I Take A Shower In Wood Varnish

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Another silly thing I did, I thought Ide write this down for you guys.

At my school, we get to choose electives as something to learn besides the basic maths, English, science and other things. The second last elective that I chose was woodwork. I loved woodwork and my class had a really good teacher, Thanks, Frazer. After our first project (A stack puzzle thingy) we started on our second and last project for this elective, a small wooden box. I was starting to put my last layer of wood varnish on my box when our teacher called us to pack up.

(Disappointed noises)

I helped pack-up and we headed outside for lunch.

The next day I didn't have woodwork so I asked If I could go to the woodwork class at lunch, they said yes and I headed off to finish my box. I entered the woodwork classroom and made my way to the year 7 cabinet that held all of my classes' projects and supplies. They didn't have any wood varnish that I needed so I looked above the cabinet and found, to my delight, a full jar of dark brown wood varnish. I stretch my arms out to grab the lid. I wrap my fingers around the cold sticky glass and lift the jar off the cabinet top, only for the jar to open and spill its contents onto me, and into my screaming mouth. 


Frazer came over and was all like "Omigosh are you ok?"

"Yeah I think so"

"let's get you cleaned up"

I went home early that day.

Story Time With RubyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora