Chapter 2

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Welp. I couldn't help myself and had to make another chapter. Yay!

Flashback.(3rd Person)

At a moment in time, a powerful being fell from the sky. A single wing came from the child's back. She was at least just falling past the clouds before anyone saw her, they pointed and screamed. They flew up to try to catch her. But non succeeded in stopping the fall. The child was still unconscious and her body was limp and her arms and legs were dragged up from the wind.
Only two knew who this girl was and they knew that she was powerful. Finally, the child crashed down from the sky, rocks and dirt were thrown up into the air on impact.
She landed right in between two boundaries, the devil's, and the angels. They came rushing to the girl, who was clothed in white and black. "Is she dead?" Some thought aloud, and some just kept their distance and watched in horror.
The child was completely unharmed except...her hip. It was damaged, when not too badly. Both medics from both sides came together without quarreling and stepped in the crater to inspect the girl.

"" The angel docter muttered, "and no evidence of another, not even a scar where it's supposed to be..." the other gasped. They looked at the hip, it was black and purple, making it obvious it was broken. While one medic checked the injury, the other looked for any other fatal one's, internal or not, it was only the hip.
"Her pulse is normal" one reported to the other in soft whispers of confusion. Gradually people gathered closer to see the being, all confused and scared of what just happened. "Whose going to take care of her?"
"She can't be alive after that fall"

"Where did she come from?"

"Did someone throw her?"

Everyone questioned everything during the time, even the leaders of the two boundaries came together. "Is she what I think she is?" The devil asked, the angel only remained silent, even she was trying to make sense of this.

"Momma? Who is she?" A little brunette girl with hetero-chromatic eyes asked as she hid behind an older lady much similar to the girl. The girl's mother only stayed silent.
"Mmm..." Finally the fallen girl showed a sign of life, her ears were ringing and saw two figures kneeling beside her.
People gasped and stepped back, afraid and confused.
The child coughed and groaned in pain and looked down at her side, she couldn't speak, after all she was JUST born.
But not as an infant, nor toddler, she was just a kid.
Finally the two leaders decided, "the girl fell out of the sky! With one wing and not another! Do you wonder what it means?" The angel spoke.
"She is the fallen angel."

End of Flashback

Adora P.O.V

I tried to look very intimidating, and I guess I pulled it off when I saw the huge white haired girl tremble and shutter under my gaze. I walked towards her, she tensed up but never broke eye contact with me. "What's your name?" I asked, not too sternly, "Sc-Scorpia, m-ma'am!" Scorpia said awfully loud. I nodded then moved onto Entrapta who, was sitting on the ground beside her chair, taking apart the handcuffs I placed her in. "Entrapta...get in the chair" I groaned, she looked up at me in the least caring face and said "no thanks, hey...if I'm going to be staying here can I get my stuff from my lab?" I pinched the bridge of my nose and stamped my foot, "no Entrapta I promise I'll bring you some stuff from BrightMoon that you can mess around with...".
Entrapta is an angel but is very neutral when it comes to picking sides, we were on a rescue mission with her when she got trapped behind doors and we thought she died, months later we found out she was working with the Devil side. The purple haired girl did respond and messed with her goggles out of boredom, I sighed and walked back around to Catra, who was biting her lip to hold back laughter.

I leaned in and glared at her, her hetero-chromatic eyes gleaned with amusement and she kept fingering in her chair, I waited there a few seconds before Catra blew up in laughter. "BAHAHAHHAHA YOU-...HAH YOU REALLY THINK -OH GOD- YOU CAN MAKE US?! GOOD?! WHAT A JOKE ADORA! AHAHHAHH" I flinched as she kept laughing in my face and wheezing out of breath, I stood back of straight and tried to keep my composure.
"Was I..." I caught her attention again, "joking to you..." I leaned in close to her, I was probably scaring her because she flushed very quickly. "Catra?..." I stayed like that awhile until Catra pushed me back with her legs, "personal space please your highness..." the brunette mumbled.

You're one to talk...

-short flashback-

" Hey!! Adora!! " Catra ran over to the blonde who was literally playing with a stick and rocks.
Adora, since she had fallen was given the name to her by one of the nurses who acted like a mother figure, Shadow Weaver. Catra was Adora's only friend back then, and only talked to Catra, and sometimes Catra would help her learn the alphabet and speak.
"Hello Cat" Adora deadpanned, curling her wing around her a little and drew shapes in the dirt with the stick. "I told you Adora! It's Cat-Ra remember? Not cat!" Catra giggled and sat next to Adora, "sorry...C-Cat...R-Ra?" Adora attempted to say it right this time only screwing up the "R" part. The devil girl simply smiled and hugged Adora, Adora didn't quite know why Catra did that. Nor did she know why Catra pounced on her and roughhoused with her, because whenever she did, Shadow Weaver would scold her.
"How's the ouchie feeling?" Catra said, gesturing to Adora's broken hip. Adora lifted up her shirt and looked at the bandages, showing Catra a little, "oh! Some of them are falling off! Ill go get more bandaids! Be right back! Don't move!" Catra hollered before running out into the small house they made just for Adora and the nurses. Adora just looked back down and looked at a beetle crawling by, she grabbed it and put it on a rock.

"I got it!!" Catra yelled again causing Adora to jump. Catra ran with a roll of bandages in her hand and ended up tripped on a root but got up and reached Adora. "O.K!! The good nurse lady showed me how to use these yesterday so I can help you too! Here!-" Catra helped Adora out of her shirt and turned pink in the cheeks a little but thought nothing of it. Adora simply blinked and waited for Catra, who was spaced out, "uh...Cat...Ra?" Adora poked Catra.
The zoned out girl came back to Earth and shook her head, "sorry! Let's just get these dirty bandaids off!".
Catra started unraveling the thin item around Adora, uncovering light purple bruised skin.

Adora appreciated the work Catra did, it felt comfortable and nothing was sticking out. She put out a thumbs up and smiled at her friend, Catra smiled back with a light blush and hugged Adora again.

-End of Flashback-

"You really expect us- to turn good overnight?" Catra leaned back and smirked, Adora growled and ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't expect anything but the end of war" I replied cooly, Catra scoffed and averted her gaze. I sighed and turned on my heel to leave, I really need another coffee...

As I walked down the sidewalk with my coffee and hand in pocket and hummed to a Twenty Øne Pilots song. My phone buzzed a few times before I picked it up, "hello?"
A stern voice was heard from the other end "Adora...where were you at the battle?"

A/N: AHAH I doubt this'll get as many reads as my one-shot book but it's fun to write in this au so, yeah.

-Arisu~Senpai ;)

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