Chapter 14

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*Roman's P.O.V (two days after 'the incident' with Deceit)*
I woke up the next morning and looked down to see Virgil, but when I moved to look down, he wasn't there. I quickly sat up and looked around the room. I then saw that the balcony door was slightly opened. Sitting up, I headed towards the door and there he was, listening to music with his blanket wrapped around him. I sat next to him, quickly getting his attention as he snapped his head towards me, taking off his headphones.
"O-oh! Hey Ro." He jumped.
"Hey Virge." I replied, kissing him. "How's your eye?"
"Um, it's... alright I guess." Virgil laid his head on my shoulder and shared the blanket as I wrapped an arm around him.
"What do you mean? Does it still hurt?"
"N-no... my cut does though." He said, holding his cheek. I held his hand with my free one and moved it away, kissing his cheek where the bandage was.
"Is it better now?" I teased.
"Pff, sure." He chuckled, "But one thing didn't change."
"Oh? And what's that?"
"Your still the dorkiest prince I've ever seen." We both laughed, then after a while, we decided to listen to "Dear Evan Hansen." He may be an emo but he still has good taste in theatre. We were toward the end of singing "Only Us" before I got a message from Patton, saying it was important. I opened it and read it aloud to Virgil,
"Family meeting?" He questioned, "Those are usually emergencies. Do you think something's wrong?"
"Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing. Besides, I'll protect you." He smiled at me, giving me a peck on the cheek.
Once we made it downstairs, I saw a slightly worried Patton sitting on the couch. Along with Logan, Remi, and Picani, I guess this really is important. We sat on the couch next to Remi, looking just as confused as us.
"Okay kiddos," Patton started speaking, "I called a family meeting because... well, someone came to say something to us."
"Who? We're all sitting right here." Remi asked.
"Yeah, I'm a little confused too." I said to Remi.
"I'm hoping this isn't what I think it is..." I heard Virgil whisper.
"You'll all be fine. Just don't freak out, alright?" Patton assured us. We shook our heads and said 'yes'. "You can come in now!" He called. I could only think of one thing when I saw who was walking into the living room.
"You've gotta kidding me..."
*Patton's P.O.V*
I was worried when Deceit and Remus were about to walk in but, this is important, it has to be done. As soon as they were in the doorway, Virgil hissed at them. He was trying to squirm out of Roman's grip, he wouldn't let go though. I can already tell that this may not end well. I can only hope...
*Remi's P.O.V*
Oh god, this is one of the worst decisions dad has ever made. That's saying something since he put all the coffee mugs outside once, just to say 'it's muggy outside.' I gave Emile a worried glance, he squeezed my hand and gave me an assuring look. We must've missed something because Virgil started going crazy.
"You think it's a good idea to bring this asshole over here?! What the hell?! He's literally the reason that this happened!" He gestured to the scratch and bruise on his face. Roman held him back again as he attempted to throw himself at Deceit who was hesitating his decisions at this point.
"Hey now, lets all calm down. He's not here to hurt anyone, the opposite actually." Patton said, looking back at Deceit. Virgil opened his mouth to say something but stopped and relaxed a bit into Roman.
"I... I just wanted to a-apologize to all of you for anything that I've done to hurt you. Either mentally, emotionally... or physically," he looked sadly at Virgil, "I d-didn't mean any of it. I don't know why I d-did that in the first place but... I really wanted to apologize and hopefully repair old friendships..." We all stared in shock, wondering if what just happened was real. Remus held Deceits hand and stepped forward a bit.
"I also wanted to apologize... I know I don't really have control over most of the thoughts I give Thomas, but I don't wanna hurt anyone. I guess just having the job that I do just... made me think that was who I am..."
The two looked back up, probably hoping we didn't tear them to shreds. Emile stood up, dragging me behind as we headed toward Dee and Remus. He let go of my hand and immediately hugged them,
"You two did great, I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks," Remus said, "But if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here right now."
A few minutes later, we ended up having some family time so we could open up more. As we kept talking, Virgil slowly adjusted to them. He seemed to still be more close to Remus, but I wouldn't blame him. From what Roman told me, Remus is one of the reasons he came over in time. I kinda liked spending time with everyone though, I almost forgot what it was like to be honest. I'm glad our family came back together.
*Patton's P.O.V*
The others eventually went to do their own things as Deceit and Remus stayed in the living room with me. We all agreed that having the family back together was nice and it felt like our puzzle was almost complete. While we played, I suggested that we should bring the palaces back together, then we'd never be separated. The two stared at me, looking really skeptical. They looked at each other like they were speaking a secret language, then looked back at me.
"A-are you sure, Patton?" Deceit asked.
"Yeah... usually I'd be all for it, but I don't think anyone else is ready for that yet." Remus agreed. I thought for a moment, they had a point, it just broke my heart seeing the family torn to shreds.
"Well... alright. If you change your minds, just call when your ready."
"We will." Dee said, "We should head back though, it's getting a bit late."
"You don't wanna stay for dinner?"
"Nah, it's okay. I think we need to take baby steps for the others to get used to us. We can come over for dinner at another time."
"Okay kiddos. I'll see ya later!" I called as they walked out the door. I then saw Logan coming from the kitchen.
"Hey Pat." He said, sitting down with me.
"What's wrong?" He asked, holding my hand, "Is it about Deceit and Remus?"
I sighed, "How much did you hear?"
"Enough to know that your unhappy."
"I-I...." My mind stopped for a second, "I'm not unhappy. I just-"
"You wanted Deceit and Remus to immediately feel used to us and wanted the others to be immediately used to them."
"M-maybe." He pulled me in for a hug, kissing my head.
"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong. You just miss having us together as a family and when we did for a couple hours, you missed it more."
"I hate it when your right." I joked.
"Well that's too bad for you because 98 percent of the time, I am correct."
"I'm just messing around Logie," I gave him a smile, "But I don't think your right that much. I'd say about 95 percent of the time."
"Oh? What makes you say that?" He chuckled.
"Well, there's just one infinitesimal reason." I giggled.
"You make one mistake, and this is what happens." He looked away embarrassed.
"Aww, I'm just messing with ya, Logie."
"Does that make you happy?"
"Yeah, because it makes you laugh too, most of the time."
"Well, so be it. As long as you're happy, I'm fine."
"Your so sweet." I told him, kissing his cheek. We cuddled on the couch for a while and before I fell asleep I said,
"I'm glad our family is coming back together."
     "Me too, Pat."

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