9 - A letter

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It was a beautiful evening in dreamland, and Gryll was looking for someone. She tried asking everyone if they've seen Marx, but she didn't got lucky because everyone responded with "No, sorry".

Meta Knight was just walking around town to catch some fresh air, when Gryll suddenly spoke to him asking about Marx "Hey, Meta! Have you seen Marx today? I haven't seen him anywhere today!" Gryll was 'worried' for Marx, by her worried expression and the tone in her voice "No, I haven't seen him once today." Meta responded to Gryll, she thought Meta would know but he didn't know as well "Even YOU don't know!?! Oh god, thank you Meta! Toodles!!" Gryll ran off and continued the search, while Meta whispers to himself "what do you think I am, a stalker?" Meta thought of Marx for a moment though, he haven't seen him today which was odd because he was always around town. Especially with his best friend beside him, maybe it's because of what happened yesterday? Meta sighed and said "I'll look around." He spread his cape to reveal his wings, and he flew off somewhere to look for Marx.

...Meanwhile with Marx...

Going through the thick layers of Whispy Woods, he was going to the Lor to apologize to him. He didn't mean to say those words to him, he should've trusted him instead of Her... Then he saw that familiar ship. The colours, the shape, it was the Lor! He finally made it! He quickly rushed to the front of the door, and knocks it with one of his claw wing. Before he could say a word, the door opened for him It's.. Not locked? Marx was confused on why Magolor would keep the door unlocked, he shrugged it off him and went inside hoping to see him and say sorry to him.

"Helloooo?... Mags? I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you-" he walked inside the Lor while trying to call him "-I know I was an idiot for saying.. Those stuff, but please Mags give me... Hmm?" As he walked to the coffee table, he stopped talking and he saw a piece of paper on the coffee table. He grabbed the paper with his wings, as he unfolds the piece of paper he found out it was a letter from Magolor, which says 'Dear Marx, I.. Don't know if this is you Marx, I really hope it's you who's reading this. I guess you're right about what you said, we're not friends anymore huh? And I guess you don't wan't to see my face anymore? I might as well pick up the shatters of my heart and, well.. Say goodbye, forever. You probably won't be there but, if you wan't to say your last goodbye to me then you can meet me in the city, on the tallest building there.. Well, I guess this is my last goodbye to you Marx. I gotta go now, goodbye. Forever. -your "best friend", Magolor'.

"... Goodbye forever?" Marx thought of these two words for a moment or two, until he finally realized what it meant. His eyes widen as he gasp, he dropped the letter to cover up his mouth with his wings. "MAGOLOR!" Marx screamed in terror, he couldn't believe this was happening. He exited the Lor and spread his wings, and flew off high up to the sky. He tried getting to the city as quick as possible, he didn't wan't to say goodbye to him yet, his face hits through the thick layers of the clouds as he flew to the city. He didn't care, he just wanted to stop Magolor for doing this, he tried spotting the tallest building in the city. His eyes squinting like reading a small sentence in a book, he looked and looked until eventually he found it! The tallest building in this town was an abandoned apartment, but he saw him! It's him, on top of the building. But he didn't wan't Magolor to notice him, he flew behind him and landed quietly barely making any sounds. He looked up from the ground turning his attention to Magolor, he saw finally saw him. Everyone at the bottom of the building was panicking while he stood at the edge of the building, what is he gonna do next?..

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