Chapter 6

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Catra wondered what was going on with Adora, as days went by she noticed that the blonde had bags under her eyes and she wouldn't go out of the bunker often unless to get food. The brunette knew Scorpia had an idea on what was going on with Adora but she wouldn't tell anybody about it, no matter how hard Catra begged. Why am I so curious on what's going on with Adora? Is it really getting that boring down here? Maybe Adora isn't sleeping well, and that's all it is. Catra never knew Adora to be a night owl, she'd always be an early sleeper. It was a Thursday morning, and Catra came out of her room to see Scorpia and Adora talking at the table, Adora looked upset, more upset then usual.
Catra glared at the two, jealously clouding her senses. Why am I jealous of Scorpia? I don't care about Adora's problems! Then again, Adora should trust me to talk to her about her feelings! I've known her longer then Scorpia ever did! Catra growled and crept closer to the table, carefully hiding behind a box of Entrapta's weird garbage. Thankfully Adora and Scorpia were too focused on their conversation to notice the brunette creeping along. "I just can't do it Scorpia! Glimmer thinks I'm such a lame ass now for not healing the Queen! She...She called me a coward! It's not my fault I exist! I never asked to be alive!" Adora said with her voice breaking. Catra's heart ached, she couldn't believe that Adora felt this way about herself. She felt sympathy for the blonde for a moment, knowing exactly how she feels. (Well besides the healing the Queen part)

"Adora don't be so hard on yourself!," Scorpia scolded, "Did you sleep last night?."
There was an uneasy silence for a moment before quiet sobbing was heard. Catra figured she'd heard enough, she couldn't handle seeing Adora like this, even if she had changed when they were kids.

Catra remembered the feeling of being tossed away and yelled at, and belittling herself at lot. Especially in the Horde, Shadow Weaver would hit her and tell her she was a mistake for not winning over Adora. When she was a child it was decided that she'd be Adora's friend to get her to live in the Fright Zone. But of course younger Catra didn't know that until Adora left to live with Sparkles and Arrow boy. And Shadow Weaver punished her for something she didn't do on purpose, she especially remembered the sleepless nights without Adora by her side.
She used to hate Adora for leaving her for those posh angels, but now, Adora knows how it feels to be ignored and pushed away just like that. Catra snuck away from her hiding place and went back to her room, waiting until the soft crying from Adora stopped and she walked back out like she had just woken up.
She glanced her eyes briefly to Adora to see her quickly wipe her tears away and clear her throat, Catra softened her eyes then but quickly looked away to dig into the small fridge.

Adora didn't want Catra to see her cry, she didn't want to seem weak in front of someone so strong. She trusted Scorpia enough that she broke down into tears in front of the large girl, and that wasn't even the half of it. Adora hadn't been sleeping, ever. And her deprivation is slowly taking its toll on the blonde paladin, she'd often get caught falling asleep during mornings (fortunately by Scorpia) and she was getting pale due to the lack of sunlight and of course sleep that her body so desperately needed. But every time she did try to sleep, her mind would remind her of all her insecurities and keep her up at night. The blonde was in her room, punching angrily at her punching bag hanging from the ceiling. Every time she hit the bag she'd imagine the drama back at BrightMoon: healing the Queen, explaining where she's been, healing herself, Glimmer, and etcetera.
Adora realized her bag had holes torn threw it and she punched it one more time, her knuckles feeling sore. She did it again, and again, until a striking pain came up and down her arm. Adora bit her lip in order to hold back her screams of pain and took off her glove that was supposed to protect her hands from bruising, well that didn't exactly work now did it? Adora's knuckles were purple-ish, and blood dripped from a deep bruise. She panted heavily and flinched when she sensed a presence in the room with her. Too weak to do anything about it, she swayed back and forth, feeling dizzy, and she felt like she could collapse at any moment.

Adora's vision went blurry for a second and she felt herself falling, until she felt someone catch her before impact to the ground. "Adora!!-" She heard before she was led up to her bed and was sat down gently. Adora's ears rung and she could barely hear what the person was yelling at her, she looked up, surprised that it was Catra who caught her and put her in bed. Adora closed her eyes for a few heartbeats until she looked down, Catra was slowly wrapping bandages around her hands and cleaning up the blood. They're perfectly always Adora thought and she managed to make out a few words "You need to sleep," and "You should've talked to me." .
Adora's eyes closed again and Catra took her arms and laid her down gently on the bed, putting the covers over her. She went out of the room quickly and got a rag with hot water in it and went back to the weak blonde. The devil moved some loose strands of hair away from Adora's face and placed the folded rag across her forehead, the brunette sighed and watched as Adora doze off peacefully.

Catra, after a few minutes, climbed into bed with Adora, facing away from her. She took her anger out on the punching bag probably too much, I think Shadow Weaver said something about if Adora's emotions get too out of hand, something bad might happen. I have to keep an eye on her more then. She thought to herself for a moment, she heard Adora groan a little and was startled when Adora wrapped her arms around her waist. She was brought closer and Catra's heart beated right out of her chest, the brunette sighed of relief when she heard a quiet snore from Adora.
I guess I'm stuck here, might as well sleep too. Catra concluded and closed her eyes, relaxing against the blondes soft touch and listened to her slow breathing, and then drifting off to sleep very quickly.

Wow yeah I updated something, cool.


Anyways - if you read my one shots then idk if I'm going to update that soon? We'll just have to see I guess.

This chapter was also kinda short and I apologize for that, I'm just trying to get the creative juices flowing.

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