No Ordinary Damsel

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"Damn it, Luke! Just go, please. You and Gabe will get there faster than us, and I know Sang won't notice you following her. This is important. She could be in immense danger." Even though I don't know this girl that North is so desperately shouting about, I know that for whatever reason, she's important to him and the rest of the guys. So I find myself nodding my head, taking a short glance at Gabriel sitting beside me on the couch.

And I say, "Fine, I'll go. But you owe me."

"Oh, I know when you see her, you'll be thanking me. So really, you're the one that owes me."

"Yeah, we'll see about that, shithead."

I hear him let out a near growl on the other end of the line, "Damn it, Lucian. This isn't the time to fucking joke around! Sang Baby is in trouble and we have to help her. Just fucking go already!" And then he hangs up the phone, not giving me the chance to comment on the nickname he's already given this mystery girl. I'm honestly a little jealous. It took him forever to like me. It's taken him less than an hour to practically fall in love with this girl. She must really be special.

"What the fuck was that all about? I heard shouting, so it had to be North, but I couldn't actually understand what the guy was saying," Gabe asks, looking over at me in confusion.

I give him a shrug and answer, "I'll tell you on the way."

"The way to where? And for what?"

"I'll tell you on the way," I repeat. "Now get to the batmobile. There's a damsel in distress that needs our saving. Well, more like stalking, but I guess we'll just have to see what happens when we get there. Now, to the batmobile!" I shout, my finger pointed in the air as I race out of the house and to the vehicle.

I'm just barely able to hear Gabe mumble to himself, "It's just a fucking car, you dweeb." But I don't pay any mind to his antagonism, as I'm too busy on my mission to help the mysterious damsel named Sang.

He follows me out quickly, though a little begrudgingly, and soon we're in the car and on our way to this park. I didn't get much information from North--just where to go and that someone may or may not have someone captive. You know, just a normal day for us Academy folks.

As promised, I explain to Gabriel what I know and he seems quite a bit more worried than before. And not gonna lie, I'm actually quite nervous myself, but I'm just trying to add some levity to this shit. Usually if I'm no longer able to make jokes in a situation, then that's a good sign that it's abundantly serious or awful. I'm not quite too sure about the context of this situation, so some jokes are bound to be made.

Soon, I find myself pulling up to this abandoned park at 11 o'clock at night, hidden by the shadows casted by twilight, and a couple trees as well. In the short distance, I see a car pulling up at about the same time as me--a fucking gorgeous-as-hell black McLaren, almost completely invisible at this time of night.

"Shit, that's a nice car. Since they met her at that fancy ass party, that must be this Sang chick," Gabriel says, sounding almost breathless.

Our breaths are completely stolen from us when she exits the car.

A light from an old, still-working lamppost casts a glow upon her, making the sequence in her dress sparkle like diamonds, her beautiful long blonde hair reflect many different shades, and her face look like something out of heaven. I guess North was right; I'll have to tell him thanks later.

She looks all around her, checking to make sure no one is following. Once she's sure, she makes her way across the old parking lot she's on and to the even older park right next to it. The metal is all rusted--that much I can see in the light of the stars and the few lampposts scattered around the area, glowing orange like fire.

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