5 - Lonely

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Its been almost two months since Marx and Magolor met Gryll, and Marx usually hang out with Gryll almost everyday, They talk and talk, getting closer and closer each day.

One day, they we're hanging out on that bench talking like they usually do now, then Kirby and Bandana Dee (BD) asked Marx with concerned faces "Marx! Have you seen Magolor? We wanted to help him fix his Lot and also because we rarely see him walking around here now.." BD said while Kirby just said his poyos being unable to speak properly, both really worried for Magolor. They had Marx thinking for a while, then he finally answered "... Actually, where is Magolor?" Marx's face started to slowly turned into a frown, he started to get worried for him, he rarely seen him because he's been focusing to Gryll a lot more "I've heard he's going to the city to buy some supplies for his Lor" Gryll said reasoning why Magolor's not here "how do you know that?" Marx asked, a bit confused by her "from Meta, you know he's a good guy for caring for his friends" Gryll asnwered, and BD and Kirby was really happy to hear this, they get to meet Magolor after a while! "Thank you Gryll!! Don't know where that shop is but, I'll sure we'll find it. Right Kirby?" BD turned to Kirby, who was determined to find Magolor "poyo! ... Thwank..  yow? Thwank yow Gwyll!!" He thanked Gryll happily with that innocent smile before he and BD run to the city "toodles! Good luck! So, what were you talking about again?" She said to Kirby and BD, and turning her anttetion back to Marx.

Magolor's POV•

So dark.. So quiet... So.. Alone... I've been sitting here in the Lor, crying in the dark living room all day and night for the past three weeks. Since I stayed here for so long, my hair grew over my right eye, covering it. And, I just wished he loved me back but I guess he's happy with her now... Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door, it scared me a little and got up from the floor.. I wonder who would be knocking to meet a freak. Before I could open the door, a letter slides from the bottom of the door "a letter?" I said to myself, I opened the letter.. it says 'Dear Magolor, I don't want to be friends anymore. I realized how much of a terrible person you are, I bet you're trying to take over pop star again because "oh no! My ship is broken! If only someone could help me!" And you're probably only using me to fix your ship only to be betrayed, I've already handled enough for my whole life but I can't handle another one so, we're no longer "best friends" actually we're no longer friends anymore and I don't want to see that face roaming around near me again! -Marx'... I mean, what was I expecting? A love letter?! "Hahahahah! Ridiculous!" I tried holding back my tears after reading the letter, but I just.. Couldn't help myself to stop. Tears started to drop on the floor, I couldn't even stand anymore, I fell down on the cold hard floor, covering my eyes with my hands sobbing and crying my eyes out "I knew you wouldn't... Why would you even like me as a friend in the first place?" I forced myself to smile while tears was still falling from my face, I guess that means he doesn't love me..

•no ones POV

BD and Kirby searched everywhere around the city, even asking strangers in there to see if they saw him but they all said "no, sorry I haven't seen this person" BD and Kirby decided to look somewhere because they thought Magolor had already went home..................  "WAIT KIRBY! That's it! He's in his Lor! Why in the nova didn't we look there first!?!" BD felt stupid for not looking there first, but they were to late because the sun had already fell down "poyo! Sun!" Kirby said to BD and they looked at the direction of the sun "... AGH!! we'll continue this tomorrow!! I can't believe I didn't thought to check in the Lor!!" "Poy.." Kirby tried calming BD down from his anger-ness, he let out a sigh "alright, we'll continue this tomorrow, okay kirby?" "Poyo!" Kirby and BD gave each other a small chuckle, and they went home I really hope he's okay though.. BD said before leaving the city to the small town they live in.

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