couldn't deny that she wanted to while there was no one here as well so they went and sat at the piano in the sun room "What should we sing Frida?" "Something slow. Fernando? Andante?" "Oh Fernando. Let's do that, you always sound so lovely" Anna said "but I'm sorry if I do sound dreadful. Anna played a simple version of Fernando on the piano and listened raptly as Frida started off. She cleared her throat and joined in just when she should, a bit quieter than normal but she was there. Frida felt the thrill as she heard Anna for the first time in so many years and even she shed a tear as she realised that their voices meshed together as well as they used too, in a slightly different key admittedly but Anna's voice WAS still there despite her fears. Frida thought it was beautiful and didn't think she needed to go to singing lessons, they just needed to practice together. Benny and Bjorn would just have to write to reflect their current voices. Anna bought the key down on the piano and then they really settled into singing. They did Fernando again and moved onto Andante Andante. Anna picked all the ones that Frida led on, they managed a slower version of Money, Money, Money and they started on Knowing Me Knowing You. Anna suddenly could hear that she wasn't as rubbish as she had thought. Frida for her part had trouble stopping the tears as she put her arms round Anna's neck and they sang on. They were lost to the world and did not hear the gate alarm, nor did they hear the truck pull up or the back door open. They were just enjoying the moment and singing to please themselves.
Bjorn and Benny were bombarded as they walked in the door by all manner of wonderful things. They could smell something amazing cooking, they could hear music and they could definitely smell caramel. Bjorn spied the potatoes boiling over and hastily rescued them. Benny nudged him hard and he turned around with a scowl, he noted Benny's finger to his lips indicating to hush and Benny whispered "Bjorn, that isn't a record mate, if I'm not mistaken the girls are singing" Bjorn's eyebrows shot up and he listened carefully "Jesus Benny I think you might be right" he whispered back. They kicked off their shoes quietly and crept through the house following the sounds and when they came to the sun room neither of them could quite stop the tears that sprung into their eyes as they took in the scene before them.
Both the girls were on the piano stool, Frida was cross legged facing Anna with her arms around her and Benny could clearly see her tears and Anna was playing the piano as she sang. They were singing Knowing Me Knowing You for the third time, not that Benny and Bjorn knew that. All they knew was that Frida and Anna sounded better together than they had ever even dreamed after all this time, it was different of course it was but no less beautiful and no less distinctive as being the sound of ABBA. They listened spellbound to the whole of the song, they didn't interrupt. They just let them sing and when it had finished and they had watched both girls burst into tears with Anna burying her face in Frida's shoulder and Frida resting her cheek on Anna's hair they both made their way to the girls and crouched down beside them making them jump. There were no words in that group hug as they all recognised that their worst fears had been averted and ABBA would rise from the ashes. When they were all happy to let go of each other, Bjorn had wiped away Anna's tears and Benny had lent Frida his handkerchief again Anna said "No one was supposed to be here, you're early, what if I had sounded awful?" "Even if you had, it wouldn't have mattered, it was enough just to see you two sing together again" Bjorn said feelingly. "You've reduced us both to tears the pair of you" "But you didn't sound awful" Benny said "You sounded absolutely stunning both of you. I'm in total awe" he grinned and said "Bloody hell Bjorn now we are under pressure,we have to write something that does justice to their voices" Bjorn rolled his eyes happily and grinned "That's one of the best challenges we've ever had" he tugged Anna off the piano stool and pulled her into the kitchen "and the next challenge is for you to tell me what you have cooking in here, it smells amazing for sure and it's familiar but I can't work it out" he paused "Benny and I are really hungry and I did rescue the potatoes for you when I came in" he looked adorably hopeful and Anna couldn't help laughing "I missed you" she said "but we had a lovely day" Benny wandered in with Frida and commented "I'm glad you did and you can tell us all about it over dinner. What can we do to help?" "Nothing to do other than mash the potatoes" Anna said getting plates out of the oven. Benny mashed the potatoes and Bjorn investigated the oven after Anna had finished and pulled out a pot. He put it on the table then went to get the veg "Is there anything else?" he asked "No, that's it. Simple fare tonight sorry" Anna told him "I didn't mean it like that" Bjorn reassured her quickly "I just meant is there anything else we need" Anna giggled and said "Bjorn you never used to be this easy to wind up you know" He frowned and then chuckled saying "I worry about upsetting you" he admitted. "Well don't, I'm not such a sensitive flower as I was back then, I love bickering with you" she giggled. She was interrupted by Benny's laugh "Given how you two were back then if you haven't even bickered yet, then it's truly a miracle" he teased. Both Anna and Bjorn laughed and they hugged. "It'll come I'm sure, but we'll be fine won't we" Bjorn said "We really will" agreed Anna softly "Besides, he has next week to get through yet when he deals with me at my absolute worst, he'd have every right to leave me. I genuinely would deserve it and I wouldn't blame him at all. The drugs make me crazy" she tried to smile "Anna baby, I've held you through child birth twice and I know you don't remember all of it but believe me if I can get through Christian's birth especially, with you then we're all good" Anna had the grace to blush and giggle "You have a very fair point there, I was horrendous" she said "Let's eat while we talk" Benny pleaded. "It's smells so good what is it?" "Bjorn will know when he tastes it" Frida said laughing "I will?" Bjorn asked confused, he stood up and took the lid off the pot and inhaled the wonderful smell "It's so familiar but I can't put my finger on it" He doled out heaping great portions for him and Benny, the same for Frida as she nodded and a small one for Anna. Benny doled out the mash and Anna did the vegetables. When they were settled Anna started eating first, she was hungry and everyone soon followed her lead. Bjorn took his first mouthful and he knew what this was without a doubt "Mama's goulash Baby?? You made my Mama's goulash? I haven't eaten this since...well I don't know" "I had beef to use and she wrote me down your favourite recipes when we first got married" Anna explained. "I forgot that, well it's lovely thank you. It's a wonderful surprise to end the day with" Bjorn told her happily
The late evening found them all snuggled on the sofa finishing up the last of the wine and the caramel popcorn, sharing their respective days and as they finally all thought about going to bed Benny said "Well I know I've learnt something today, something I'd forgotten over these years" he grinned. They all looked at him curiously "You girls, how much you keep us on our toes. We will never know what will happen next with you. Look what you did, you sang. You both sounded beautiful. I'm so looking forward to a proper session at Viggso" Bjorn smirked and said "That's very true Benny, we leave them alone for a day and look what we come back to, we missed all the fun. Maybe we shouldn't leave them again, obviously while the boys are away the girls will play"

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