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Strangely, I feel myself being led to an empty room on the second floor--not the other way around--though I'm the one that actually lives here.

The whole time, I feel their gazes on me like molten hot magma, biting and licking at my skin oh so enticingly. I can almost feel their desires, and God, I've never felt so damn hot--despite all the men that have looked similarly at me. They don't matter right now, and honestly, they never really did.

Before I even realize it, I'm shut and locked in a room with the four single-handedly most ethereal men I've ever seen, but my confidence doesn't waver. I've never felt quite like this before--even when I'm Ghost Bird. I've never felt so completely confident and powerful and wanted in my life, and, oh, do I plan on reveling in it while the feeling lasts.

"So, what was it that you wanted to speak to me about, and with these other men as well?" I turn a slightly arrogant, but mostly curious, smirk Mr. Blackbourne's way. And I light up when I notice that he hasn't taken his eyes off me since we've been in the room. But still, there is no emotion on his face or in his liquid steel eyes.

I plan on changing that.

But even in my state of utter confidence, I still have to stop and wonder how these men know each other. Obviously they must, or else Mr. Blackbourne wouldn't want to speak to me with them in here. I don't let that show on my face though, or, well, at least I try not to. But with these specific men... something tells me they'll be able to pick up any kind of emotion I might have. And to be honest, I'm finding it kind of hard to hide anything around them.

"Sang," Sean starts, startling me a little. And just like I thought, they notice, and Sean gives me a small reassuring smile. My fears melt away and become a thing of the past, as if they were never even there in the first place.

"Um, yes?" is all I respond--not rude, just short.

"I'm not too great at beating around the bush, but I'll try to say this as least bluntly as possible: my brother has informed me of the mark he and Axel found on your arm earlier today."

"Wow, not blunt at all..." I mumble to myself, not quite sure if they heard it. And then my brows knit in confusion. Completely disregarding his previous statement, I ask, "Wait, brother? And who's Axel?"

Mr. Toma makes a noise, something akin to a chuckle he's trying to hide. He's trying to wear a mask; that in itself is quite clear. But... he's just not very good at doing it around me. At least I know I'm not the only one.

"Well, Miss Sang, I'm Axel. My name is Axel
Toma, and Mr. Blackbourne's first name is Owen."

"Axel, Owen..." I taste their names on my tongue and find that I quite like it, not even paying attention to their reactions. But still, my question hasn't been completely answered. "So, are you saying you and Mr. Blackbourne are brothers?" I ask Sean, still feeling strange about saying Owen's name aloud. Just the thought gives me a strange tingling feeling for reasons I can't even begin to fathom.

If they're brothers, then God must work in mysterious ways. Either He really hates mankind enough to make two perfect creatures brothers, or He loves mankind enough to make two perfect creatures brothers. Either way, it still baffles me, as neither of them look related in any sense.

He looks surprised at the question, but I think more so in himself, for whatever reason. "Um, yeah, kind of."

My face contorts even more, my eyebrows furrowed together, my eyes a little squinty, and my bottom lip caught between my teeth. I'm truly puzzled, especially when I hear a couple of chuckles around the room.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look absolutely adorable when you're confused?" Victor asks, making my face level out as a blush rises on my cheeks.

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