Chapter 4

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Catra P.O.V

I fluttered open my eyes and noticed a heat against my face. My vision focused and I was staring right into Adora's clothed back, I realized that I had been spooning her. I blushed madly and released her and squeaked, I covered my mouth and sat up. She was still asleep thank goodness, but not thanks to me..."ACHOO!" I sneezed...
Adora stirred and groaned and I fell to the floor with my face still beet red.
She sat up and her blonde hair fell to her back, "Catra?" She yawned. I didn't respond until she turned and looked at me in surprise "what's wrong?" I averted my gaze from her and shook my head. "I-I uh...had a nightmare...?" That didn't seem to convince her, she frowned and fixed her gaze on me, her icey blue eyes burning into my soul.
"What's the matter Catra?" She muttered, I glanced at her and she was putting her hair back up into a ponytail.

"No-nothing I- I'm just...*sigh* hungry..." I frowned and refused to keep eye contact with her so I got up off the ground and waited by the door, which was locked.
Adora sighed and walked over to the keypad and turned her back to me so I couldn't see the passcode. The door opened and I sped out towards what was supposed to be the kitchen and dug into the fridge. What. The. Hell... Keep it together Catra!! You can't get all caught up in these feelings! They aren't meant for you! I mentally face palmed myself over and over again until I snapped out of it due to a small pale finger tapping my shoulder.
"Uh Catra? You ok?" Entrapta said in her nerdy voice of hers, I shrugged and shut the fridge door and grabbed a pop tart from a box sitting on the small table Adora had found.

Scorpia joined me and Entrapta and they talked, but I kept silent. I was busy fidgeting with my shirt and was thinking about a particular blonde.
"Hey...wildcat?" Scorpia called, using my nickname, I hummed in response but didn't look up. "Is something bothering you?" She asked, I wrinkled my nose and furrowed my eyebrows, "No! I'm fine!" I stammered.
They both went silent and looked at me in shock, I growled and stomped off to my bedroom and closed the door. I punched the wall over and over again until my knuckles were bleeding, I crouched down and groaned.
I. Don't. Like. Her! We're not even friends! And I don't even want to be friends with her! Maybe we were friends as kids but things have changed! She's in BrightMoon now, and she acts like she can do anything she wants! I growled and punched the wall one last time before I felt something wet trickle down my face. I touched my cheek and realized I had been crying, I gasped and furrowed my eyebrows again in disgust.

I need to get outta here before I loose my mind!!

Adora P.O.V

I watched as Catra stomped away to her room and slammed the door, I frowned and looked at Scorpia, who shrugged and continued eating. I sighed and finished up my food and decided to give this trio their space. "I'm going out for a few days, Scorpia call me if something is wrong and find out what's bugging Catra" the large girl saluted and smiled.
I opened the door and stepped out, looked to see if anyone was around and there wasn't, so I closed the door and sprinted off towards BrightMoon. What am I going to tell Bow and Glimmer? They're going to be pissed when I show up... I pushed the thought of it away and approached the front gates. The guards let me in and I walked the rest of the way to the castle.
I breathed in and out slowly before stepping inside, guards looked at me with wide eyes and a person yelled out my arrival which was a bit embarrassing. "Adora!!" I heard Bow squeal and he hugged me very tightly. I hugged back and giggled, he released me as Glimmer cleared her throat.

"Uh heyyyyy Glimmer!..." I said awkwardly, shuffling my feet and smiling. "So? How did a single village take a whole week?" She stammered. Of course that's the first thing she asks...
"You know what Glimmer? Why do you always have to be on my case like this? I hurt my hip, I already told you. And the villagers needed help so I helped them and they wanted me to stay longer! They were so nice I didn't want to let them down!" As loud as that was it was still very convincing.
Glimmer sighed and looked at the ground looking so guilty like. "Sorry. It's's been sick...and I can't handle all this stress without you"
Sick? How sick? I embraced Glimmer tightly and smiled.
"I'm here with you till the end guys" Bow joined in on the hug and we stood there for several seconds until Glimmers decided that was a long hug and broke apart.

We ate together in the dining hall and chatted, I was glad we didn't talk about me running off since I wasn't very good at lying apparently. But what we did talk about was that the Horde had accused us of kidnapping...which was true but my friends didn't know that. I'll tell them someday just not soon, it's too risky with Glimmer dreading her mother's death and the Horde breathing down our necks. I now realized that this plan I have is going to get dangerous, which is fine, but I can't help but think what would happen is the plan didn't work and they escape and tell the Horde what had happened.
I'd be killed for sure, not by the Horde no, but by Glimmer.
I'd would have been exposed for every lie I've pulled, and I can't afford to live with that burden.

So sorry I haven't been posting at all. I just can't think of any good ideas and I've been slacking off.

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