When Two Galaxies Collide

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I squeal loudly as I'm thrown into the pool again, this time by Nathan. Sure, I can't actually see him clearly, but I can still tell it's him by the red hair and his unique musky scent, even over the overwhelming smell of chlorine coming from the pool.

When I come back up, all I hear is the laughter coming from all the guys. Swimming backwards a little, I bump into a body, or more specially, Owen's body. I turn around to face him. Unconsciously, I find myself running my hand up his torso, feeling each and every muscle and indentations of perfection, shivering at the feel of his smooth, wet skin flush against mine. He shivers as well.

In a husky voice so unlike him, he asks, "What do you think you're doing, little girl?" A little breathless noise escapes me at the name, something about it making me feel all tingly and warm.

"S-sorry," I rush out, quick to try and pull my hand away. He stops me. Running one of his own hands down my arm, it soon lands on mine. He grabs it and pushes it back against his washboard abs, causing a deep sound to emit from his throat, as I can see through the blurry lens that covers my eyes, his steely ones are trying to focus on me as well without his glasses.

Then, unable to stop himself before saying it, his next words make me feel as if I'm about to explode from utter embarrassment and warmth and infatuation. "I like the way you feel against me, pretty girl."

And I can't help myself from speaking my thoughts either. "I like it, too."

My other hand finds its way to his arm, slowly gliding up. Up and up and up, till I reach his neck, then his hair. I lace my fingers through it, softly tugging at it, until another perfect, low, sexy sound of approval escapes him. I don't particularly know what inspired me to do so, but I guess it just felt right in the moment. Plus, part of me has been wanting to mess his perfect hair up a bit since I met him.

Spoiler alert, it isn't any less perfect. In fact, somehow, even in its state of disarray, it still manages to look like perfection. I can see it through the haze that is my vision.

A sudden splash of water against my back snaps me out of the daze I hadn't realized I'd fallen into, making my attention dart to the left, where I know it came from. I can tell by the shoulder-length blond hair and cute giggles that it was Luke who splashed me.

And as if nothing just happened, I laugh and splash him back, causing a whole war. All around me, water is flying through the air, booming laughter flying with it. And so my heart grows, like a flower blossoming in the spring, accompanied by the sunlight. Collectively, they're all my sun.

Before I know it, hours have passed and we're all getting out of the mini waterpark they call a pool. I walk over to the beach chair that has my clothes and glasses, picking up the latter and slipping them on my face, finally seeing the world with some semblance of clarity.

Shivering a little, I look down at my clothes and back at the guys, realizing I don't actually have a towel. But that thought soon whizzes away when Corey suddenly appears is in front of me, handing me just the thing I needed.

"Thanks," I give him a smile and take it, blushing a little when he sends me one of his own.

"Anytime, cutie."

Blushing at the new pet name, I shake my hair out, soaking some of the water up with my towel, then lift one leg up to place my foot on the chair so I can dry it off easier, doing the same with my other leg. After that, I run the cloth over the rest of my body, ridding myself of any dripping water. Though, I can't dry myself off completely, as my swimsuit is still soaked.

I look up at Corey to find him staring at me with liquid heat pooling in his cerulean blue eyes. He shakes his head to--I'm assuming--clear his mind.

When Darkness DawnsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz