8 - Talk

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Kirby and BD was looking for Marx, they've heard and saw about yesterday and they wanna help Marx and of course.. Magolor.

They've searched everywhere for Marx, from the town to the city. He's not even on that bench where he usually sits with Gryll, they're thinking of where Marx could be.. while eating their ice cream that they bought from the ice cream man, I wonder where he could be, maybe the..no we already went there  BD, thinking where to look next while eating his vanilla ice cream. Then suddenly, Kirby just thought of a place where Marx would be and that was the tree! The tree where Marx and Magolor had their long talks and where they would usually hang out back then "pOYO!" Kirby's scream made BD jumped and he almost dropped his ice cream "what is.. Wait, DID YOU JUST THOUGHT OF A PLACE WHERE MARX COULD BE!?!" Kirby nodded with confidence, there's no way he's not there! "Well, no time to waste!.. You can have my ice cream, I'm full" BD said with confidence as well, while Kirby sucks both BD's and his ice cream and showed BD the way after swallowing both of the ice cream, he ran leading the way while poyo-ing.

Kirby reached to the place with BD behind him, both panting and tired from running so much. Kirby looked up at the tree and, he could see that familiar jester hat along with two rice balls at each end of its hat.. It was Marx! Kirby's eyes widened as he finally found Marx who was sitting under that tree, BD looked up and had the same reaction as Kirby "MARX!" the both of them called him, which made Marx jumped a little in surprise "A-ah, its you guys.. Hehe..." Marx looked away from them after saying that, he looks really upset probably because of what happened yesterday. Kirby and BD walked up the hills to the tree, they sat beside Marx while he looks a bit confused why they're sitting next to him, then BD said "hey Marx... Let's, talk about yesterday.."

"Well, you see... I have uh, h-how do I put this..." Marx paused then continued "I have a... A c-crush.. On him. And, I don't know why I started falling for Gryll, and that part where she told me her feelings about me.. I was about to say 'no' but my stupid brain said 'yes' instead... That's probably why the whole thing started and I was to much of an idiot that there was Magolor right behind me!.. I don't know what happened to him and aGH!! Why did my mouth slipped!" His eyes started filling with tears, and they started falling down his face "I just... I'm and idiot for saying those things to him, I wish I could just reverse this whole thing.." Marx was crying while saying those words, tears falling down his face. He feels like he was the saddest little puff in the world, Kirby and BD tried their best to calm him down from his sobbing "I'm sorry Marx, I really hope things get better for you and Magolor... Maybe you can try talking to him later because, I don't think he can handle so much after yesterday.." BD tried to give advice to Marx and hoping it would help him and also would help him calm down, he calmed down a bit thankfully ".. Okay, I will try to talk to him at evening... I know its late but I need a break too.." He smiled at BD and Kirby, thanking them.. Kirby was hugging Marx because he felt so bad for him "... Also, have you both seen my book for magic and spells and other magic-ish stuff, its called 'Magics'.. Have you seen it?" Marx asked them both, Kirby remembered something. He remembered Gryll holding that book while she was going home which was also called 'Magics' "poyo, book.. Gryll!" Kirby tried speaking his english which wasn't the best, he was trying to say that Gryll has the book "I think he's trying to say that Gryll has your book, Marx" BD said, to get Marx to understand better of what Kirby was trying to say. Marx thought of this for a while, until realizing that there was a magic trick in there where you can "control" people and.. Is that why he felt so much pain when he accidentally said yes? It did said that "it can also cause pain to the victim when trying to control the victim" he sat there in sinlece, he couldn't believe this.. It was Gryll who caused these problems, its why Magolor thinks he's such a jerk, all of this because of Gryll "Marx?" BD spoke up to Marx "o-oh, yes I'm fine!" He forced a smile on his face, BD spoke to Marx "We're sorry for what happened to you and Magolor but we hope things go well for you and Magolor.."

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