Reconnaissance: 3

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The night was wearing on. Both Goliath and the Elder had not spoken, partly because Goliath was quiet by nature and the Elder was not the pushy type, and partly because the non-stop city beneath held them both captivated. The horseless wagons that moved with such speed never seemed to stop. The people walking along the sides of the buildings flowed nearly without end. The comings and the goings of the police officers they were watching was nearly as ceaseless. They watched, mesmerized. Finally though, the Elder was moved to speak.

"Never have I laid eyes on so much bustle," he said. "But laddie, we've been watchin' for quite some time and no sign of the lassie. Maybe she's not coming?"

Goliath groaned, that half thinking, half worrying low growl of his. "There are far more of them than I suspected. This may take time, more time than we have."

"Aye, time is not on our side," the Elder said. "Tell me, this plan of yours, how long do ya suppose it can wait?"

"It can't," Goliath said.

"So I thought," the Elder replied. "Stay here my boy, and let an old Gargoyle make himself useful."

He rose, leapt onto the edge of the building and then off. Goliath, taken by surprise, gave half a grab to restrain his companion but was too late. Before he could mobilize, the Elder was already across to the other side and had disappeared in the alley next to the building. Goliath watched him drop down into the shadows next to a row of motorcycles. He did not know what he was doing, but at least he was out of sight.

After a few minutes, someone came out the door, down the steps, and swung around the corner into the alley where the Elder had disappeared. Goliath watched, rather concerned, as just in the moment that the person was about to swing a leg over a bike, he was yanked from behind and into the shadow. Goliath stood up halfway. His eyes were wide and he clutched the top of the wall. He squeezed so hard that his talons dug into the top, breaking the mortar and sending some small pieces over the side and down onto the street. When he noticed, he ducked back quickly behind the wall, hoping no one on the street below had noticed. After a few seconds, he slowly raised his head over the wall and looked down to where his companion was. He could just make out the person he had grabbed.

The Elder was clutching his target on both shoulders, holding him about three inches off the ground. The stunned officer was dangling, kicking his feet and attempting to turn, but he was held fast and unable to turn his head far enough to see who had him.

"Easy there, lad," came the voice from behind him. "I'll not do ya any harm, as long as you keep your eyes ahead and don't cause me trouble. I've a question or two for ya, that's all."

"Who are you?!" The officer protested. "I'm a New York City Police Officer! You're committing a felony!"

The Elder squeezed his hands with a quick, sharp pump, the strength of which startled the officer into silence.

"Well, officer," the Elder said. "I haven't a clue what a felony is, but if it involves tearing both your arms from the sockets, I just may be makin' such a commitment if you don't keep yourself quiet."

The officer calmed himself. "What do you want?" He asked.

"Just a little information," the Elder replied. "Ya see, I've a friend whose taken a keen interest in one of your lassies. A dark haired, dark eyed maiden with quite the spirit in her."

"A maiden? You mean one of the female officers?"

"Aye," came the reply.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to tell you anything about a fellow officer. This is the NYPD, we don't toss each other to the wolves."

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