6 - Mistake

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[Warning?: sad stuff gonna happen, my heart feels like its dying from writing this aaAAHH—]

Another day has passed, Marx and Gryll was sitting on that bench.. Again. Talking to each other for a long time creator sighed and actually starting to hate Marx x Gryll because of herself, seriously how the fricc are they not bored- well my fault *ahem* Marx was to focused on Gryll that he didn't noticed who walked passed him slowly... Magolor. I guess he hated me after all.. Magolor thought to himself and just continued to walk, slowly.

•Marx's POV

I wanted to see who went passed me as I'm talking to Gryll but, for some reason I didn't turn around. I just talked to her, I swear I recognize that person but just can't look away from Gryll even though I want to turn away so much. Its like she's controlling me or something because I can't look away "Hey, Marx.." She started, it sounded like the person that walked passed us stopped and I guess decided to listen to us "we've been friends for a long time now and, I just wanted to tell you that I.. I-I love you soo much, Marx!" my eyes widen from this, i didn't expected this.. I feel so bad because I'm going to say no sorry and—

•Gryll's POV•
NO! I can't let all my hard work go to waste, I forced my powers for him to say yes.. Heheh, I guess its a good thing I stole his book "w-well.. I-I—" I tried making Marx say those words but, he's a though one for sure to force to do anything right now, why is he making this difficult for me "I-I.. Love y-you too.. " finally! I did it!

•no ones POV•

Magolor heard the whole thing, he feels like a sword just went through his heart, shattering it into a million pieces and making it impossible to repair his heart. Did he really.. Just said that? Magolor's eyes started to fill with his tears, he tried not to let anyone notice him.. But then, the worst thing happened to Magolor.. At this point he was so done with this, that he snapped. His eyes widened and he started getting angry, his expression changing like the channels switching on TV, he looked back at Gryll and quickly ran towards her, Gryll gasped in surprise and Magolor tackled her down on the ground. Gryll's eyes widened, she didn't expected Magolor to do this "so.." He started and Marx didn't knew what to do he just stared at them, everyone around them started watching. Kirby and BD saw the crowd and decided to investigate what's going on, "sorry, excuse us.." BD said politely to the people in the crowd, when they saw what was happening they gasped, its Magolor! But why is he on the ground with Gryll tackled by him, Magolor started to spit out his words "... You're telling me.. I have tried to tell him a million times for almost two years, and YOU. Who only knew HIM for only months and you're already a COUPLE!?!  oh you little son OF A—" as Magolor tried to punch Gryll, something stopped his hand from trying hurting Gryll. "OH what is it now YOU-" Magolor looked up to see Marx, he let go of Marx's claw and he saw what was happening around him and he realized what he has done, he tuned back to look at Marx ".. Wait, Marx! I can expla-" "no! I don't need any of your excuses!" Magolor was cut of by Marx, Marx didn't seem so happy with Magolor's actions "and I gave you that damn letter for a reason, and what did you do? Oh yeah, of course you wouldn't listen so, you know what!?! We're not friends anymore!" That last line repeated in Magolor's head, everyone watching them was confused and surprised at the same time. Magolor started laughing, everyone got more confused as to why he was laughing, tears started falling from Magolor's face and Marx noticed what he said to Magolor "haha! Oh s-silly Marx! Why would you repeat that even though I already know the answer?..and yeah, you're right..." Magolor got up and started walking away, and before he left the crowd he finished his last line "... We're not friends anymore." Magolor ran away from the crowd, Marx tried calling Magolor but was stopped by Gryll "thank you.. Marxy" Gryll said while hugging Marx, Marx felt terrible I made a mistake, huh?.. Marx started to cry but he held it back, it hurts so bad but he couldn't let anyone see him being a child that cries over everything, "hey Gryll, I.. Gotta go, bYE-" he forced himself out of Gryll's hug and spread his wings out to fly back to his home oh nova, how do I fix this mistake?!? I was such an idiot saying that! His tears falling of from the sky like its gonna rain soon, he decided to come back to dreamland tomorrow and hopefully figure out how to fix this mistake.

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