Chapter 7: Benji

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I watch Carter and Cass through dinner. After the nervous state I found Carter in at the door and watching the awkward exchange before we sat down for dinner I was really excited to watch him act like an absolute blubbering idiot. Unlucky for me it was uneventful. He was even chivalrous jumping out of his chair to check Mia's head as she came flailing through the back door, and then he got all paternal and shit helping Cassidy fill the girls plates.

My favorite was watching my sister's eyes bulge out of her head when Cassidy filled up Cart's plate and in return he reached over to squeeze her leg and gave her a wink. Abby is going to catch them sooner or later, I am absolutely positive of that. They have been going about this charade for far too long thinking that nobody is catching on, but the only people they are fooling are themselves.

I have to admit they were pretty stealthy in the beginning. The only reason I found out was because Cart set off Cassidy's alarm system one night when I was on shift. He tried sneaking into the backyard, as I'm assuming he had been doing to avoid detection from Ella and Mia in case one of them woke up, but for some reason Cassidy forgot to turn the alarm off.

I have a radio in my squad car specifically on Dean's security channel in case I'm ever close enough to assist, so when one of Dean's guys called out Cassidy's address for alarm I sped that way like my life depended on it. By the time I got there Dean had already pried open the protective gate and kicked in her front door. I'm not sure he even tried to knock. One of his guys was out front when I pulled up and told me it was just a boyfriend who came in the back door and Cassidy forgot to turn off the alarm, but was expecting him.

You can imagine how shocked I was to hear she had a boyfriend when she's one of my best friends and I had no idea she was seeing anyone. You can imagine I was also pretty pissed off when I started looking around her block and found Cart's truck parked directly across the street in plain view. I must have missed it pulling in due to the sheer panic I was in.

Dean came out shortly after hearing my sirens and said Cassidy was almost in tears she was so embarrassed and I decided it wasn't the time to call them out on their hidden romance. I love Cart and I love Cassidy, they are two of my favorite people on the planet so I'm not sure why they would ever try to hide it from me, of course I'd be happy.

When I pulled Carter aside in the station locker room the following week he turned a bright shade of red and apologized profusely. He said Cassidy asked that it be kept a secret because she didn't want to disappoint Abby or I if it didn't work out. He said she was worried about the pressure Abby would put on them if she knew they were seeing each other. Knowing how enthusiastic my sister is, I was somewhat sympathetic to their plight. Abby means well, but I know sometimes her intentions can be selfish and she would definitely put pressure on Cassidy if she was in any relationship, but especially one with Cart.

After dinner I head back to my old bedroom to take a piss. By the time I've washed my hands and I open the door Cart's giant ass is laying on my bed on his back with his hands covering his face. I start laughing at him and he groans and sits up and scoots over so I can sit next to him.

"I'm an idiot," Cart says

I slap a hand on his back "You are absolutely a giant fucking idiot, but I'm glad I get a front row seat to watch you crash and burn."

"Yeah seriously bro that was creepy, you couldn't have backed off for a minute so I could have talked to her without an audience?"

"No way you were already leaving sweat stains all over your back, you walked in the front door looking like you were heading to the guillotine and not to Sunday dinner. I knew you were going to fuck it up."

"We haven't seen each other in a couple weeks and she's been pretty short in texts I assumed something was up or she was tired of the friends with benefits situation."

"Well based on the fuck me eyes she was giving you over the diner table I'd say your safe."

"She was being flirty right? I wasn't imagining that shit?" Cart asks with so much uncertainty I look over to make sure I'm still talking to a 6'3 cop who instills fear into criminals for a living and not a 14 year old asking a girl to prom.

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