Chapter 14: Cassidy

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*Sexy time ahead*

I'm waiting on the porch to meet Trevor, Sebastian and Liam's parents. Mia and Ella are both sitting on the bench seat under the window seemingly unconcerned. I'm very concerned. Carter has been acting like an absolute loon all morning over this play date. I purposefully lied and said they were coming 30 minutes later then their intended arrival time and my plan worked because he just messaged saying he's on his way and he's at least 20 minutes out.

They pull up and I'm a little surprised to see that it's both parents for the twins, Liam and Sebastian, and a Mom and three Dads for Trevor. I'm feeling a little small now and maybe wishing I let Carter be here. Will they think less of me because I'm so young and alone? Would they have felt safer leaving their children here if they met Carter? He puts everyone at ease, maybe he would have put them at ease..

My thoughts pause when I see Liam carrying flowers. He hands them to Mia and kisses her forehead. Well now I know I've made the best choice. Carter would have maimed the fucking kid. I'm not sure I won't actually. They are 10 why the fuck is he kissing her?! God I sound like Carter. Calm down Cassidy. Be cool.

Introductions are made and everyone is very friendly. I get hugs and thank yous for allowing their kids to come over and providing lunch. They tell me they would love to have us over for dinner so we can get to know each other better. I'm quieter then usual and a little unsure of myself. These parents look so parent-y with their parental clothes and parental cars and shit. I am a 28 year old hot mess express just waiting to be derailed into the upcoming teen hood of my sisters.

One of Trevor's Dads pats me on the shoulder and tells me I've done a great job with my sisters. He said he is impressed with Mia based on the stories the boys tell and he's excited to get to know her better. Another Dad chimes in to say the boys have never been better behaved thanks to Mia's guidance.

The twins' Mom tells me it takes a strong woman to raise females right and that I must have a lot of strength because she's impressed by both of my girls. That brings tears to my eyes and she hugs me. It feels like validation. Validation from an adult who seems to know what the fuck they're doing.. maybe I'm not a total screw up? Maybe I won't destroy my sisters' lives?

Carter arrives 5 minutes after the parents leave and I heave a sigh of relief. He's upset for a moment then realizes I've left the boys and my sisters outback unattended for the 1.5 seconds it took for me to greet him at the door. He's carrying grocery bags of hot dogs and I definitely asked for hamburgers, but whatever. I scream after him asking why he bought so many and he screams back something about burnt weenies as he races out the back door. Well that's not good.


The next month passes quickly. Carter is here so often it feels like he lives here. He has clothes in one of my dresser drawers for nights he's too tired or it's too late for him to drive home. On days he works late the girls ask for him and have to vidcall him before bed. Ella got a C on an exam yesterday which ruined her mood for the whole night and Carter wasn't able to come over. She cried and said that she hates when he's not here and that cemented the decision I've made about our relationship.

I finally told everyone the truth about Carter and I and no one even blinked. Gram hugged me, Abby flipped me off for keeping it a secret so long and Pops laughed in my face because he said 'he's always known.' It was anticlimactic to say the least, but I'm relieved nonetheless.

Carter arrives after work and uses my shower then changes. He helps me set the table and we all get seated for dinner. Ella's mood has improved and she's her calm and collected self. He spends extra time with her and they do her science homework cuddled in my bed. Mia and I end up joining them and then the four of us work on homework, tell stories and giggle for the next hour. It's perfect and my heart feels light. Lighter then it's ever been. Carter gets them into bed and then comes back to my room and locks the door. He prowls onto the bed and crawls over me and I mock pushing him off and calling him fat.

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