Anna Says.

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The weekend had passed quickly and with sleep and the devoted attentions of her family Anna was back on her feet much quicker than had been expected and by Monday afternoon she was sat with Bjorn going through his divorce paperwork, she knew she was pushing herself hard but she also knew that Bjorn, her family and Abba needed her and she would stop at nothing to protect them all, she had promised Benny that she would help Bjorn and so she would. Bjorn hid nothing from his Anna and he allowed his marriage to be laid open for her so she could understand totally his agonies and why she could trust him, she had trusted him with her marriage to Tomas so he gave her the same in return. She had wept once again for both of them as their tragedy was laid out in black and white and she had mourned their wasted years, it was difficult for him to comfort her for he grieved as much as she but they got through it together and came up with a plan of campaign that was calculated and would hopefully aid damage limitation. Bjorn was wanting to let it all go, he really didn't care about the lies and misinformation all he cared about was his children and Anna, he didn't want anything to drag it out and he certainly didn't want any of them dragged through a messy court battle or a media scrum but his children had to his eternal gratitude come out fighting for him and Anna's fury at Lena's actions over the decades would not be denied.
He found this new Anna slightly unnerving, he had been waiting for the explosions of emotion and tears, the fights and the the bickering that had characterised stressful times during their marriage but they did not come, she was steadfast in her support, philosophical about the possibility of her life being open to the world once again and methodical in her lists of what needed to be done. She had listened to his thought processes and taken them on board Bjorn's solicitor had been pleased with his resulting change in attitude and was able to start building the court case in conjunction with what Bjorn had already signed off. He had told Bjorn that Lena had been a nuisance at his office and that she had engaged another solicitor from a different company and that the battle lines had been drawn. Anna was so different to the first time they'd been together he reflected, she had become a force to be reckoned with in a different way, yes she was scared of the world and stalkers and she had every right to be but her experiences had obviously given her confidence in the way she dealt with things even if it didn't include the outside world. Her attention to detail with his paperwork and statements had astounded him and she had explained that it had come from years and years of trawling through paperwork, police statements, restraining orders and the such, he'd admired her even more and loved her differences. He wondered if he was different too and he was brave enough to ask her, she laughed and said "Bjorn we are both changed, we are both working for us but you are more patient with me, more approachable and you listen more" he nodded knowing that she was right "I am sorry though for this all happening at such a bad time for you" he said contritely "Bjorn I'm bloody grateful it's happening at all, it doesn't matter about the timing, I never ever dreamed that this could happen for us and I'm determined to face whatever it takes for us to be together was her emphatic response and she had eased his niggling worries.
Unbeknown to Bjorn she had written her own supporting statement detailing their own marriage and how Bjorn had never in the 50 years she had known him shown any hint of an abusive nature, even in the midst of their marriage breakdown he had never raised a hand to her much less any of the things Lena was accusing him off, she wrote of his love for his children and grandchildren and his devotion to his art. She came clean about her cancer battle and made it very clear that Bjorn had not known of her diagnosis in the early days and he had shown her nothing but tender loving care, she was clear when she stated that she would not have made it through the last round of chemo without him and that she genuinely felt that she may well have died. She did not hold back when discussing Lena's attitude towards her and her children over the years and she added the transcript of that long ago phonecall that she'd kept in the archive. She discussed at length Bjorn coming to Ekero with injuries inflicted by Lena, she linked that part of her statement to the pictures she had taken of him at the time and the recorded conversation.She wrote in detail the damage that Lena had deliberately done during the last year of their marriage, details that Bjorn did not know but she was willing to risk everything for him, she wrote nothing that she did not have solid proof for. Once she had finished she e mailed it straight to the solicitor before Bjorn knew anything about it and by the Tuesday afternoon the solicitor had tracked down the man with whom Lena had been having an affair and he had agreed on the condition of anonymity in the press to provide a statement detailing his whole relationship with Lena, his innate decency had shone through when it had become clear that Lena had lied to both of them and he felt that Bjorn did not deserve such a hurtful character assassination and if he were honest with himself he didn't want Lena to get away with any of it, he felt badly treated by her as well.
By Tuesday evening Bjorn was feeling emotional and exhausted, he was not sorry that he was divorcing Lena, that couldn't be further from the truth, he was sad it had taken him this long and he thought he always would be, he would always grieve for the wasted years. He was worried that Anna would decide he wasn't worth it despite her reassurances to the contrary, he was deeply insecure because he was aware of the damage he had already done and the damage he could yet do. He worried for Anna's health, he worried for his children and grandchildren and he worried for Benny and Frida. He wondered if he was really worth this horrific debacle.
He was distracted from his dark thoughts by Anna wrapping her arms around his shoulders and sitting on his lap, he pushed his glasses on top of his head and rubbed his eyes tiredly "Bjorn we're done for now" she said softly "there's nothing more we can do until the solicitor gets back to you tomorrow" she stroked the lines on his face gently and he hummed contentedly. "The press release for the songs goes out overnight, that will ease the sting" she comforted him but somehow she knew where his mind was going so she made a decision "Bjorn, I'm tired baby. Will you carry me?"
That focused his mind with a snap, it was the first time she had ever asked him "Oh Anna" he sighed "I'm so sorry, you've worked all day and you're only 4 days out of chemo. No wonder you're tired" "and tomorrow we rest, we've done it all for now. I love working with you" she whispered "but I'm not the only one who is tired, carry me upstairs, I can't do it without you" he reached to shut his pc down and then juggled her gently so he could stand and she snuggled into him as he held her. He felt guilty for working her so hard regardless of what she said and he trod gently upstairs towards their bedroom. Once they were in and he'd put her down on the bed he was startled by the sound of the shutters coming down "Bjorn, you've teased me enough today" she grumbled from the bed "I suggest you get your clothes off and join me. I warned you what would happen when I finished chemo." he watched open mouthed as she got off the bed and stripped her clothes off leaving them in a heap on the floor and walked towards him "I don't care if the breech alarms go off tonight, we'll ignore them. It's been too long and now you're the one tying himself in knots" she managed to divest him of his jumper before he really realised what she was doing "but Anna..." he protested "but Anna nothing. Anna says get your clothes off. Anna says that she loves you. Anna says that she really needs you and only you. Anna says you're worth everything and more" she bent to pull his trousers down and he kicked them off "Anna says she would walk through the gates of hell for you, she'd even get on a plane" he grinned as he finally realised what she was up to and he shrugged out of his shirt "Did you lie to me??" he asked amused and grateful that she knew him so well "Anna says needs must" she winked at him and pulled him towards the bed.
He was a happy man when she climbed on top of him and he steadied her gently. She kissed him and he could feel every ounce of love and passion she held for him "Anna says she's missed you" she whispered peppering his face with tiny kisses Anna says she wants you desperately and she always will" he laughed out loud, every cell of his being was reassured and happy as he rolled her underneath him she put a gentle finger to his lips "Anna says that she will love you for all eternity, Anna says that you will always be worth her love. Always"

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