Chapter 5

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Save Her

Adora's P.O.V

It has been three days since I left Catra, Scorpia, and Entrapta at the hidden bunker. I trusted Scorpia to keep an eye on Catra, it seemed Scorpia didn't really need convincing to "turn good", she was naturally good in the first place which surprises me, since I was raised on the fact that all demons were bad.
Anyway - Catra was giving off some sort of mischievous vibes, so Scorpia offered to hold down the fort until I got back, which was
kind of her. I promised I'd be back tomorrow but, Queen Angella has fallen more and more ill. People wanted me to consult with Light Hope, Mara, and Madam Razz, the ancients. They talk to me and the Queen, and the people want me to ask what's wrong with Angella and how I can fix her.
I was shoved into the room of Grayskull, which holds the power of my ancestors. I sighed and sat at the center of the dimly lit room, the walls had carvings of many prophecies upon them, some fulfilled, and some not. Some were faded, never to be translated because we weren't meant to touch the etched symbols. I crossed my legs and planted my hands on my knees, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, a few minutes passed and I could hear the whispers of our ancestors.

I opened my eyes to a now brightly lit room, and three figures stood before me. First was Light Hope, her taller than the rest, her blue hair was a stand out, along with her emotionless face as if she were a robot. Standing to her right was Mara, the last Fallen Angel before me, she was smaller then Light Hope but taller then Razz. She had a small smile on her face, probably happy to see me. To Light Hope's left was Madam Razz, smaller then the rest, she carried a wooden cane and had a crooked smile on her face. "Greetings Adora." Light Hope spoke, I nodded briefly to her respectfully. "Why have you come to us?" Mara said with more emotion then the taller woman.
"As you probably know already, Queen Angella is very sick, and the kingdom claims I can heal her, surely I can?" I asked with concern, Razz glanced at Mara, her smile turning to a small frown. "Adora dear, you can heal people yes, but your strength to control that power cannot be stable until you fix your conditions"

They told me it was my hip that was holding back most of my power, and it'd probably take awhile for it to heal, they didn't specify how long it'd take. "What am I going to tell Glimmer? That I'm too weak? What'll everyone think?" I panicked, I looked up as Mara giggled a bit.
"It is your decision whether to tell the princess or not, but in the end Angella will join us in the stars" Light Hope deadpanned.
"Besides Adora, your task to help those three devils will bring more struggles then the problems here" Mara spoke, I gasped a little "y-you know about that?..." I muttered. This time it was Razz who laughed, "foolish girl, don't you know we watch over you?"
I bowed my head in shame, "Adora, we want you to continue this work, we see good things coming out of this," Light Hope said in her usual monotone voice. "Thank you, ancient ones, I will come again next full moon to consult with you" I said briefly.
"Bye Adora!!" I heard Mara yell as I closed my eyes.

When I no longer could hear the soft whispering, I opened my eyes, adjusting to the lighting in the room. I stood up and stretched, turning around and opening the door. Nobody but guards stood in the hallway, "thanks you guys," I said and they simply nodded in return. It had turned dark and I quickly snuck away to my room, I have to break the news to Glimmer before Angella dies...or she'll blame me for not trying
I slid off my red jacket and white t-shirt, leaving me in a bra so I could cool down after that session with the spirits. I grabbed the elastic holding my hair up and pulled it off, letting locks of hair fall down to my shoulders.
I wonder how Scorpia is doing? Is Catra behaving herself? And Entrapta? I swear I think she's building a bomb in her room, but I can't be too sure.
I went back to thinking about Catra, we used to be childhood friends before I had decided to join the angels. She was so mad...we had been best friends and promised to never leave each other's side's. I guess it was never meant to happen, our friendship I mean - Oh whatever. She'll learn to get over it. But...can I?
I remembered the time she would take care of me, and play with me as a kid. Catra promised she'd protect me from anything, even bugs, even if it meant costing her life. Does she remember too? Would she still care for me like that now? Even if we're on different boundaries?

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