Chapter 9

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*Logan's P.O.V*
I was walking back downstairs, it had been a long day. I found Patton in the living room and walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around him from behind.
"Holy cheese and crackers, you scared me!" Patton gasped as he dropped his book. He looked at me for a moment and I saw a look of sympathy draw across his face, "You tired?" I nodded, "Aw, come cuddle with me then, you don't have to ask." He grabbed my hand and had me sit down with him. He wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped mine around his waist. Patton nuzzled his face into my neck as I laid my head on top of his, only to give him a gentle kiss and eventually fall asleep.
(Okay, I know that Logan and Patton are sleeping a lot when their alone but here's some things about that. Logan is tired from working all the time, and Patton... he's a cinnamon roll that needs sleep so... yeah, deal with it)
*Roman's P.O.V*
Me and Virgil talked for almost another hour after Patton left. I love being with Virgil, I just wish I could cuddle him, but I can't move very much at the moment.
"Roman, are you okay?" His concerned voice asked.
"Yeah, I just... earlier today I could hold you in my arms, but now I can barely move without feeling a raging pain."
"I can't belive how stupid I was! Take on a huge dragon alone, pff, why not?! My stupid brain just thought it would be nice to loose some braincells! Hell, I should just face death face to face if I-"
"Roman!" I went silent as Virgil hugged me with tears in his eyes, "Your not stupid! You fought for the ones you love! You did it from the bravery of your heart!"
I hugged him back lightly, wincing at the pain in my shoulder. I started to tear up too, it hurt me to see Virgil upset.
"Virge, hey." I tried to rub his back without hurting my arm, "Look, I'm sorry, I know I don't always make the best decisions, especially when looking for the right words to say. But anyway, I'm trying to say, I'm sorry. I love you with all my heart and... I'm just mad at myself. That fight could've gone so differently and I didnt even THINK before deciding to leave to fight Deceit. If I-"
"Ro..." Virgil spoke quietly, "Don't be mad at yourself, you did what you knew was right. I just wish I could've gone with you, I love you more than anything. I don't care if you made a dumb desision, it's in the past, I only care that your okay, got it?"
I didn't answer in words, I just nodded as he pulled me in for a kiss. I could honestly care less about my injuries, my only worry is Virgil. I probably scared him more than he scared Patton last halloween. Ha, I love him so much, I'm glad we know how we both feel about each other. I suddenly heard a small yawn from my shoulder.
"Tired?" I asked.
"Kind of," He lightly chuckled, "I usually take a therapy nap after panic attacks, they take too much energy from me. Or, at least the small amount of energy I usually have."
"Come here." I smirked as I tried to pull Virgil onto my bed.
"Wait, I'll go around. Logan has you hooked up to something, I don't wanna mess it up, or hurt you." He told me while getting up. Virgil wrapped his arms around me as I put my arms around his waist. I felt a lot better now... I felt... complete.
Patton's P.O.V*
I yawned as my eyes fluttered open and I picked up my head to see Logan, still asleep. I looked at the clock, "It's eight o'clock?! Well, I stayed up pretty late... the whole thing with Roman gave us quite a scare. Thank god Logan's here to hold us together." I looked back at him, he's so sweet, I just wish I had more time to spend with him. We've had a very eventful couple of months, it's to the point that me and Logie are only alone together for a couple of hours but by then, we don't have a lot of energy left to do much. I heard a groan from beneath me,
"Mornin' sleepyhead." I teased, he smiled that cute little smile. It was almost like Logan was silently telling me that he was okay.
*Logan's P.O.V*
"Mm, let me go back to sleep." I mumbled as I opened my eyes.
"Neverrrr," Patton giggled, "Do you want some coffee?"
"No, I think drinking coffee all the time is my problem."
"That's fair. Do you want some tea, then? I'm about to make some."
"Sure." I responded as he went to the kitchen. "Wait, because of Roman's accident, I didn't get to take Patton to see the stars!" I thought as I went to the kitchen to see Pat. The water was heating up as he was getting some mugs and tea bags.
"You decided to get up?" He joked when he saw me in the doorway.
"Yeah," I paused, "Since we couldn't go see the stars last night, would you like to go tonight instead?"
"Sure," He told me with a smile, "But we should make sure Roman and Virgil will be okay alone."
"Right, I'll check with them after some breakfast." I responded, rubbing my eyes.
Once I finished eating I told Patton I'd be back. I picked up my plate before going upstairs to Romans room. I arrived at his door and knocked. No response. "Oh well, I can tell them later. We won't be gone for long until tonight." I thought as I headed back downstairs to Patton.
"Hey Logie, wanna go for a walk with me?" I heard Patton ask.
"Yay!" I chuckled as Patton got a pen, "I'll just leave a note for the others."

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