Alliances: 3

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Things were not going well. Xanatos was springing from place to place, firing his blaster and occasionally smacking someone with a metalic arm. No matter how many he knocked out of the way though, more would swarm around him. He knew he was soon to be overwhelmed.

The Gargoyles, he could see, were not fairing much better. The little one had already been subdued. He was on his knees with three men around him, weapons pointed. Xanatos pivoted, knocking an oncoming assailent to the ground. He did so just in time to see the Elder have his sword stripped from his hand and the butt end of a rifle planted on his face. He fell backward and was quickly surrounded.

Just as Xanatos was about to spring to the other's aid an explosion detonated beside him. He was hurled onto his side, landing hard. He was dazed and for a few seconds, everything seemed far away. When his focus returned, he found that everything had calmed. The sounds of shouting and weapon's fire had ceased. Instead, he saw only a wall of people pointing heavy weapons at him. He stood slowly. His helmet was feeding him information on how many assailents were in front, how many to the side, and how many behind. He knew everything he needed to know about his situation. what he didn't know was whether Goliath and Demona had had enough time. If he set the escape too soon, there was a risk that they'd be seen as they departed from the cliffs.

Just as he was getting ready to make a decision, a red warning sign flashed on the upper left side of his visual. It was an indicator that an airial vehicle had been detected. It was a helicopter, approaching from the cliffs. No one moved as it neared, hovered, and then landed a few dozen yards away. The side slid open and out stepped Goliath and Demona. When they stepped down, a half dozen men were revealed behind them, holding weapons to their backs. Xanatos sighed in his suit. They'd been caught.

The blades to the chopper shut down and began slowly coming to a halt. As they did, the forward door opened and a tall man with black hair stepped out. He walked directly to Xanatos, looking the red mechanical suit up and down. Then he spoke, clearly and directly.

"As you can see, we've subdued your monsters. Your monster suit won't protect you either."

Xanatos said nothing. He wanted to know something, and he knew to wait for it. The man looked at him patiently, then spoke.

"We have the object," the man said. Xanatos frowned behind his helmet. "That leaves only the question of how to handle all of you. I've been given wide latitude here. You, Mr. Xanatos, are not to be harmed. Also, at least one of these creatures is to be brought back alive. We'll want to learn what we can about your bio-technology. The rest can be destroyed if I deem it best. The question is, is that best? It's up to you—come quietly, and you won't be harmed. Struggle, and we'll be forced to make it easier on ourselves." He reached a finger in the air and made a circular motion, indicating it was time for his men to round everyone up. Xanatos did not say a word.

"Up, you filthy thing!" Someone yelled over by the Elder. There was a slight commotion. Someone tugged on the Elder's arm, dragging him to his feet. The rough handling incensed Goliath. His eyes flashed a hot white and he lunged forward. Two of the men sprang forward and grabbed his arms. The struggle was beginning to get out of hand and the sudden comotion was on the verge of setting a wider tumolt into motion when, with a loud mechanical clack two small doors snapped open on each of Xanatos shoulders. The clack drew everyone's attention and, just as quickly as Goliath's struggle had threatened to lead to chaos, there was an instant freezing of all motion in the group. In the brief silence, a buzzing sound emanated from the open shoulder hatches and a half dozen, large caliber red tips appeared on each side of Xanatos' head. Under his helmet, Xanatos smiled, then blinked his eyes twice in quick succession.

All twelve rockets fired. They were programmed to the targets Xanatos had set earlier in the battle. Everyone followed their rapid ascent upward. For about four seconds, they made straight lines away from the scene. Then they made a tight turn and came hurtling back towards the group. Panic set in, but it was too late. As men began running and jumping in complete chaos, the rockets peppered the ground with explosions. People were thrown about. Bursts of fire turned to clouds of dust and smoke. Xanatos, thanks to his digital display, was able to see through it all. First, he sprang towards the Elder and pulled him to his feet. Then he dragged him to where Demona and Goliath were, crouching with their wings pulled as shields over their heads.

"Hurry!" he yelled. "We've got to get the Gate!"

He turned to where the man who'd been speaking to him last was, but he was not there. Xanatos thought the man had been knocked down pretty hard, but he'd apparently been wrong. His display quickly highlighted the tracks that lead towards the helicopter. As his gaze landed on the machine, he heard the blades kick on in preparation for take-off.

"We've got to stop him!" He yelled.

He, Demona, the Elder and Goliath sprang into action. They headed towards the chopper but before they'd taken many steps, the side door slid open, revealing three men who immediately opened fire. Xanatos and his companions were forced to scatter sideways out of the line of fire. It was a long enough delay to allow the helicopter to leave the ground and set off.

Xanatos' instinct was to follow with his rocket propulsion, but just as he was about to, a green light flickered in his right peripheral vision. It indicated that his plane, with Owen, was near and about to land. It had been arranged that, should the team be overwhelmed, which he had fully expected, Owen would wait for the mini-rocket barrage Xanatos had just unleashed and then fly in immediately for extraction. Xanatos knew that the window of escape would be razor thin—essentially, they had until the smoke and dust cleared to make their retreat. He had not intended needing to chase after the Phoenix Gate. This plan had failed. If he wanted to escape, he would have to let the Gate go, for now. At least, he comforted himself, they would not know how to use it. He could let them go and get it back later. He knew he could find a way, he always did.

"Leave it," he yelled.

The others looked at him and hesitated. Goliath was never one to leave a mission in defeat, but as the smoke and dust was beginning to clear he saw the little Gargoyle on the ground. His instinct to save him was more powerful than his instinct to complete the mission. He turned on his heels and set out to gather his clan. A few minutes later, they all managed to hobble past Owen and onto the plane. Their retreat was not hindered by the Cyberbiotics team. They had lost interest in this battle, which had reached proportions that they were not prepared, nor paid for.

Once in the air, Demona approached Xanatos threateningly. "You let them escape with the Gate!" She cried, flashing red in her eyes.

Xanatos slowly removed his helmet, then walked to the side of the cargo bay and set it on one of the seats. "Yes," he finally said. "For the moment." He turned. "I'm not worried," he said. "This is why I have you."

GARGOYLES: Re-AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now