Feels Like Falling

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"I'm bored," Brandon whines, as if he isn't an adult, standing there with his arms crossed like a child throwing a tantrum. Sometimes he reminds me too much of Luke when he doesn't get his chocolate.

"Suck that down. No one wants to hear you complain," Raven rolls his eyes. I almost laugh, but manage to reign it in. This is Crow we're talking about. It'll go straight to his head if I laugh at anything he says.

"I think you mean 'suck it up,'" I tell him, giving him a look of mock-annoyance. Truth is, I actually kind of like the guy, but I'd never tell him that.

"Da. Same," he responds simply, literally waving it off like he's swatting at a fly.

I just give him a glare, already fed up with this whole mission. Stand outside this big-as-fuck mansion. Check guests' IDs. Don't let anyone suspicious in. Watch and make sure no strange activity takes place. Brandon's right; this is fucking boring.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" Brandon groans, looking at me, knowing I'd be the one to know the answer and not Crow. I inwardly smirk at the thought.

"Until Mr. B says we're good to leave, or until we see him and Axel leave," I answer, wanting to groan at it myself. Or yell. Yeah, that sounds nice. But I can't, and it pisses me the hell off even more than I already am.

Brandon opens his mouth to no-doubt whine again, when the most beautiful sound I've ever heard floats from the other side of the massive, closed front doors. It's like wind chimes whistling in the mid-summer breeze, birds singing their morning songs, angels whispering sweet nothings into my ear. A blissful curse, drawing me in and threatening to destroy me. I want to yell again.

But this time my shouts will be drenched in liquid hot temptation and a devilish kind of curiosity, leading me to the one with such an ethereal voice. Yet, I don't move from my spot beside these overly large doors. I know I'd risk the entire assignment if I do that; God, my brothers would be so pissed.

"Do you guys hear that?" Ra--Crow asks, looking like his breath has just been stolen. Again, I have to hold in a laugh. This big man--even bigger than my best friend Silas--with tattoos lining his body and an intimidating build, looks enraptured. It truly is a comical sight. But I can't judge. I know I look no different. Though, neither does Brandon, a large man himself--taller than me but not as muscular.

"It sounds like an angel," Brandon says in a breath. "Are you sure we can't take one quick peek?"

For just a moment, I waver, but then ultimately shake my head no and say, "We can't. Axel and Mr. B would be furious."

"Da. West is right. We have to stay here," Crow insists, agreeing with me for maybe the first time ever. I honestly don't know how I feel about it.

"Awe, thanks, Crow. That really touched my heart," I give him a playful wink. He glares at me.

"I'll touch you in a different way, West. But this time it'll be with my fist in your face."

Brandon let's out a laugh. "Bro, you gotta be careful with what you say. At first I thought you were gonna say something completely different."

"Da, da. Whatever." His annoyance really brings out his accent.

"Guys, be quiet. You're giving me a heada--" I'm suddenly cut off by the front doors swinging open and a tiny girl exiting. I can't see her face, but I can see her back. And, fuck, is her back amazing. Her rosy pink dress is sparkly, clinging to her like a second skin, giving display to every single curve. Her back is completely open, her skin showing all the way until just above the curvature of her perfectly round backside, where the fabric meets again and wraps around her ass tightly, then flows down to her feet elegantly.

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