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Lauren's pov

Camila's out of hospital and has been for a few weeks, her belly had gotten bigger and I've been planing something big.

Right now we're sat on a bench watching the sun set, she has my jacket wrapped around her and I get off the bench and on one knee, I say a speech that had her in tears.

"Will you marry me?" I ask, she nods and I get up and lean down kissing her,'I slip the diamond ring on and take her hand helping her up.

We go home and 'celebrate' carefully, we are now cuddled up and she kisses my cheek. I smile and she smiles wide, she kisses me and I giggle kissing her back.

"When are we going to tell everyone?" She asked, I shrug

"When do you want to?" I ask, she bites her lip

"Can we get everyone together for dinner then tell them?" She asked, I nod and run my hand through her hair.

"Yeh sure, when?" I ask, she shrugs and cuddles me way more, I giggle and kiss her cheek.

"I don't know, just I need to sleep" she said, I giggle and nod

"Aww did I wear you out?" I say, she rolls her eyes slapping me lightly

"Shut up, I might be pregnant but I can still kick your ass" she said, I giggle and kiss her lightly

"Go to sleep then babe" I say, she nods and falls asleep after a while I get her off me and go clean the house, I know she'll be awake soon so I start to cook some food.

It's hate but it's love-Camren Where stories live. Discover now