A Challenge

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"Are you sure it's not too late to bail?" I groan, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, cub, it's too late to cancel," Sylvia answers, her hands raking through my hair like the most amazing massage. My eyes close on their own accord as I revel in the feeling of the only love I've ever really received, a pleasant sigh leaving my full lips.

Then she ruins it when she announces, "There, sweetheart, all done." My eyes flutter open to look at myself in the mirror that I sit before, and I give her a big smile through the reflection.

"You did amazing, Sylvee, just like always." And it's true. Despite the fact that I hate that all people ever really compliment me on is my appearance, it's still fun to look nice sometimes. My hair is currently styled in long, loose curls down my back, with a couple pieces from the front twisted and pulled to the back, coming together in a loose braid down the center.

My makeup, as per my request, is minimal, with a little bit of concealer, powder, and blush as a base. My eye makeup is minimal as well: light pink shadow, a little eyeliner, and mascara. My lips are colored a deep, matte, pinkish nude, bringing out the natural fullness to them. But, honestly, even that little bit of makeup goes a long way, and I'd even go as far as to call myself beautiful. The pink shadow makes me look soft and feminine along with the blush and lipstick, and the eyeliner and mascara bring out the green in my eyes--a green no one cares enough to notice is a little more sad than it should be.

"Ye look as lovely as ever, my cub, a true princess. But let's make ye look like a queen, shall we." She guides me out of my chair in front of the mirror, and pulls me along playfully out of my bathroom and into my room, giggling all the while. "Now, yer parents said I could pink out yer dress, so I might've went a little overboard. But I can promise ye, ye'll definitely be the most eye-catching belle there."

All I can think to myself is oh no before she instructs me to turn around and wait till she gets back. Then she disappears into my closet and comes back out a minute later, giggling like a schoolgirl once again. I can hear her pulling it out of the plastic it's in before she informs, "Okay, ye can turn around now, cub."

My breath leaves me when my eyes land on the beautiful gown before me. Rose gold and shiny, this dress is form fitting and long-sleeved, which is very convenient to cover up my bruise. It's low-cut down the front and backless.

"Wow," is all I manage to say.

She squeals and practically dances over to me with the dress in her arms. "Let's get ye dressed, babe." I only nod and she does just that, helping me slip it on without ruining it, as it doesn't have a zipper. Then, I put on a pair of heels I already have in my closet. They're nude with about an inch thick band to cover my toes that makes sure my feet don't pop out, with another thin band wrapping around my ankle with a little clasp.

"Oh, my little cub, I never knew ye would grow up into such a gorgeous young woman when I met ye all those years ago. Perhaps that's the only good thing yer father has ever done: make ye. Gosh, I just couldn't be more proud of my brilliant, brave, beautiful cub." She begins to tear up and I rush to hug her, trying my hardest not to cry myself.

"I love you so much, Vee. You've always been like a mother to me, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

This makes her tear up more. And we just stand like that, with her in my arms--now a couple inches shorter than me due to the heels--until she sobers up and backs away. "Oh, what am I doing? I'm gonna soak yer dress with my silly ole tears. And ye, Cinderella, have to get to the ball."

I can't help the roll in my eyes at her joke, but I'm not actually annoyed. With a sigh, I just lean in to give her another hug and a kiss on the cheek before I say, "I love you, Vee." And she leaves with an 'I love you' as well, giving me a comforting smile to wash away the upcoming nerves she knows are about to plague me. It works, like always.

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