Chapter 7

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Adora P.O.V

It had been at least a month since I've last been in BrightMoon, and a few weeks since I woke up to Catra beside me in bed. I didn't really ask her why she was there, and to be honest I don't mind it, it was nice and reminded me of when I was little. Sometimes I wake up next to Catra during the week, and I guess she's been helping me get better. Unlike Scorpia, Catra doesn't really talk about my condition or my other problems. She just changes my bandages, brings me food, and makes sure I go to sleep at night or at least take a nap.
Sometimes I think about Glimmer and Bow, and what they would think if they found me, and what I was doing all this time. It was nice getting away from all of the drama over there, but it's not like there isn't drama here either. Catra has been dying to get back outside, and she keeps climbing on things that aren't meant for climbing on. And Entrapta keeps putting holes in the walls with her robots, I've had to punish her by taking away some of her materials and tools. Scorpia hasn't really been doing anything wrong, she checks up on me as much as Catra does, and she talks to me a lot whenever I'm feeling depressed.

"Adorrraaaaaaa!!" Catra whined yet again for the fifth time this week, she clung onto my leg and had a pouty face on. I dragged her along as I walked, my irritation was overwhelming at this point. "If you let go I'll take you outside," I groaned, the brunette girl instantly sprung up from the ground and her eyes were wide in excitement.
"But!" I started, Catra instantly groaned, knowing what I was going to say, I assume. "You're on handcuffs, and you can't be out of my sight, you have to be right next to me the whole time we're out there, understand?" I instructed, and when I didn't get a response out of her I grabbed her shoulder tightly in a threatening way "Got it? Catra?".
She looked at me and muttered something I couldn't hear "what was that? I didn't catch it the first time," I teased.
"Yes! I got it! Jeez!" Catra exclaimed, I smirked slightly and pat her head "Good."

After putting Catra in her handcuffs, we were outside. I held her hand tightly, giving her the hint that she would be dead if she decided to bolt. There was snow outside, not very thick snow but it was enough to make Catra a shivering mess.
"Do you want my coat?" I giggled, "N-no way! I-I-I'm f-fine!" She said, her teeth chattering. I let go of Catra for a second to unzip my brown coat, sliding it off. I tried pulling it on Catra but she dodged my attempts,
"Catra! Just take it!" I yelled, "Nooo!!" She panicked.

After wrestling Catra to the ground and forcing the coat on her, I dragged her along by the sleeve between the trees. Her hands were still cuffed and were tucked inside of the coat, while the sleeves were empty. We climbed some rocks that weren't snowed on, the sun beamed right on them and it made them warm. Catra and I sat on the rocks beside each other in a comfortable silence, we looked at the landscape, BrightMoon being in the distance.
"You know, you're meant to be here Adora," Catra spoke, laying back and looking at the sky. I glanced at her in confusion "what?",
"You exist for a reason, a very good reason. Hell, you're existence is a miracle for us all." She stated, I blushed lightly and turned to look at her, but her gaze was fixed on the blue sky above us.
I thought for a moment before something clicked, "Y-You...You were there?" I asked, referring to the day when I was ranting to Scorpia about Glimmer. "Mhm," the brunette hummed in response, and it went silent again.

Catra snorted and erupted in laughter, I looked at her confusingly "what's so funny?" I asked. "Nothing! Just remembered something of when we were kids!"
She wiped a tear from her eye and kept laughing, "c'mon Catra, what is it?" I begged, she finally fessed up "I just remembered when we kissed," she muttered, a small smirk on her face.
I blushed hard and raised an eyebrow "I don't remember that happening," I stated. Catra snorted again "you don't?", I shook my head in response.
The brunette sat up and leaned forward, putting her hand on my thigh. A small grin was evident on her face and her body was moving towards me slowly, "maybe you just need some help, remembering ~" she husked.
I shivered and held still as she leaned forward again.

"Adora?!" I heard from below and I pushed Catra away quickly before she could kiss me.
I looked everywhere until I spotted someone looking up at us from the ground. "Bow?!" I yelled back, scrambling up I grabbed Catra. Bow climbed up the rocks and his eyes went wide, "it really is you! Oh my god! We were worried sick!" .
We climbed down the rocks and I tied Catra's sleeves to a tree, I faced her and she had a smug grin on her face.
"Do not leave, I'll be right back." I ordered, "whatever you say princess ~" she purred. I blushed lightly and turned to approach Bow, he had a concerned look on his face and I was immediately filled with guilt.
"Adora, where were you? We were looking everywhere, we sent out search parties to look for you, we even tried attacking the Horde to see if they kidnapped you!" He said, his voice cracking slightly. My eyes widened "you did what?!" I yelled.

"Yeah! And then they accused us of kidnapping!" Bow exclaimed, waving his hands as he talked. "And then I come here and find you with-...wait, Catra?"

"Aww Bowman remembers the person he took Adora from, how sweet," Catra said sarcastically, I blushed lightly "it's Bow, and why are you here with her- wait. 'Princess'? I smell sexual tension!" Bow announced, I felt myself heat up and I heard Catra burst into laughter behind me.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently, Bow rolled his eyes "So what I saw earlier wasn't going to be a kiss?" He responded.
Again, I went redder, "I-It wasn't a kiss! Catra was just messing around!" I said a little loudly.

"Yeah, your red face says otherwise." Bow laughed, but he quickly went back to being serious "enough of that, you still didn't answer my questions! Where were you all this time, and why do you have Catra?!". I frowned and averted my gaze from his, "I've a secret bunker..." I mutter lowly, shuffling my feet in the snow.

"Doing what?" Bow specified, I sighed and looked up at him "I stole some Horde soldier's and now they're living in the bunker. But! Before you panic, I'm doing an experiment!"

"Kidnapping Horde soldiers is an experiment?!" Bow yelled again, Catra was still laughing. "Ugh! Just come with me and I'll show you!" I groaned and turned around and walked to Catra , I untied her from the tree and dragged her over to Bow.
"So, you're not going to talk about what happened earlier?" Catra spoke, wiggling her eyebrows. "Sexual tension!~" Bow sang as he followed us to the bunker. My face had heated up and I groaned as I entered the code to the building and I lead Bow and Catra inside. I closed the door and Catra took off running towards Entrapta with my coat still on her, I turned to Bow and he was just staring at them all; Scorpia was talking to Catra, and Entrapta was helping the brunette get her cuffs off.
"Is this all of them?" He asked, I simply nodded. "What's the experiment?" Bow sounded a little too calm, which probably meant he was unsure about this whole thing.
"I'm teaching them on how to behave." I said nervously.
Bow went silent for a few seconds before he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "Glimmer is going to kill us if she finds out." I looked at him in shock " us? " I echoed.

Bow smiled nervously and nodded "your plan may seem ridiculous, but I'm tired of fighting and I want some tea in my life." I laughed and hugged him, he hugged back tightly and I swore I felt someone staring at us, I peeked an eye open and saw Catra glaring at Bow. Bow must've felt it too because he pulled back and laughed, "I think someone's jealous."

WoW aN uPdAte?
I'm so very sorry I haven't been updating my one shot book, it's just hard finding motivation to do stuff these days. And since She - Ra is over its going to be even more hard to find inspiration. I can't promise that I'll try my best to update, so be patient I guess.
If you have nothing to do I recommend visiting my yt channel at: itsaimkg_
And my tumblr: aimkg_owo and also my Instagram aimkg_.
I post my art there and I recently uploaded my Catra angst speedpaint on my channel. I would love it if you subscribed I guess.

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