Hey Guys!

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Welp, guess who's back and better than evah?

This is my new book, and it's an ALL 14! Are we excited? I know I am.

Just to preface, though, this is definitely very different from my last book, and that includes Sang as well. I wanted to change her up quite a bit so it didn't feel too much like I was writing the same book. But anyway, I hope you love it.

And just like all my other books, you get a poem!

So, here it is...

"When Darkness Dawns"

Light has never been my friend.
No, it reveals too much.
I'm not able to deceive or blend
If I'm trapped in its blinding clutch.

So that's why I stall my return,
Waiting till the Sun sinks away.
That way my skin won't burn,
Caught in the light of day.

So I bask in the darkness of night.
I've made the shadows my pawns.
Oh, it's truly a heavenly sight
When binds break and darkness dawns.

Love always,

When Darkness DawnsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora