Uh, About The Hat...

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(This story will be quite short)

My dad had this Yamaha bucket hat. It was his favorite hat and he let me wear it when I forgot my hat (yay!). Dad had brought the ha when he went to a world championship motorbike racing MotoGP. It was Yamaha blue and had their logo and other things on it.

One day I lost my school hat in primary school (No Hat No Play if you remember) and the next day I asked my dad if I could borrow his MotoGP hat for school until I get min back. He said yes, but under one condition, to bring it back and not lose it.  Guess what I did. Just guess.

I moved away from that school because I was being a crap and getting bad grades (also there were punch ups too).

That's right, I lost It. And the guilt is still with me now.

Edit- we never found that hat.

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