Chapter 7

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Jace POV

"Everyone. In the library. Now." Maryse said.

When we all got there she started, "Tomorrow we will be welcoming some visitors."

"How many?" Alec asked. 

"Eight and a dog." Maryse replied.

"A dog?" Amber asked.

"Yes, a dog. It has four legs, a small nose, and cute eyes." Isabelle said.

"I know what a dog is,Isabella." Amber said, getting Izzy's name wrong on purpose to make her mad.

"Its Isabelle. I-S-A-B-E-L-L-E. Isabelle. You should know it by know Hamber. I guess you're not as thoughtful as Clary was though." She said while shooting daggers at me.

"You two stop!" Maryse said.

"Thank you." I mummbled.

"Back to what I was saying. There will be one male and six females and a female dog. The adult's name is Eleanor. They are coming from the Nashville Institute. They have the best female Shadowhunter and her parabatai with them." Maryse said.

"The best Shadowhunter?" Isabelle asked.

"Yes, the best. Now everyone get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow." Maryse said and we all walked to our rooms.

The day

Clary POV

Emerson (my parabataiand I were the first to go through the portal, with Chasity and Ebony following close behind. When we all landed, Eleanor took the lead and led us to the wide double doors of the Institute. She knocked and Maryse opened the door.

 "Oh my! We've been waiting for you all! Come in."

We all filed in with Eleanor in the lead then Cameron and Charity, then Ebony, Chastity, and Lemon, then Emerson and me. When we got in I saw a flash of black and gold and all the Lightwoods were with us.They haven't changed much. Izzy has gotten taller and her hair's longer and Alec is taller. I look over to see Jace with his hand around the girl. Emerson looked over at me and gave me a reasuring smile. I tried to smile back but it was close to impossible especially when your ex is standing right across from you with the girl he cheated on you with and doesn't even recognize you.

"Well hello. Its an honor to meet you all," Eleanor begins.

"Isabelle and Alec please show everyone their rooms." Maryse said. They nodded and started leading us in different directions.

*Five Minutes Later*

"Thank you for joining us again," Maryse said. "I will introduce all of my group if you will introduce your group. I of course will start. These are my children, Isabelle and Alec Lightwood, and that is Jace Herondale but he claims the last name Lightwood. And this is his lover Amber Greenstone." she said.

"Hello everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Eleonor Rosefurn and these are my children in order from oldest to youngest. First is Charity, them Cameron, Chasity, then Emerson and Ebony are twins.This is Clary, she's been with us for almost a year. And the dog's name is Lemon." Eleonor said while pointing us all out.

"Clary?" Izzy said.

"Surprised to see me again?" I said with a smirk. 

"Yeah kind of. IT has been almost a year, Clary." She frowned. 

"Yeah and you can blame two people in this room right now."I said and walked out with Emerson trailing after.

Ebony POV

"You really shouldn't make her mad.She has some.........issues." I said.

"EBONY!IN HERE!RIGHT NOW!" Clary yelled.

"Got to go." I said. I took off after where her voice came from. I finally found her and Emerson in the training room. 

"It took you long enough." Emerson said sarcastically.

"Well I'm sorry." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Can you guys shut up and come here." Clary said. We walked under the balance beam she was doing a hand-stand on. "I'm going to do a mid-air flip and want you guys to catch me, okay?"


"1,2,......3"And she did the perfect mid-air backflip twist. We caught her easily. We heard clapping coming  from the doorway. Clary said, "They don't call me the number one Shadowhunter for nothing."

"You're the number one Shadowhunter of our generation?"Isabelle asked.

"And I'm her parabatai."Emerson said.

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