10 - I love you

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Everyone at the bottom of the building was panicking while he stood at the edge of the building, Marx stood there behind him.

Marx tried calling him but he stopped when Magolor started talking "Marx.." He started, Marx stayed silent and listened to Magolor as he continued ".. I know you can't hear me but, I just wan't to let you know that.. I love you, Marx." Marx covered his mouth with his wings so Magolor couldn't hear a thing, his eyes started getting teary again "I love you, so much... But, I just wish you would loved back. And I understand if you don't feel the same way, I understand if you're mad at me for making that whole scene.. And her, I understand if you like her and I.. I will always love you even if you won't love me back, and goodbye..." He spread out his hands and closed his eyes and the soft winds hitting his face, everyone bellow couldn't see Magolor clearly but they're able to see what he was about to do since someone saw him. The police, the ambulance or anyone haven't come there because the location is so far away, from the nearest help "... Forever".

Magolor let his body go and letting him fall down, so many memories flooding through his head, the good and the bad ones "Magolor!" He heard a faint voice echoing and calling his name, he thought it was from his head until he heard it again "MAGOLOR!" He heard that call...  it sounded real, he opened his eyes to see.. "Marx!?" Magolor was surprised, confused, and happy? He didnt knew how to feel. He saw the most unexpected thing that could ever happened to him, he didn't thought he would come for him.. But why? Why would he come to see this 'freak' again? Marx holds Magolor's hands with his wings, Marx didn't care if people could see his wings all he wanted to do is to talk to him, Magolor looked up at Marx and he with his watery eyes spoke to Magolor. "Maggie! Look I'm sorry! I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for saying those stuff to you, and I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you! I never had the same feelings as Gryll, it was because of her! She force me to say those three words, and now.. I wanted to say that, I'm sorry and I-I.. I love you Mags!" Marx felt guilty, he was sobbing uncontrollably.

His tears falling up as they're falling to the opposite direction, Magolor look at the mess she has left for Marx and him to clean up "Marx-" "I know you hate me! Just say it!" Marx didn't expect anything good to come out of Magolor's mouth, but.. "Marx, I.. Don't hate you... I, feel the same way actually." Marx stared at him with complete shock and silence, why? "Do you really feel the same way?" Marx asked Magolor, he couldn't believe the words that got out of Magolor's mouth, Magolor smiled and answered "Of course! Why wouldn't i?" They both have a short moment where they stared at each others eyes and smiled, it was a sweet and warm moment but it didn't last long as Marx realized the situation they're in, ".. Alright Marx, time to lift us up!" Magolor said with confidence, but he quickly looked confused on why Marx was crying again "... Marx?-" "Maggie, my powers.. It ran out! I didn't thought of this.. Wait, are we-!?"

Marx looked at him and looked away, he knew that without his powers.. Both of them will have to sleep forever. Marx started to cry again, I'm so sorry Magolor.. I couldn't save you, I.. I don't wanna die yet! I- "no.." Marx snapped out and looked at Magolor, "Marx, I'm not going to make this a bad end for neither of us.." Magolor has suddenly got an idea, was this hope? It's better than nothing.. Magolor thought then he looked at Marx and hugged him tightly around his body trying to keep him safe "I'm not going to let you die! Even if that means risking my life for you!" Marx looked up at him and smiled, but yet he felt bad.. He doesn't like being selfish, especially to him. Magolor tried reaching his hand to the building and letting his hand burn, Magolor let out a scream from the pain and tried holding back the painful feeling, as they fall down with great speed. Marx couldn't stand to watch him, he covered his face and just pray to Nova that everything will be alright. Magolor saw that they we're getting near the ground, he could see it clearly. Now's my chance, to save him.. For him... He got as much force as he can and he pushed with all of his force he collected, forcing his body to be pushed to the left which was the street. He had a rough landing but he didn't care if he got hurt, he was happy that he could save him. Marx opened his eyes and realized he was on top of Magolor, he quickly got off and shakes Magolor's body while yelling his name repeatedly, the people surrounding them including Kirby, BD, Meta Knight, and the rest of their friends watches Marx cries, they couldn't do anything about it.. He was already asleep. The ambulance and the cops arrived to see that they we're to late, they had a moment of silence while hearing the cries of Marx from loosing his.. Loved one. It was over, the EMT's and Paramedics tried to get Magolor's body from the huge crowd surrounding Marx and Magolor, Marx has lost all hopes.. It's over Isn't it?.. I guess I'll have to say goodbye...

Suddenly, Marx felt slight movements like twitching! Marx looked at the twitching body and heard a groan, his eyes slowly opened.. Marx couldn't believe it, he's alive!! "M-MAGOLOR!!" he immediately hugged Magolor tightly like how he hugged him tightly, Magolor looked at Marx and hugged him back while the both of them laughed full of joy and happiness. Everyone around them was also happy for them, then Marx felt something on his cheek. He looked at Magolor while Magolor's left hand is pulling his scarf down, revealing his warm smile. Marx felt cheek warmed up and turning pink "M-Mags!" Marx pushed Magolor playfully, both of them was safe from the fall! And from the crowd he can hear a "poyo!!" And their other friends calling their name, eventually they had a group hug that lasted for a while before everyone let's go... But, something else can be heard from the crowd..

A scream from the crowd can be heard, the screaming was revealed to be Gryll holding a knife. She was ran towards Magolor and tried killing him, but something grabbed her hand from behind and forcing her to stop. She turned around to see the police saying "ma'am, you're under arrest for trying to murder someone." She dropped her knife and was dragged away from Magolor, she tried escaping but to no use. Before going in the back of the police car, she saw Marx giving her a bitter look before she was put behind bars.

"Do you like your new hair cut sir?" The little barber waddle dee asked Magolor "Oh man! He's going to love this! And yes, I love it" he answered 'barber dee' and he hand over some gem apples to him. Magolor got up and head his way to the waiting room, he peeked in the waiting room to see Marx sitting and patiently waiting for him. Magolor came out excited to show him his new haircut "Marx lookie! Do you like it?.. And sorry for the long wait" Marx looked at him with his eyes sparkling upon seeing Magolor's new look while a sweet little smile appeared on his face "Maggie, I love it! It was worth the wait" the both of them giggled as they make their way out of the barbershop, as they walked out Magolor suddenly spoke "you know Marx, I'm really glad you're here by my side.." Marx's face turned to a light shade of pink, even if they're together he's still flattered by his words "o-oh, yea I'm.. Glad you're here too Mags" "So... What or where do you want to hang out now?" Magolor asked him, since he ran out of ideas. Marx looked back at Magolor and said ".. I think I'll... I think I'll hang out with you for the rest of today.." Magolor paused for a moment before his face had a warm little smile, he gave him a soft chuckle before saying "You know what? I agree, that sounds wonderful.."

!~•The End•~!

Hey! This is the creator! I just want to say thank you so much for the amount of support you all gave me, it seriously means a lot and like holy fricc yALL GAVE ME LIKE, 1K+ READS.. VIEWS IDK WHAT ITS CALLED BUT TYSM!!-
Also I have two alternative endings that came to my mind while making this (we'll call alternative ending Æ aight?(oh yeah both of them are kinda bad endings-)) So if you want me to make those two endings then let me know! Maybe I'll make them! Also if some of you are left confused then feel free to ask me questions! I will answer them as much as I can! Again tysm for your love and I'll uh.. I guess I'll drink some marxolor juice after this ok bye ly weewoo- 💙💜💙💜

I wish you loved me back | MarxolorWhere stories live. Discover now