Ah Yes, Art Rivals

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(Angry noises)

Unless you don't share your art or do art we all have 'em. Art rivals. 

(Angry noises continue)

This is my art rival story. Get ready 'cos' I'm going to dish out some dirty dirt.

There was this girl in year five and six, let's call her Ech, And she was a tracer. (Tracer is art slang for someone who downright compies other artist's work, think getting an iPad, putting a sheet of paper over the screen and tracing a drawing right onto that paper, then calling it your own. In other words, a plagiariser). In her free time, she went and drew from the internet, showing the teachers what "she drew". No one really cared but my judgemental sixth-grade mind was all like 'OI. WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT. YOU CAN'T DO THAT. I WILL STOP YOU.' I asked her out for an art battle, no tech or copying allowed. Guess what! 

I won.

Her drawing was somewhat on the... uh... (sorry I'm trying not to be mean)... 'Bad' side.

We got the winning vote from the class too, just for fairness. And that put an end to that. 

Hah! Sike!

No, it didn't, she kept tracing. Everyone still didn't care that she traced, and complimented her work. (I'm not jealous or overly proud of my art skills, I just didn't want other's work to be stolen). Until Ech did the unthinkable. She copied my drawing of a dragon and handed it to the teachers. She got high grades and some of her friends thought I copied her. They hated my guts. That's when I was all like, "Go ahead, copy other's work, you only do it because you have no real art skill, faker",  I got in trouble for that comment. 

From what my very close friends said to me about this year, Shes bullying Issy and other kids for wearing glasses. 

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