3 - Ignored

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"Bet you can't catch me!" Gryll said as Marx chased her around the mall "wait!    Slow down!" Magolor was chasing them, he decided to stop for now and catch some fresh air.

He sits down next to Meta "I already hate this person." Meta said while staring at Gryll running away from Marx, and Kirby also running with them "Hey, Meta" Meta knight turned his attention to the sad Magolor "why do I feel like Marx is... Ignoring me?" Meta tried to get Magolor to calm down, but his reply is all over the place because of the three making much noises. He sighed in frustration "I-..... Okay, maybe he'll talk to you later" "I'll remind him when when I got the chance, thank you Meta." He smiled under his scarf and Meta nodded then said "you're welcome" he feels bad because of his reply to him,  he could've said it better but he's glad Magolor calmed down.

After the whole mall thing, Gryll, Marx, and Kirby had a great time while Magolor and Meta... Not that great. Magolor remembered something, he wanted to say that to Marx! He wanted to tell his feelings, how much he cared for him, and how much he lo- "Mags, I'm gonna go home okay? Bye!" Magolor snapped out of his mind and tried calling him "Marx wait!" He yelled but, for some reason he didn't heard his call. He would've heard that yell but he didn't, why or how did he not heard that. He tried again but was interrupted by Gryll "welp, I'm also gonna go home. Which is riiight up there.." She points at the sky, then suddenly a broom flew right next to her and she hops on the broom. Magolor stayed silent as his eyes followed Gryll, who was flying up to the sky with her magic broom "Toodles!" She said as she flew up. Magolor was really upset, almost like he got stabbed by a lot of needles. He didn't understand how Marx didn't heard him, was he actually ignoring him? What is this? Magolor thought to himself Why do I feel... Hurt? "Baii~!" Kirby said his goodbye to Magolor happily walking and waving at him  with Meta knight beside him, Meta's eyes turned from yellow to grey.. He felt bad for Magolor, he never thought he felt bad for his enemy but he actually feels bad. Magolor watched them walk away, then looked at the sun I guess next time.. Magolor sighed and walked back to his Lor.

Magolor entered his bedroom and grabbed his diary and his pen 'Dear Diary, today was an awful, AWFUL DAY. The plan went terrible because of HER, I just met her and I already hate her. She keeps taking Marx with her and I didn't even got a chance to talk to him, and for some odd reason.. Marx ignored me, how can he ignore his best friend? Yes I know he likes making new friends now but that doesn't mean he can ignore me all the time! And I swear that GRYLL.. And when I tried calling him he just ignores me, does he hates me suddenly? I'm scared, I'm scared he hates me.. I just, really hope he'll talk to me soon. -Magolor' Magolor clicks his pen and closed the book while sighing, "please stop ignoring me, Marx.." He held back his tears, and put his diary back in its secret place and he went to bed.

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